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S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed


"A great fight you say? against evil? I guess it's alway good to help battle evil!" Then talbin falls silent for a few seconds "And.. a.. would there be any shines to be found over there? Perhaps?" He asks with a sheepish look. "Not that i won't be fighting the evil otherwise. But it would be nice you know, to find some shinies along the way.."

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Manzanita said:
rln: I believe we're waiting for you at this point. How's it going? You have been one of the best players I've ever had the pleasure of DMing, and I hope you can join us here. But in my games, 'I like to move it move it.' So if you don't think you can make a tenative commitment to post at least 4 times/week for most of the next 4 months or so, you should probably pass on this adventure.

My apologies. As I wrote in a private message to Rae, the past few months has been kind of hectic. It is just beginning to wind down a bit. I definitely will be able to post regularly and have added a subscription to this thread which simplifies things for me as I'll get a reminder in my email.

I'll write a starting note in a little while, taking me and Razh into the adventure.


A nondescript halfling exits the tavern and zips away. A minute or so later, two short warriors walk out of the tavern whispering about "lucrative business opportunities" and "risk-profit ratios". The first is Ogrin, a halfling scoundrel; the second is Rasereit Vundinn, a dwarven barbarian, last of his clan. Both are well-known adventurers in Orussus.

"Oi Razh, wait up. I'll need to pick up my stuff on the way to the harbour."

The dwarf stops dead in his tracks. His eyes narrows in a suspicious look. "Did ye say... harbour?"

Exasperated, the halfing continues: "Oh, come on, Razh! We're going north to Västermarch. The best way to get there is by ship. Since the Water dragon is in the harbour, and she's heading north anyway, we should take advantage of it! Besides, the sea breeze'll do ya good."

Both are quiet for a long time, staring at each other. Then the dwarf speaks up.

"I'll be bringing me horse."

Ogrin rolls his eyes. "Fine! But you'll muck the cargo hold clean afterwards. Now let's go. There's only a few hours before the Water dragon is set to launch and I have errands to finish."

The two adventurers continue on their way.

OOC: I have a few things to fix up in my inventory before I leave as I never finished shopping after the last adventure. Shouldn't take long though.

OOC2: Never mind that, done!
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Nodis can help butoverhear the halfling and the dwarf speaking about sailing north. Weren't they at the Inn?

"Hello" says. "I'm Nodis, and I'm looking for passage to the northlands. I happened to overhear you - looks like you have a ship going there. Is there a place for me? I can be useful"


Ogrin pauses and inspects the male human in front of him.

"A ship I have, and space can probably be arranged, though it may be a bit cramped. Useful you say? Can you row a boat? Hoist a sail? I don't see much muscle on you and few calluses on your hands."

OOC: Ogrin is happy to offer a free ride to anyone who can pull their own weight on the trip. Or anyone that's a halfling. Or happens to speak halfling. Or is recommended by Razh, or any other of his friends. Or follows the Mongrel.

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit gives Nodis a lookover, the dwarf's eyes narrowed as he tries to recall this face through the haze... He pinches Nodis' cheeks, slaps his arms, and then closes his eyelids with two thick fingers. "Aha! There he is, Ah knew Ah reckognized ye! This 'ere's Nodis, 'is mind was floatin' in the sky while 'is body was laid out on a table. Ye look a bit scrawny t'be 'elpin' hoist the sails an' whatnot, though." Rasereit shudders at the thought of 'hoisting the sails'. Then he adds two and two together. "Say, that's a nifty trick, that mind's-eye thing. Ah'd say it might do us a lot o' good t'have this bloke aboard!" Rasereit looks overjoyed as he puts his arm around Nodis. The dwarf says quietly, "So... How 'bout usin' that trick on me own head? Ah don' take a likin' t'the sea, but if me head were a bit farther from me stomach, maybe Ah wouldn't..." Rasereit trails off and looks with an expectant smile at Nodis.


Ogrin shrugs. "Mind's eye... meh. Ya're not one of them mind-bendin' wizards, are ya? Ah, well, if Razh here thinks ya're OK, that's good enough for me. Go down portside and tell Captain Wick of the Water Dragon I sent you. It's the only keelboat with a dragon figurehead in the harbour. Ya can't miss it. Be there in two hours, or we'll sail without ya."

Ogrin continues but pauses and turn around after twenty feet or so, yelling back: "And if you bring a horse, you too will help muck the cargo hold!"

OOC: Waiting for Talbin to check in. For simplicity's sake and to move everything forward, he's heard what's been discussed, but wasn't fast enough to catch Ogrin and Razh before they left. Continue what you're doing and we'll all meet up in the harbour.
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rln said:
Ogrin shrugs. "You're not one of them mind-bendin' wizards, are you?"

"Wizard? No, I'm not a wizard, I don't do any of that fancy unnatural stuff." says Nodis. "But I can be useful, you'll see."

"So, two hours, boat with a dragon. Got it."


First Post
B4cchus said:
"A great fight you say? against evil? I guess it's alway good to help battle evil!" Then talbin falls silent for a few seconds "And.. a.. would there be any shines to be found over there? Perhaps?" He asks with a sheepish look. "Not that i won't be fighting the evil otherwise. But it would be nice you know, to find some shinies along the way.."

Volidar ignores Talbin's remark about Shinies.

"Go now, my small friend," says the bard with a smile, ushering him out of the alley. "You are sure to find what you seek. Contact Poto Knezer, a gnome of no small renown who lives in the town of Braeholl in the northern Vastermarch. Give him this. Tell him you want to help. You will come home with many stories to tell. And I will want to hear them. But go now. Time is short. The fastest way is probably to go to the docks and try to get a ride on a swift courier boat."

Talbin realizes that the half-elf has given him a small charm, which could be attached to a necklace or bracelet. It is a dragon head, and made of silver.

"Watch your back!" Volidar shouts after him as he leaves.

Assume you can find the Water Dragon at the docks of Orussus before it leaves.


Somewhat dazzled and confused, Talbin does as the bard says and head for the docks. In the docks he asks around for a boat that will depart for Vastermarch. Soon people start directing him to a ship that will leave quite soon in tht very direction. This leads Talbin to the Watyer dragon. "Ho there!" He shouts as he stands besides the boat "Are you sailing for Vastermarch soon?" Without waiting for answer he continues "I'd like to sail along.. i can pay for my passage!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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