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S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed


"Let's go through the kitchen" whispers Nodis cheerfully. "We'll have to fight some orcs as it seems, but that's unavoidable now, and hopefully we'll avoid attracting more of them. Just give me a moment: be ready to enter at my signal!"

[sblock=ooc] Nodis starts manifesting Astral contruct and pumps 4 extra power points on it, creating thus a 3rd level construct (Improved natural attack and Cleave menu options; he has two options since Nodis has the Boost construct feat, and both are already included in the statblock). Manifesting time is 1 round, mechanically being the same as a 1 round casting time, but since we're not bing threatened right now I don't think that's important. As soon it's created, it'll spearhead the assault (kitchen or around the inn, if the party doesn't agree with Nodis' idea) If we go through the door I'll create the construct as close to the kitchen's door as possible (like summoning spells, the power has a Close range)

[sblock=Construct stats]
Astral construct 3 CR 2
Medium Construct
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Listen +0 Spot +0
Languages none (receive orders from creator mentally as a free action)
AC 20, touch 12, flat footed 18 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural)
HP 36 (3d10HD+20)
Immune: Construct traits
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +1
Speed: 40 (8 squares)
Melee: Slam +7 (1d8+7)
Space: 5 Reach: 5
Base attack: +2 Grapple +7
Attack options: Cleave
Abilities: Str 21 Dex 15 Con -- Int -- Wis 11 Cha 10
Feats: Cleave
Skills: --
Advancement: --
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Talbin exchanges his shortsword for his longspear and nods and Nodis "I'll go around the back and make sure the coast is clear. I'll meet you at the stables" With that he takes a peek out of the front door to see if he can exit without being seen.


Ogrin watches Talbin head towards the main door. "Well, someone needs to watch that halflings back. Might as well be me.

"We'll go around the back. Razh, count to twenty. Unless you've heard some commotion outside, break through the door to the kitchen and we'll come through the other side."

Ogrin starts towards the exit, then pauses and turns around. "On second thought - let Nodis to the counting."

Rae ArdGaoth

As they walk down the stairs, Rasereit turns around waves his hand, swatting at Scar's black crossbow. "Oi, point that thing someplace besides me back, eh?" When they reach the foot, his waraxe and shield are both at the ready.

Rasereit knows he's gotten into some tight spots thanks to his 'bold entrances' before, but he's perfectly happy to accept the role of loud warrior distraction while the others sneak around.

He'll let Nodis do the counting, but not without a wink at Ogrin.


B4cchus said:
"I'll go around the back and make sure the coast is clear. I'll meet you at the stables"

"I don't quite see the point on that. We know the place is full of orcs, and we have to recover the horses if we want to flee. But anyway, it's your call" says Nodis.

He gives the halflings some time before starting to create the construct (as posted previously)


First Post
I need to work on the map here some before I can post again, probably. I'm having a tough time getting the time to tackle this. I might not get a proper post up until Monday. Hopefully earlier, though.


First Post
2:02:06 am. Cool, clear, partial moonlight

Nodis creates his construct next to the open kitchen door. Razh moves towards it. The two halflings move towards the broken down main door which leads out to the street. The two human merchants follow the halflings.

"Head to the hill fort if you value your life." quips the maimed one.

The halflings reach the doorway and look out. The dirt street is dimly lit by the fires that have started in nearby buildings, as well as by the light of the crescent moon. They can't see well, but they do immediately see two orcs walking directly towards them. The orcs carry falchions in their hands, though one keeps only one hand on his weapon. The other hand holds a human ankle. The orc is dragging a screaming woman. They see the halflings as soon as the halflings appear in the doorway.

Meanwhile, Razh and the construct move to look through the doorway to the kitchen. They see two orcs, similarly garbed in studded leather armor, with falchions and a javelin quiver on their backs. These orcs have their hands on food, and flasks of ale, eating and drinking greedily. One notices the figures in the doorway immediately. The other is looking towards the back door, which is closed.

All the orcs are dirty, with long tangled black hair and bad teeth.

Razh <--
Merchant 2 (Sangster)
Merchant 1 (Lothar)

Combat notes [sblock] Please keep track of your own power points, spells, charges, etc. I will track hit points, and roll initiatives. Feel free to make your own rolls for attacks and appropriate skills using Invisible Castle (or whatever). I'll try to put the time in each of my posts, which should help us track spell duration and such. Assume you've all obtained sufficient rest through your days and weeks of travel and peace, so you suffer no fatigue at this point. But it could be a long night...[/sblock]


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Nodis, male human shaper, AC 16, HP 31/31, PP 30/35

Nodis arrives at the kitchen's door and examines the situation. They can't afford the orc to reach the door, or he could raise the alarm. He directs the construct to block the orc's path and attack. The construct does so, swinging its otherwordly fists with unnatural strenght.

[sblock=ooc]Nodis moves inside the kitchen, one square south of the construct, and directs it to move 1 square south of the estern orc. That movement will provoke AoOs from both orcs, if the first one survives Rasereit's attack, but I don't care. There it attacks: attack roll is 14, damage 15

Note to self: Construct duration 1/5

Nodis doesn't manifest more powers.[/sblock]
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Ogrin, AC23, Longsword +7/1D6+3, HP 40/40

Not wasting one second, Ogrin charges the opponent in front of him, hoping to cut into him before he reacts.

[SBLOCK=Attacks etc]
Charging Orc: To hit 16, Damage 7

AC is 21 until next round.[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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