Sailors on the Starless Sea


Narančasta, Siva, Bijela, and Xim

Narančasta holds up his hand his a moment, getting the town's folk's attention.

"The morning passes, as Elderia has pointed out, and we have a way to go before we get to the keep. All those that are going gather up whatever you need and meet back here in an hour."

As the meeting breaks up, Bijela makes his way quickly to Narančasta side, the Urchin's eyes shining with excitement.

"Being a squire is a not an easy job. There is a lot you need to know even before you begin." Narančasta holds up a hand to forestall Bijela's protests. "Which is why before they become Squires, young men serve as Pages. I have a Squire, and a capable one. But I don't have a Page. But you must promise that you will work hard, do as you are ordered, and learn from Alaric. Do we have a agreement?"

Really, the answer is obvious.
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Narančasta, Siva, Bijela, and Xim

Narančasta and his companions are back at the hall with time to spare. It didn't take long to collect what they needed. The didn't need much and what they really needed they couldn't afford. Narančasta considered pawning his ring for the money to buy a shield. But his Gran-ma's spirit would never forgive him. And Gran-ma was a terror even when she was alive.

Xim does purchase five sticks of chalk, one of which she hands to each of them. (The last she puts aside for Alaric for when he returns.) Siva nods in approval. Narančasta looks at the chalk with a bemused expression. "You can write can't you?" asks Xim. She inscribes an X on the wall. "X, for Xim. I was here." Siva steps to the wall and inscribes an S with and arrow. "I was here, and went this way," she says. Xim turns to Bijela who begins to draw a set of devil horns. Xim knocks away his hand and cuffs the Urchin. "Idiot." Xim rubs out the half completed mark and demonstrates a B, before rubbing it out and letting Bijela try. He draws it rotated 90 degrees, like a pair of breasts, earning him another cuff from Xim. "Perhaps I should have shown you C for child. And the keep is no place for children ..." Bijela, rushing out an apology, hastily draws a half decent impression of a B. Narančasta adds an N. "N for Narančasta," he adds for the boy's benefit.

Back at the hall, Xim takes a knife to her cloth, cutting it into two lengths. She then demonstrates to Bejila how to fold it around their items and tie it around his chest. "We can carry the gear, you two will need your hands free for fighting," she says to Narančasta and Siva.

With their preparations complete, the four wait for the rest of their travelling companions.


Alaric nods to Narancasta, and gives a stern look to the newmade Page.

He and the others have returned with a handful of torches, two for each of them; a flint and steel; a 50ft length of rope; a sack; and a flask of oil.

Alaric speaks quietly with Narcasta:

"This village is poor at the best of times, and for now the goods I would want will not be crafted until the morrow, while the rest of the village groans from the darkness that has infected this land. Aside from pulling timbers from the walls, there is little I can think to bring with us. I'll have Dugles carry the goods until we need them."

"Aside from that... We are ready to continue forward."


First Post
Geoffrey, Brom, Roger, and Fendrel enter the church together, having spent their few copper pennies at Gyalu's store.

""We are ready too." says Brom, the others nodding in agreement. "The morning is getting long. If we are to do this in the light of day we should go soon."


Narančasta, Siva, Bijela, and Xim

Narančasta looks around at those gathered. Weeding out the well-wishers and gawkers, he makes it about a dozen, maybe a few more. Narančasta was hoping for a couple more foresters or hunters. Ideally he would have liked a couple out front and one on each side. Oh well, they must make do with what they have.

"Siva, find someone who knows the way, and take the lead. But don't get too far ahead. Say in sight."

"Alaric, perhaps you could bring up the rear. Ensure that we don't lose any stragglers, or get surprised from behind."

"Right then. Its time to go."


Elderia points out a trail heading eastward into the woods near the village. "Follow the trail. It leads all the way to the keep." Mihai intones an invocation of blessing and the group sets off. The villagers of Krivstad, pragmatic as ever, watch briefly then head off to make up for the lost morning's work.

Under the boughs of the forest it is dim and quiet as the creatures of the wood still themselves at the intrusion into their realm. It is easy to see why the villagers find the forest ominous and threatening even for one experienced in woodcraft as Siva is. Despite the trail, the going is rough and by the time the group pushes through the last of the forest's overhanging limbs the sun is directly overhead.

Before you is the keep. It squats at the top of a low, craggy hill, its walls of toppled stone and massive granite blocks hinting at forgotten battles and the clash of mighty armies. Now the ruins seem host only to creeping vines and the foul miasma that drifts down from the keep. Fat flies bite at you incessantly, and clouds of small black insects choke your every breath. The long-abandoned land is choked with thorny vines that have even taken hold on the ruined walls.

A sight gives you pause: the ragged banner spotted in distant Krivstad high atop the ruined walls unfurls in a momentary breeze revealing a crimson skull worked upon its black field.

The trail, now overgrown with weeds and sickly vines, continues eastward along the south side of the keep before disappearing around the hill and presumably to the causeway that leads up and into the keep. The west wall of the keep, near to where you came out of the forest, has collapsed spilling cyclopean stone blocks down the rocky slope. The blocks are precariously balanced atop one another, like a titan's game of dice.


Narančasta, Siva, Bijela, and Xim

Narančasta brings the group to a halt before they all tumble out of the forest and into view of the keep. The black banner with its crimson skull is not known to him, but its presence at the top of the keep is ominous.

"There seem to be two ways into the keep," says Siva who having pushed ahead a little is now returned to the group. Up the path to the main gates, and up the giant stone blocks through the gap in the western wall. The path to gate looks overgrown and the hole in the wall the easiest way in. But those stones don't look so stable. I could scout out the path if you want?"

Narančasta agrees with Siva. Neither option looks appealing. He turns to the rest. "Does anyone have any thoughts?"


Alaric thinks before speaking. "I would like to see the other entrance before judging. Those stone blocks look haphazardly placed, and should one fall it would undoubtedly whoever of our number is still climbing. We don't know if the other route is less stable, perhaps it would be better to have a look?"

Deuce Traveler

Tender Woodfingers was a bit sore from carrying the cut wood he had brought just in case they needed to make either a rough sort of shelter or a fire to keep the group warm at night. So he was glad for the respite, and not looking to make the journey any more complicated. "I say we go right up to the main gates. No need to go sneaking around like the foul being that's been snatching our townsfolk up at night."

Boral Furren mumbled under his breath, "I'd probably twist an ankle trying to climb around some of those stones. I don't even know how I got roped into this." He urges his cow, Betsy, forward and says, "I'm for checking the main gates, too. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and find that this is all just one big misunderstanding and all our old acquaintances are in the main lobby relaxing over an extended picnic."

The squire named Happy Lordlinker disagreed. "We can all dream, but eventually we'll have to face facts. Those responsible for the disappearances likely do not mean us well, and so we shouldn't take any chances with the direct approach. Let's see if we can sneak through from the side and try to flank our foes."

It was Kurl Sparkhaven who outvoted Happy. "I doubt our companions could manage their way safely through some of those rocks in case we ran into an ambush. And the sooner we are done with our business, the sooner this structures secrets will be mine .... errrr... ours to take. I say let's brave the main gates."


A few yards further down the track curves around so the south side of the keep can be fully seen. The track winds up the hill to the gatehouse at the southwest corner of the keep. Half the way up the trail to the gatehouse a pair of bodies have been bound to poles by long ropey vines. Betsy moos and one of the bodies twitches and raises its head and looks down the hill towards the group. It is still too far to see who the unfortunate is.

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