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D&D 5E Sample adventure to test 5E in high level (15th) play. Any takers?

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Last to enter the circle is Ellina, a young halfling woman standing just under a meter (3'3") tall. She hefts the pack containing her adventuring gear, mentally congratulating herself for having had the foresight to keep it stashed nearby in case of trouble. She just has to hope there would be time to change into her armor before things really got started, as the slinky, deep-green silk dress she is wearing isn't the best choice for combat, even if it does complement her eyes.
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OK; it seems as if everyone heads to the circle.

After entering the circle, with a dizzying pop you all disappear from the audience chamber, and then appear in a strange windowless room, circular in shape, with a domed roof and roughly 120' across in diameter. The walls are a windowless, black stone. Stairs in the far corner lead down, and the walls are lined with bookcases containing leather-bound tomes.

Inside the room, suspended from the center of the ceiling is a strange contraption of orbs and discs roughly 60' across; a brass orrery. It is in motion, spinning about itself on multiple angles.

The orbs (and the discs) of the orrery have writing on them in a script none of you understand, and each also contains a crystal, each crystal a different color from the rest. One of the orbs, one with an olive green crystal, oscillates strangely.

A table is laid out under the orrery; on it is neatly laid out all of your adventuring gear.

In front of the table stands an impossibly handsome youth, dressed in white robes that leave one shoulder bare, and wearing a wide brimmed hat that sports small wings. He bears no weapons other than a golden rod; it looks like two snakes coiled around each other, it is also crowned with a pair of wings.

As you take all this in, Laeral appears next to you. She motions towards the youth and states:

'Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Blackstaff tower. May I introduce you to our guest - Hermes; Herald of the Gods of Olympia'. He has some information to share with you.'

Anyone proficient in Religion and/or Arcana can make a check on either (or both) skills for me now (as can the Bard due to Jack of all Trades, even if not proficient).

Also feel free to tell me what you all do at this point.



Arcana 10+2 = 12

Religion 7+2 = 9

Assuming I fail both checks, I will simply wait for the introduced person to speak.

If the religion check was easy enough that I made it, I will take the appropriate action required when meeting sometime of Hermes stature (bow or whatever is FR appropriate).


Arcana 10+2 = 12

Religion 7+2 = 9

Assuming I fail both checks, I will simply wait for the introduced person to speak.

If the religion check was easy enough that I made it, I will take the appropriate action required when meeting sometime of Hermes stature (bow or whatever is FR appropriate).
Neither check passes sadly. You've never heard of a 'Hermes' or of a church in his name, and you cant make heads or tails of the orrery either. This is all very confusing!

You bow and glance over to the other PCs. Lets see how they get on.

Both the Sorcerer and Cleric are proficient in Religion (and no-one is proficient in Arcana, neither you nor the Sorcerer!!)

A History check might identify the language on the Orrery as well, and you're the only one that has a shot (again thanks to Jack of All Trades!).

You can give that a roll for me if you want?


Both the Sorcerer and Cleric are proficient in Religion (and no-one is proficient in Arcana, neither you nor the Sorcerer!!)

A fairly glaring oversite, but nothing for it now!
A History check might identify the language on the Orrery as well, and you're the only one that has a shot (again thanks to Jack of All Trades!).

You can give that a roll for me if you want?

History check
15+2= 17.


Patron Badass
I got a pretty good roll on religion so I think I succeeded:

Religion: [19]+7= 26

I'm also going to cast detect magic through my staff (since I'm casting through a magic item, the spell requires no components including verbal or somatics. Essentially, its a (Subtle) detect magic). If I do not sense any noteworthy magic like illusion, transmutation, or divination; I will immediately bow and, assuming I pass the check, say: "Great Hermes. It is an honor to be in the presence of the herald of the gods. There must be a great disturbance if one such as yourself is formally tasking mortals personally."

Voidrunner's Codex

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