D&D (2024) Scions of Elemental Evil: Upcoming Free Adventure from D&D Beyond


Book-Friend, he/him
D&D Beyojd has a new free Adventure coming out October 29th:


Claim your FREE copy of the next adventure in our 50th Anniversary Play Series!

Beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil lies a labyrinth of tombs and ritual chambers. For years, these dungeons have lain in ruin. Now forsaken souls return, raising an army of evil to destroy the world.

Scions of Elemental Evil is a single-session adventure that spotlights the world of Greyhawk and is compatible with the 2024 Core Rulebooks.

This claimable source will be available for all users on October 29th, 2024.


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Book-Friend, he/him
Yeah my issue is the description of "labyrinth" and "dungeons" make it sound big....but I know it's small.
They describe the ToEE as a labyrinthine set of dungeons...but this Adventure is clearly called a oneshot, which they have been running at Conventions since GenCon, it seems.

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