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D&D 5E Scoopa doopa doop! Legends & Lore in the loop! (6/9/14)

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Super KY
I'm really happy to see Rich Baker still writing D&D adventures. He's not a man I would choose to see put into a premature retirement.

Although I don't think Phandelver is going to win big in the "Most Awesome Fantasy Name" column.
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I love their philosophy of not including things that only get used once. Everything sounds great!

...except "Fan Delver." I might run the adventure a few times, but I'm definitely changing that name.
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Instructional videos! Woot!

I'm excited about the starter set as I'll be getting it on the 3rd at my local wizards outlet, but if Mearls thinks that online videos "stand the test of time", I just need to laugh. So if I open up my Starter Set in 20 years time the tutorial videos' URLs mentioned therein will be still valid? Not bloomin' likely, guvnor!

I'm happy the PHB is off to the printers now, that means there is no turning back and for good or ill, the die is cast.

I look forward to seeing the mechanics behind the pregen fighter with the big axe, my sources tell me it's going to be Brutal.


Crossposted from what I put up on the WoTC boards.

Just found this information about the town and it's history on another site.

May contain spoilers I have no idea.

Phandalin was an important farming center located northeast of Leilon, where the Triboar Cutoff East fades into a trail. The road was abandoned after years of orc attacks obliterated every caravan that passed down the road, conquering Phandalin in the process. When the orcs were driven out, the village was left largely in ruins, and it remains so today.
Under the leadership of a chieftain called Uruth, the orcs expanded steadily, building a realm called Uruth Ukrypt (Home of Uruth). Its name echoes today in Kryptgarden Forest. Too lazy to support themselves by farming, the orcs devastated the game in their realm and subsequently took to raiding human holdings for food. Some 400 years have passed since then, during which time concerted human attacks decimated the orc kingdom and nearly drove the creatures from the area entirely.
No one lives here now but monsters, though passing hunters and rangers often camp in one of the more secure buildings. It still has three usable deep wells, one of which is considered to be heavily tainted with an undetectable poison that kills the imbiber three days after ingestion. Orcs and half orcs are supposedly immune to the toxin.
The orc attacks forced gnomes and dwarves to abandon a mountain delve near Phandalin where they mined mithral in a union they called the Phandelver’s Pact. This lost lode was called Wavecho Cave because the roll of waves beating on the shore could be heard in the natural cavern. Shortly before the mine was abandoned, a lode of platinum was discovered. The size is unknown, but a very old dwarf who worked the mine remembers that the vein "held great promise."
Phandalin is the best preserved of the many ruined keeps and villages scattered along the Sword Coast, most of which are little more than heaped stones, graves, and cellars hidden by reed grasses and creeping vines. Many of these areas shelter predatory beasts or passing adventurers.

Here is the link to where I got that info, maybe we can mine some more information about the town or area from other sources.

Just wanted to highlight this bit here from the L&L article:
That’s the starter set in a nutshell. As of the publication of this article—June 9, 2014—the Player’s Handbook will have been dispatched to our printer.

So the Player's Handbook is off to be printed I hope they went through and fixed all those errors everyone spotted in just that one leaked screen shot of the wild surge table. I mean there were a few missing numbers and a couple misspelled words I believe.

On the topic of the name of the the mine Phandelver or (Fan - delver), people could pronounce it (Pan - delver) like panning for gold, or (Fane -delver) maybe there was an old temple near the mine.


Well, the big thing they left out of the Keep during the playtest - and that I hope they think to include - is a starter town.

Hommlet, The Keep, Orlane, Saltmarsh, Threshold, Shadowdale - heck, even Winterhaven. All places from which many an adventurer has started - and returned to. Even Paizo realizes the value of a "hometown" with Sandpoint.

Perhaps they'll use Leilon as that starting point, as Phandalin sounds like the actual adventure site (a play on Phlan from Neverwinter Nights?).

Scrivener of Doom

The major downside of using the Realms as the default setting is that you're stuck with stupid-sounding names that Ed Greenwood came up with when he was 6.

Ed's names are normally pretty good and suit the setting well. It's the other authors - RAS and slade, most egregiously - that spewed forth names that even the early Greyhawk players would have rejected for being too ridiculous.


I'm excited about the starter set as I'll be getting it on the 3rd at my local wizards outlet, but if Mearls thinks that online videos "stand the test of time", I just need to laugh. So if I open up my Starter Set in 20 years time the tutorial videos' URLs mentioned therein will be still valid? Not bloomin' likely, guvnor!

The URLs probably won't, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the videos themselves were still easily accessible - even next month I would expect a lot of people to access them via Google rather than by URL, and I would expect the Google-equivalent of 20 years hence to be rather better.

Voidrunner's Codex

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