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Scotley's 4e Swashbuckler


Manous Artouche, Human Protecting Paladin 4

"I heartily agree, good comrades! Let us find an inn with beds softer than the roots of these trees, and some cheery company and song with our meals!"

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Walking Dad

First Post
Malkyr Tsul

"I agree. Horses are frustratingly unable to orient themselves without light. Will someone share his room with me? I don't need a bed to trance, but I would prefer to not do in in the barroom." Malkyr suggests.


Special: If an enemy has 10 or less HP left after hit by me, he is dead.

Malkyr Tsul
Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Dark Vision
AC 22 Fortitude 16 Reflex 20 Will 17
Initiative: +7
Hit Points: 40 / 40 Bloodied: 20
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, or sleep.
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.5
Healing Surge:10 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Bola Takedown, Precision Dart, Quick Shot
Encounter Powers: Cloud of Darkness, Assassin's Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Cloak of Shades
Daily Powers: Carrion Crawler Brain Juice 1/1




First Post
Lucien reluctantly agrees with his companions. He didn't want to stop, but it wouldn't go well for a horse to pull up lame in the darkness.

He nods at Malkyr. "I'll share a room with you."


As the shadows deepen you seen an ivy covered manse with a statue of a weary traveler in front up a long graveled drive from the road. The sign reads le château du repos. Considerable attention has been payed to the sculpted lawn. The smell of roasting meat and strains of a fiddle being played come to you from Inn.


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First Post
"Well, that certainly sounds inviting. Let us dine upon roast beast, and wash away the weariness of the road with a tall mug of stout."


First Post
"indeed, since continuing on through the night would profit us very little, this seems a fine place to rest. And we can send a message back to our compatriots about those things we found earlier." Vivienne straightened out her cloak and began to walk towards the Chateau. Meanwhile, though, she tried to remember if she had heard anything about this place, either in old tales or in more modern conversations. Did they have a particularly good wine selection? Had anything noteworthy (or infamous) ever happened here?

OOC: History 26, Streetwise 23; rolls Roll Lookup


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The old man had fallen asleep on his mount again. He mumbled something incomprehensible but seemed fine with resting.


OOC: Most humble apologies to my long suffering players for the delay. I have no excuse other than the fact that I allowed myself to become distracted this week.

Vivienne does remember something of the history of this place. I was rather infamous perhaps 20 years ago when it was known as place were young ladies with nervous disorders and exhaustion could come for 'treatment.' As spa of sorts. As it happens the treatment of choice was most often administered to young wives of older men in the proprietor's bedchamber. He was a half-elven Italian Count with 'healing hands'. Unfortunately, the nature of his cures was eventually brought to light and he was killed in dual by a jealous husband who was better at wielding a sword than his manhood. You had heard the place was now in the possession of the Count's niece.

A young dark half-elven woman in an elegant gown greets you at the door with a couple of stout lads who move to take your mounts. Beyond her through the door you see a not a rough country tavern, but a convivial salon of well upholstered chairs around tables adorned with silver and linen and crystal. Well dressed folk, no doubt fellow travelers and local gentry dine and make conversation within. A trio of musicians place unobtrusive music from a low stage in one corner. Several carriages are drawn up at the side of the house. The food smells even better up close.

"Gentlemen and Ladies, welcome to the house of rest. Perhaps you would like to be shown to rooms where you can freshen up before joining us for dinner?" She looks rather meaningfully at you clothes stained with travel dust and spider ichor, but her smile is most welcoming. She nods to a brace of crsiply attired servants just inside, "Javier and Maessela wlll be happy to assist you. Will you be staying with us for the night?"

OOC: Who is carrying the letter?


Manous Artouche, Human Protecting Paladin 4

Manous rapidly dusts the worst of the trail dust from his garments and drops to one knee before the Lady of the House, gently offering to kiss her noble hand if she will allow him. "Oui, oui, mademoiselle! We would very much like to freshen ourselves before partaking of your legendary hospitality. Perhaps we will stay for longer than just one night, or perhaps we should leave while we still have plenty of 'welcome' intact for future liaisons?"

[OOC: I'm assuming that Vivienne has not yet told the rest of us about the history of the place. This is just the wide and deep 'horndog' streak in Manous showing itself, as this is the first likely candidate we have yet encountered. Paladins get horny, too, and hey, he is an adopted Frenchman, after all.]

Voidrunner's Codex

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