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Search for the White Rose [character thread]

This is the thread for the characters for my game Search for the White Rose.

OOC thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3182505
IC thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3202767

Character Creation Rules:
- 40 points for stats, using the point buy method on page 169 of the DMG
- Religion: Gods as per the PHB. I also allow the worship of a cause or ideal as opposed to a specific deity. You can choose a deity from another setting upon DM approval. However, if you pick domains from anywhere but the PHB, I do ask that you include them in their entirety on your character sheet, and they are subject to approval, whereas the PHB ones are automatically approved.
- XP: 12,500 (halfway between 5th and 6th level)
- Gold: 9,000 gp, spend no more than half on any one item
- HP: Max at first level, half HD + 1 each level thereafter. (For example, d8=5, d10=6, etc.)

dog45 – Bregan, whisper gnome/dark creature rogue
hafrogman - Edvik the Bastard, Human Fighter
CanadienneBacon - Grun of Clan Gorunn, Half-Orc Cleric 5
PhoenixAsh - Perin Olhandle, Halfling Ranger
Tailspinner - Grynth Shylok : Half-Orc Druid 5
Mista Collins - Harlan Mueller, human fighter
Razamir - Ekoss Barasune, Human Wizard
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First Post
Bregans sheet


Small Whisper Gnome Dark Creature Rogue 4 (extraplanar)
AL True Neutral
Init +4; Senses Listen +11, Spot +11, Darkvision 60, Superior LLV
Languages: Common, Gnome, Terran, Dwarven

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 19; +4 AC vs giants, uncanny dodge, (+4 dex, +4 Armor, +1 size)
hp 34 (4 HD)
Resist Evasion, Cold 10
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +3

Speed 40 ft
Melee adamantine dagger +5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Ranged dagger +8 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Wand of Magic Missiles (3rd) autohit (2d4+2 dmg)
Base Atk +3 Grp -1
Atk Options Sneak Attack +2d6, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, +1 atk vs kobolds/goblins

Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
SQ Trapfinding, Trapsense +1, Hide in Plain Sight, Silence 1/day
Skills Disable Device +11, Hide +32, Knowledge History +6, Listen +11, Move Silently +21, Open Lock +13, Search +11, Sleight of Hand +11, Spot +11, Use Magic Device +7
Possessions Adamantine Dagger, Daggers x10, Mithral Shirt, Cloak of Elvenkind, MW Thieves Tools, Wand of Magic Missile (3rd), 28 gp

skill breakdown

Disable Device +11 (7 ranks + 2 int + 2 mwk)
Escape Artist +11 (7 ranks + 4 dex)
Hide +32 (7 ranks + 4 dex + 4 racial + 4 size + 8 dark + 5 comp)
Listen +11 (7 ranks + 2 wis + 2 racial)
Move Silently +21 (7 ranks + 4 dex + 4 racial + 6 dark)
Open Lock +13 (7 ranks + 4 dex + 2 mwk)
Search +11 (7 ranks + 4 int)
Sleight of Hand +11 (7 ranks + 4 dex)
Spot +11 (7 ranks + 2 wis + 2 racial)
Use Magic Device +7 (7 ranks)


Bregans story

[sblock]When the wizards came to his village, Bregan had just passed his clans rite of age. The silver key that hung around a chain on his neck represented his freedom to act of his own accord. There were no elders or council, just adults and children. If he had plans of his own he did not have time for them, as the wizards that attacked his village killed those that they could not capture.

Bregan and a dozen of his clan were taken to some hidden keep beneath the mountains. There they were imprisoned and experimented on. The captors sought to infuse their bodies with the darkness of shadow, while other wizards cut into their minds with magics. The process left some dead, others insane, and a few completely useless. Bregan was one of the three that survived, but it cannot be said that it really was Bregan.

No longer a whisper gnome, his body been transformed into a child of the shadows while his mind was sectioned off and controlled. His old self was locked inside, while his body obeyed the wizards commands.

During the process the wizards had learned of the meaning behind his silver key, and placed magics in it that enhanced their control over him. Whether done out of spite or irony, it would turn out to be Bregans salvation.

Assassinations. Infiltrations. Sabotage. For years his controllers sent him and his remaining clanmates on missions, attacking from the shadows and melting into the darkness. On what was to be his last mission, they were ordered to eliminate a powerful mage deep behind enemy lines. Traveling by night and resting by day, the trio made it all the way to the capital city of the enemy and the mages tower within. Though well-equipped and prepared for the mission, Bregans controllers had grown overconfident of him. The towers traps dispatched one of his mates, while the mages guards overpowered the other. Bregan alone made it the wizards chamber and was there nearly killed by the mages eldritch power. Besides knocking Bregan unconscious, the blasts also destroyed the silver key that was the link between him and his captors.

The mage was wise in the ways of magic, and detected the change in the magics that surrounded Bregan. Ensuring protections for himself, he healed Bregan not only in body but in his mind as well. After years of domination and servitude, he was free. Determined to make his former captors pay for the life they had taken, he rejoined the fight, this time by his own choice.

After all the battles, after many friends made and lost, after the whole world had bleed, the war ended. Given discharge papers, Bregan went to the homes of those friends he had left. Finding work when needed, he tried to put the past behind him. But as the years rolled by Bregan found his friends aging and dying while he remained young and healthy. With the death of his friends, he found that he had no connections left to the people he lived around. Those that knew of him judged him for what he has and what he had done, and those things could never be changed. The years turned into decades, and decades into lifetimes.

The appearance of the Shadowmasters has troubled him, as he knows better than most what is coming to shake the world. Afters years of trying to move past what he was, this coming threat has shown him that ones history can not be changed, but that the future is still undecided.[/sblock]
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Edvik the Bastard

[B]Name:[/B]       Edvik the Bastard
[B]Class:[/B]      Fighter
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (6'0", 210 lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Lawful Neutral  

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3  (10p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    5     [B]XP:[/B] 12,500
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 +1   (5p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +5     [B]HP:[/B] 49 (5d10+15)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3   (8p.)*    [B]Grapple:[/B] +8
[B]Int:[/B] 13 +1   (5p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   20'
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)     [B]Init:[/B]    +1
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)

* +1 @ 4th

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 22              10     +9     +2     +1   +0    +0
[B]Touch:[/B] 11
[B]Flat:[/B]  21

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +8              +4    +3   +1
[B]Ref:[/B]   +3              +1    +1   +1
[B]Will:[/B]  +6              +1    +2  +2,+1

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Bastard Sword            +9    1d10+5     19-20         (one-handed)
Bastard Sword            +8    1d10+6     19-20         (two-handed; AC 20)
Javelin                  +6     1d6+3     20/x2         (30' range increment)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Elven    

Bonus Feats
+1 skill point/level

Iron Will [human]
Combat Expertise [1st]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword [Fighter 1]
Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword [Fighter 2]
Power Attack [3rd]
Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword [Fighter 4]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 32    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4

[B]Skills:                      Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

Climb +4                      6     +3   --
Intimidate +7                 5     +2   --
Jump -3                       5     +3   -6
  History +5                  4     +1   --
  Nobility and Royalty +5     4     +1   -- 

Armor Check Penalty: -5

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Adamantine Bastard Sword     3035gp     6lb
Javelin (2)                     2gp     4lb
Fullplate +1                 2650gp    50lb
Buckler +1                   1165gp     5lb
Chainshirt                    100gp    25gp     (sleep wear)

Potion of CLW (2)              50gp     -lb
Potion of CMW (2)             600gp     -lb

Cloak of Resistance +1       1000gp     1lb
Everburning Torch             110gp     1lb

Backpack                        2gp     2gp
Belt Pouch (2)                  2gp     1lb
Rations (7 days)              3.5gp     2lb
Rope, Silk (100')              20gp    10lb
Waterskin                       1gp     4lb
Whetstone                    0.02gp     1lb

                       Total 8790.52

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 117lb/152lb (medium load)
[B]Money:[/B] 209 gp 4 sp 8 cp
[sblock=Background]Two centuries ago, as the Wizard Wars raged fully, the Kingdom of Ghenna fought at the forefront, leading the human forces in the seemingly endless battles. Their general was a mighty warrior and a fearless leader, who fought side by side with his men as they finally defeated their foes. He weilded 'the sword that could not be broken', and with it he cut out the heart of the enemy, securing victory and an end to the war. In the early days of peace following the end of the war, General Edvik was heralded as the kingdom's greatest hero. Rewards and accolades were heaped upon him, and the common born soldier's son was raised to dizzying heights, second only to the king. Lord of the Three Waters

In the intervening years, his line has continued. Father to son, the legacy was passed along. But there were no more wars to fight. The sword that could not be broken hung unused on the wall of the lord's bedchamber. The line grew weak as the blood was thinned. No longer did war serve to weed out the least among us. The last Lord of the Three Waters was a good enough man, but weak willed. However, his son, the new lord, is as fat and useless as he is spineless.

I am not that son.

Shortly before the current lord was born, his father had an affair with a lowly scullery maid. His new wife discovered the secret and forced the maid to leave the keep. However, when she left, she did not go empty handed. The sword that could not be broken hangs no more upon that keep's wall. I believe they placed a replica there to hide their shame, but it matters not to me.

A few short months later, the maid gave birth to her son. Named after my ancenstor, I am Edvik, bastard of that noble lineage. We lived a much harsher life than my half-brother. But it has taught me to be strong, while his luxury has made him pathetic. I need no title, the sword that hangs at my side is the true legacy of my blood. It may be wrapped to hide its history, but I know the truth. And I know that I will be the one to return the sword to its proper use.[/sblock]


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First Post
Perin Olhandle, Halfling Ranger

Appearance: Standing a couple inches over three feet tall, Perin Olhandle is clearly at home in the woods. His typical clothing is made of earthen-color leathers and durable cloth and his leather boots are well-used but in good repair. Where the links of his chain shirt peek out from his sleeves and tunic, they are appraised and painted to never catch the light. He carries a curious wooden shield on one hand, with crudely painted arrows pointing to its center. A battleaxe is kept at his belt, along with several pouches, including bullets for a very well cared for sling.

Usually tailing the halfling, or being ridden by him, is a pepper-furred husky with a fitted riding saddle, with a pair of small saddlebags attached. The riding dog never strays far from Perin’s side.

[B]Name:[/B] Perin Olhandle
[B]Class:[/B] Ranger 5
[B]Race:[/B] Halfling
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] None

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (10p. -2 Rcl) 	[B]Level:[/B] 5th      [B]XP:[/B] 12,500/15,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 20 +5 (13p. +2 Rcl)* 	[B]BAB:[/B] +5         [B]HP:[/B] 38 (4d8+10)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)		[B]Grapple:[/B] +3     
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)		[B]Speed:[/B] 20'      
[B]Wis:[/B] 13 +1 (5p.)		[B]Init:[/B] +5        
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)		[B]ACP:[/B] -1         

*+1 Inherent Bonus at 4th Clvl

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +5    +2    +5    +1    +1    +0    24
[B]Touch:[/B] 16              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      4    +2 Con, +1 Rcl	 +7 (+4 nonlethal heat/cold & suffocation (End. Feat))
[B]Ref:[/B]                       4    +5 Dex, +1 Rcl   +10
[B]Will:[/B]                      1    +1 Wis, +1 Rcl   +3 (+2 vs.Fear (Rcl))

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
+1 Sling                  +13     1d3+3     20/x2
Mwk. Battleaxe            +8      1d6+2     20/x3
Dagger                    +7      1d3+2     19-20/x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling, Goblin

[B]Abilities:[/B] Wild Empathy +7 (+5 CLvl, +2 Syn),
Favored Enemy (Animals) +4, Favored Enemy (Humanoids, Goblinoid) +2

[B]Feats:[/B] Track, Rapid Shot, Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (Sling)

[B]Ranger Spells:[/B]
[B]1st:[/B] Longstrider
(Caster Level: 2)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 56       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  	Total[/B]
Climb			   0	+2 Str, +2 Rcl	+3*
Handle Animal		   5	+0 Cha		+5
Hide                       6    +5 Dex, +4 Sze	+14*
Jump			   0	+2 Str, +2 Rcl	+3*
Knowledge (Nature)	   5	+1 Int, +2 Syn	+8
Listen                     3    +1 Wis, +2 Rcl  +6
Move Silent                8    +5 Dex, +2 Rcl  +14*
Ride			   8	+5 Dex, +2 Syn	+15
Search			   5	+1 Int		+6
Spot			   8	+1 Wis		+9
Survival                   8    +1 Wis          +9 (+2 Aboveground
natural enviornments, +2 Following Tracks)
*Armor Check Penalty: -1

[B]Equipment:              Cost  Weight[/B]
+1 Chain Shirt          1250gp   12.5lb
+1 Lt. Wooden Shield
of Arrow Catching  	4153gp    2.5lb
+1 Sling               	2300gp      -		
Mwk. Battleaxe          310gp       3lb
Dagger			2gp	  0.5lb
Amulet of Natural 
Armor +1		2000gp	    -
Traveler's Outfit	-	    -
Signal Whistle		8sp	    -
Spell Component Pouch	5gp	    2lb

Pouch, Belt		1gp	0.125lb
Bullets	(20)		2sp	    5lb

Pouch, Belt		1gp	0.125lb
Antitoxin (2)		100gp	    -
Scrolls (In cases x5):	5gp	    2.5lb
-Speak w/Animals x2	50gp
-Detect Snares & Pits	25gp
-Detect Animals &
Plants			25gp
-Cure Mod. Wounds x3    450gp
-Animal Messenger	150gp

Backpack		2gp	  0.5lb
Waterskin		1go	    1lb
Bedroll			1sp	 1.25lb	
Flint & Steel		1gp	    0lb
Lantern, Hooded		7gp	    2lb
Oil, Pint (4)		4sp	    4lb
Fishhook (5)		5sp	    -
Tindertwig (5)		5gp	    -
Rope, Silk 50'	        10gp	    5lb
Sewing Needle (2)	1gp	    -
Rations, Trail (4/day)	2gp	    1lb
Sunrod			2gp	    1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 39lb      [B]Money:[/B] 11pp 15gp  7sp  7cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                43.5  87  114.75 229.5 573.75

[B]Age:[/B] 42
[B]Height:[/B] 3'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 32lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Brown
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan

[B]Animal Companion:[/B]

[B]Name:[/B] 		Sage
[B]Size/Type:[/B]  	Medium Magical Beast (Riding Dog)
[B]Hit Dice:[/B] 	2d8+4 (13 hp)
[B]Initiative:[/B] 	+2
[B]Speed:[/B] 	40 ft. (8 squares)
[B]Armor Class:[/B] 	16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
[B]Base Attack/Grapple:[/B] 	+1/+3
[B]Attack:[/B] 	Bite +3 melee (1d6+3)
[B]Full Attack:[/B] 	Bite +3 melee (1d6+3)
[B]Space/Reach:[/B] 	5 ft./5 ft.
[B]Special Attacks:[/B] 	-
[B]Special Qualities:[/B] 	Low-light vision, Scent, Link, Share Spells
[B]Saves:[/B] 	Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
[B]Abilities:[/B] 	Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
[B]Skills:[/B] 	Jump +4, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +3, Survival +1
[B]Tricks:[/B] Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Heel, Stay, Track
[B]Gear:[/B] Riding Saddle (10gp, 12.5lb), Saddlebags x2 (8gp, 8lb),
Bullets 20 (2sp, 5lbs), Winter Blanket x2 (1gp, 1.5lbs)
[B]Weight Carried (w/o Rider):[/B] 27lb
[B]Weight Carried (w Rider):[/B] 98lbs
[B]Carrying Capacity:[/B] Light: 100lb Medium: 101-200lb Heavy: 201-300lb

Background:[SBLOCK]At the beginning of the Wizard Wars, many halflings were scattered, either making their homes in isolated locations or wandering from city to city, nation to nation. They were thus easy prey for greedy armies, quickly captured and put to work to fuel the machine of war. One such place the halflings found themselves in was Willhollow. That was their name for it, of course. The official name changed as often as the fortunes of war, but to the halflings it never seemed anyone came up with a better name than theirs; naming it after the copse of Willow trees that hung over the lazy stream running through the small plain between forest and hill that soon filled with farmlands.

Of course, as the Wars continued and the demand for food for the armies increased, so too did the depredations of the halflings. The halflings organized and together, they found ways to escape into the nearby woods. There they formed a resistance movement. To protect this resistance, the most wood-savvy among them watched the ways into the wood and deterred or killed any who sought to keep them out, and to lead other escaped halflings into the resistance. Thus the Waywatchers of Willhollow were formed.

In time, the halflings were successful in reclaiming Willhollow. Poison was employed and the overlords of Willhollow were sickened, then attacked and brutally killed. Caravans and later squads of soldiers sent to Willhollow were met by ferocious barrages of sling stones, ferocious animals and cunning traps. From that point forward, no one took the effort to retake Willhollow and the halflings secured their new home.

Perin Olhandle was born of sheepherding stock; as the third son of his parents he quickly found a knack for tending the animals on the slopes above their home. To the disappointment of his father, he did not pursue the family business – he became a Waywatcher.

The Waywatchers are much different after two hundred years of peace. With no soldiers to drive off, they focus instead on keeping wild animals out of herds and crops, and the rare trespasser or vagabond out of their lands. Perin took to the task with an enthusiasm most of his fellows felt unnecessary, and still holds his post twenty-two years after coming of age – longer than any since the times of the Wars. His father tried everything to get him to come back to the family pastures and recently, his wishes were almost granted. Perin fell in love with the dark-eyed, dark-haired Prisbella.

For the first time since coming of age, Perin spent more time within the bounds of Willhollow than without. Earnest and soft-spoken in his affections, he swayed her affections and their courtship blossomed.

But Prisbella was not happy with Perin’s way of life, and she gently urged him to settle down, to return to his family’s pastures and raise sheep, so they could wed and raise a family. Perin would in turn gently refuse, as much as he cared for her, he refused to settle down. In time Prisbella’s urgings were not so gentle, and Perin’s refusals got hotter, until finally Prisbella gave Perin an ultimatum. When he refused once more, she stopped asking. A year later, she married the Miller’s son instead.

Since then, Perin has spent nearly all of his time in the woods around Willhaven. And when rumor of dark things and Shadowmaster armies reaches the Waywatchers, he is all too ready to listen and to leave Willhaven to do greater things and prove to himself and all of Willhaven that being a Waywatcher is a worthy occupation. [/SBLOCK]
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[B]Name:[/B]       Grun of Clan Gorunne
[B]Class:[/B]      Cleric 5
[B]Race:[/B]       Half-Orc
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'10", 230 lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Deity:[/B]      Moradin
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Lawful Neutral
[B]Domains:[/B]    Earth, Protection

[B]Str:[/B] 20 +5  (16p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    5     [B]XP:[/B] 12,500
[B]Dex:[/B] 10      (2p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +3     [B]HP:[/B] 29(5d8+5)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1   (4p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +8
[B]Int:[/B]  6 -2   (0p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   20'
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 +3   (10p.)    [B]Init:[/B]    +0
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2   (8p.)*

* +1 @ 4th

                     [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 20              10     +8     +2     +0   +0    +0
[B]Touch:[/B] 10
[B]Flat:[/B]  20

                      [B]Base  Mod  Magic[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +6              +4    +1   +1
[B]Ref:[/B]   +2              +1    +0   +1
[B]Will:[/B]  +8              +4    +3   +1

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Stick (quarterstaff)     +8    1d6+5     20/x2         (one-handed)
Stick (quarterstaff)     +8    1d6+7     20/x2         (two-handed)
Dodger (sling)           +3    1d4       20/x2         (50' range increment)

[B]Languages:[/B] Dwarvish, Common    

Turn Undead

Combat Casting [1st]
Improved Turning [3rd]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 8    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4

[B]Skills:                      Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Concentration +6               5     +1   
Heal +5                        2     +3   
  Religion -1                  1     -2   

[B]Armor Check Penalty:[/B] -8

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Fullplate                 1500gp     50lb
Heavy Steel Shield         20gp      15lb
Cloak of Resistance +1    1000gp      1lb
Quarterstaff                --        4lb
Sling                       --        --
Sling bullets (20)          2sp      10lb

Brooch                     50gp       --
Silver holy symbol         25gp       1lb
Traveler's outfit           1gp       5lb
Backpack                    2gp       2lb
Bedroll                     1sp       5lb
Rope, Silk (50')           10gp       5lb
Waterskin x 2               2gp       8lb
Flint and steel             1gp       --
Antitoxin                  50gp       --
Scroll Case                 1gp       0.5lb

Wand CLW                   750gp
Wand CMW                  4500gp

Scroll of Bless Wpn        100gp      --
Scroll of Comp. Lang.       25gp      --
Scroll of Magic Wpn (4)    100gp      --
[B]Total:[/B] 8137.3gp

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 106.5lb
[B]Money:[/B] 862.7gp

[B]0 Lvl:[/B] Create water, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance
[B]1st Lvl:[/B] Sanctuary*, Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Doom, Protection from Evil
[B]2nd Lvl:[/B] Soften earth and stone*, Lesser Restoration, Silence, Bull's Strength
[B]3rd Lvl:[/B] Stone shape*, Meld into stone, Invisibility purge

*denotes domain spell

[sblock]Grun carries a quarterstaff which he calls "Stick." He uses it two-handed but not as a double weapon. Grun also sports a sling which he calls "Dodger." If Grun is so lucky as to be able to afford a greatsword or similar blade, he will no doubt come up with another simplistic name for his weapon. This weapon would depend upon which deity he worships and whether taking the War domain is viable for the character.

Grun's young human mother was assaulted during an orc raid of her small village. Despite the savagery of the assault, his mother, Grehilde, elected to spare her child and did not drink the obstructive brew provided her by the village's druid elder. Grun's mother was cast out by her family because of her decision and she subsequently wandered south. The winter was hard, and when at last her time came to deliver her child, Grehilde was found, weak, yet clinging to life in the wilds. As Grehilde held her infant half-orc son in her clasping arms, the lass was discovered on the eve of her death by a squad of warden dwarves to a nearby mountain clan, sent by the King of the Hall to clear a gnoll infestation that had dared to encroach upon dwarven outposts. Grehilde and child were carried back to the dwarven enclave by the squad, where Grehilde died the next day, so weak was she from childbirth and starvation. Grehilde's last great effort before meeting death was to impart her story to the warden captain who found her in the wilds--from whence she hailed, and her dying wish that Grunn be fostered within the dwarven hall.

Unwilling to order the death of an infant, even that of a half-orc, the King of the Hall sent Grun to Clan Gorunne as a fosterling. At first quite unwilling to play host to a half-orc, the family largely ignored the infant. Grun acquired his name because, aware of his pitiable status as half-orc, half-human in a world of dwarven wonder, the child did not speak his first words until age 5, preferring rather to grunt and gesture. The dwarven word for grunt being "grun," Clan Gorunn was quick to seize upon Grun as a suitable name for their unwanted fosterling.

Well known within dwarven circles for their master brewing, a dwarven uncle one day called the strapping young Grun to assist with heavy lifting in the family's underground distillery. Seeing that Grun was quiet and able, if not a tad unruly, the uncle was content to allow Grun to watch him at his work. Grun thus knows aught of brewing, particularly of ale. At the age of 16, Grun reached maturity and was obviously out of place in a dwarven family who had never really wanted him to begin with. Straining against the confines of underground life, and tired of constantly being kicked at and grumbled against, Grun bested a foster brother at swordplay badly enough that the young dwarf was sent to the Halls of Healing for a fortnight. In awe of Grun's beastly strength, Clan Gorunne called for an audience before the King of the Hall. Presented with evidence of Grun's potential destructive behavior and already disposed to a strong distaste for orcs, even ones reared to dwarven standards, the King's compromise was to send Grun away for religious training, half with the hope that Grun would mature, and half with the hope that Grun might meet an untimely demise on the road and thus cease pestering the Clans.

Because of Grun being made to feel perpetually unwelcome in his clan, he is oft uncomfortable around dwarves yet craves the familiarity of their company. Lacking social grace, Grun frequently puts his foot in his mouth and can be relied upon to nearly always say the wrong thing at precisely the wrong time. Perhaps because of his orc blood, Grun chafes at both authority and at the laws of most settled areas. Though he feels such laws constrain his free actions, Grun is wise enough to recognize that temporary acceptance of laws will help him further his goal of becoming powerful enough to avenge his mother’s demise, which he blames upon orcs and humans. Grun’s wisdom, a learned trait, is at odds with his natural predilection to favor his might; consequently, it is a constant struggle for Grun to control his brute strength and instead use his wit to overcome the obstacles life throws his way.

The only dwarven foster relative from the Hall with whom Grun feels at all accepted is his foster uncle, Drendd of Clan Gorunn, a master brewer.
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Mista Collins

First Post
Harlan Mueller

Male Human Fighter 5
NG Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Dwarven

AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24
(+1 Dex, +9 Full-Plate +1, +5 Tower Shield +1)
hp 49 (5 HD+15)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee +1 Flail +9(1d8+7) or
Ranged Longbow +6 (1d8)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +5; Grp +9
Atk Options Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, Combat Expertise

Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
SQ none
Feats Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus(Flail), Weapon Secialization(Flail), Combat Expertise
Skills Diplomacy +6, Knowledge(History) +5, Knowledge(Nobility & Royalty) +5, Ride +9
Possessions +1 Full Plate, +1 Tower Shield, +1 Flail, Cloak of Resistance +1, Longsword, 3 Daggers, Longbow, Quiver of 20 Arrows, 50' Silk Rope, Signet Ring, Explorer's Outfit.

Backpack containing bedroll, flint/steel, empty sack, hooded lantern, 2 pints of oil, waterskin, 2 pieces of chalk, inkpen, vial of ink, sealing wax. Scroll case containing 7 peices of Parchment.

Heavy War Horse with Chain Shirt Barding, Military Saddle and Bit & Bridle.

Belt Pouch Containing 90pp, 1gp, 1sp, and 8 cp

Weight Carried: 146.5/300lbs Load: Medium

[sblock=horse stats]
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural, +4 Chain Shirt Barding), touch 10, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run
Equipment Carried: Chain Shirt Barding, Military Saddle, Bit & Bridle, Harlan (w/ full equipment)

[sblock=background]Coming from a long line of tacticans and battle leaders, Harlan Mueller feels pride when he hears the call to arms.

He can trace his heritage back to inspiring Lord Mueller of Fainsbrook. The same Lord Mueller who gathered the surviving men from the frozen battlefield of Trithe Lake during the winter of YR 842 and drove back the Sidhe in the Marrel Woods, despite 4 to 1 odds.

He can trace his heritage back to the brave Magnus Trovel. The same Magnus Trovel who snuck pass the Rho'Thokk Tribe of Orcs on the Plains of Tiom under the cover of night to bring word to the encamped human army that reinforcment would arrive on the third day.

Harlan can trace his heritage back to the beautiful Evoline LeCartha. The same Evoline LeCartha who spent straight, despite carrying child, in diplomacy in order to make sure the Treaty of Deavin Pass was signed by the fueding lords.

Harlan takes pride and honor from coming from such a line of heroes and dignified individuals. Growing up he had strong interest in history and nobility. His father taught him the forms and stances of the Mueller family. The same training that has been passed down from generation to generation of Mueller men.

[sblock=creation breakdown]
Str 17 (13) +1 @ 4th level
Dex 12 (4)
Con 16 (10)
Int 13 (5)
Wis 10 (2)
Cha 14 (6)

32 total skill points
Diplomacy 8 skill points (4 ranks) + 2 Cha
Knowledge(history) 8 skill points (4 ranks) + 1 Int
Knowledge(nobility & royalty) 8 skill points (4 ranks) + 1 Int
Ride 8 skill points (8 ranks) +1 Dex

1st Level Mounted Combat
1st Level Fighter Bonus Ride-by-Attack
Human Bonus Spirited Charge
2nd Level Fighter Bonus Combat Expertise
3rd Level Weapon Focus(Flail)
4th Level Fighter Bonus Weapon Specialization(Flail)
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Ekoss Barasune

[U][B]Ekoss Barasune[/B][/U]
[B]Neutral-Good Male Human Wizard[/B]
[B]Age:[/B] 27
[B]Size:[/B] Medium (5'10", 167 lbs)

[B]Str:[/B]  9 -1   (1p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    5      XP: 12,500 
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3   (8p.)*     [B]BAB:[/B]     +2     HP: 26 (5d4+10)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)    [B]Grapple:[/B]   +1
[B]Int:[/B] 18 +4   (16p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)      [B]Init:[/B]    +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Imp Init)
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 +1   (3p.)

* +1 @ 4th
                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 13              10     +0     -     +3     -    -
[B]Touch:[/B] 13
[B]Flat:[/B]  10

      [B][U]Saves              Base  Mod  Misc[/U][/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +3              +1    +2   +0
[B]Ref:[/B]   +4              +1    +3   +0
[B]Will:[/B]  +6              +4    +2   +0

[B][U]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/U][/B]
Oak Staff              + 1     1d6 -1     X2                
Dagger                 + 1     1d4 -1     19-20 x2           

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Elven, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven    

Bonus Feats (Human @1st, Wizard @5th)
+1 skill point/level
Wizard Specialist- (Evoker)
Banned Schools-(Necromancy + Conjuration)

 Spell Focus- Evocation         [human]
 Improved Initiative            [1st]
 Greater Spell Focus- Evocation [3rd]
 Craft Wand                     [Wizard 5]

[B][U]Skills:     (56 pts)         Ranks  Mod  Misc[/U][/B]

Craft Wand +12                8     +4   --
Concentration +10             8     +2   --
Decipher Script +8            4     +4   --
  Arcana +12                  8     +4   --
  Arch & Engineering +8       4     +4   -- 
  History +12                 8     +4   --
Listen +4                     2.0   +2   --
Spot +4                       2.0   +2   --
Spellcraft +12                8     +4   --

[B][U]Equipment:[/B]                Cost  Weight[/U]

Pearl of Power 2nd Level (magic item)
Hand of the Mage (magic item)

Oak Staff
Lt Crossbow + 40 Bolts

Explorer's Outfit
[U]Heward's Handy Haversack[/U] (magic item)
Trail Rats (12 days)
Flint & Steel
Ink & Pen
Parchment (10 pages)
Rope, Silk 50'
Bullseye Lantern
Oil (8)
Sunrods (3) 
Tanglefoot bag (1)
Caltrops (2)

Lt Horse
Bit & Bridle, Riding Sadle, Saddle Bags and Blanket

Money: 47 gp - sp - cp

Memorized = *
[U]0-Level[/U] (4/day)
Detect Magic (2) **
Read Magic *
Prestidigation *

[U]1st Level[/U] (5/day) =(3 +1 Int +1Evoker)

Sheild *
Charm Person
Sleep *
Magic Missle **
Burning Hands
Silent Image *
Feather Fall
Tenser's Floating Disc

[U]2nd Level[/U] (4/day) =(2/day +1 Int +1 Evoker)

Scorching Ray **
Rope Trick *
Minor Image *
Flaming Sphere
Detect Thoughts

[U]3rd Level[/U] (3/day) =(1/day +1 Int +1 Evoker)

Dispel Magic *
Deep Slumber
Lightning Bolt *
Fireball *


Ekoss was born to a noble family filled with world renown Knights.

As a boy he worked as a squire and was trained to ride warhorses. While training at a remote camp in the mountains, Ekoss’s horse was spooked by a wandering griffin. The horse reared and rolled, crushing Ekoss’s left leg. It took days before a local cleric could get to the training camp and by then the boy’s leg had begun to heal on its own. Thick scar tissue and torn ligaments left Ekoss with a heavy limp. Worse than that he can support little weight and there would be no way he could ever wear heavy armor.

Unable to continue training, Ekoss returned to his father’s keep. With a crushed spirit and a leg that constantly pained him, Ekoss turned into a reclusive and lonely boy. The local wizard, Hendraxamus, felt sorry for the boy and enlisted him as a lab assistant. Within days Ekoss had peaked at a few tomes and was casting his first cantrip. Hendraxamus immediately recognized the hidden potential that Ekoss held and began to train the boy in the arcane arts.

At the age of twenty, Ekoss lost his mentor to old age. His father offered a place in his council as the Kingdom’s War Wizard but Ekoss refused. A strong wanderlust had taken over him and he set out in search of adventure.

Ekoss stands nearly six feet tall. He is clean shaven with shoulder length dirty blond hair. He is very thin and has sharp features with smoldering blue eyes. He usually wears crimson robes with a dark grey cloak. Always by his side is an ornate oak staff that he leans on heavily as he walks.

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Guest 11456

Grynth Shylok : Male Half-Orc Druid 5

[sblock]Grynth Shylok
Male Half-Orc Druid 5
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Obad-Hai
Height: 6' 10''
Weight: 350#
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 18

Str: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 racial]
Dex: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Wis: 17 (+3) [10 points, +1 level]
Cha: 14 (+2) [10 points, -2 racial]

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha, Darkvision 60 ft., Orc Blood; Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Wood Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wild Shape (1/day).

Hit Dice: 5d8+5
HP: 33
AC: 22 (+0 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield) [touch 10, flat-footed 22]
ACP: -6
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 20ft

Fortitude +5 [+4 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +1 [+1 base, +0 Dex]
Will +7 [+4 base, +3 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +3/+7
Melee Atk: +7
Ranged Atk: +3

Handle Animal +10 [8 ranks, +2 Cha]
Heal +15 [8 ranks, +3 Wis, +2 self-sufficient, +2 healer’s kit]
Knowledge (nature) +10 [8 ranks, +0 Int, +2 nature sense]
Survival +15 [8 ranks, +3 Wis, +2 nature sense, +2 self-sufficient]

Self-Sufficient (1st level)
Blind-Fight (3rd level)

Languages: Common, Orc, Druidic.

Spell Slots – 5|4/3/2
Spells Readied DC +3
0th – Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
1st – Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Magic Fang, Speak with Animals
2nd – Barkskin, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb
3rd – Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison

Traveler’s Outfit (worn)
+1 Dragonhide Plate (4300gp, 50#, worn)
+1 Darkwood Heavy Shield (1257gp, 5#, carried)
+2 Scimitar (2315gp, 4#, belt)
Pearl of Power 1st level (1000gp, 0#, worn)
Backpack (2gp, 2#, back)
2 Healer’s Kits (100gp, 2#, backpack)
6 Days of Trail Rations (3gp, 6#, backpack)
Money (23gp, 0.5#, backpack)
Total (9000gp, 69.5#)

Background: Twenty years ago a human ranger named Garlus Shylok and his faithful bear companion, Grynth came upon the devastation that had been a small village in the woods. Routing around in the wreckage was a pair of owlbears. Garlus and Grynth went to work dispatching the beasts only to find that what they thought was merely two owlbears turned out to be seven. Although Garlus and Grynth were victorious, it came at a price. Grynth was mortally wounded and soon died in the arms of his companion. As the man was silently grieving for his fallen companion, Garlus heard a faint sound from one of the piles of debris that used to be a building. What seemed extremely odd was the way the building had been destroyed. Instead of being torn apart by the owlbears, this one structure had been toppled by a large tree that had fallen upon it. Upon searching the building Garlus found several dead bodies and one infant half-orc apparently unscathed by the incident. Further inspection revealed that, while the tree had indeed fallen upon the house, a blank spot in the branches caused the infant to be saved from almost certain death. Further inspection of the tree’s roots produced some sort of fungus that, over many years, had eaten through the roots causing the eventual felling of the tree. So, Garlus collected a sample of the fungus and the child, and headed to a druid grove within a week’s travel of the location. There he dropped the child off with the sample and the story. He had started calling the child Grynth in honor of his fallen comrade.

Those of the grove agreed that this child must be under Obad-Hai’s protection. The fungus sample proved to be of no known variety ever discovered. So the druids brought the child up in the ways of the druidic order. Indeed it seemed that young Grynth was destined to be a druid as it was so natural for him. On what was his eighteenth anniversary with the druids he was sent out into the woods to receive enlightenment from Obad-Hai. His only company was Molly his badger companion. While sleeping he received a message from the great nature deity proclaiming that he was to save the world from the Shadowmasters. To save the world he must find the White Rose. Upon returning to the grove he found all his fellow druids dead. They were slaughtered by some unknown force. Amongst the dead were a few of those that slew his friends. One was barely alive and with his dying breath spoke, “Death to all… The Shadowmasters will pre...” So Grynth and Molly set off in search of others to help find this White Rose, for they could not do it alone.

Personality: Grynth can best be described as a gentle giant. He has learned to keep any temper that he may have once had in check. It would probably take a considerable amount of hostility toward him to cause his temper to flair up. His companions’ well being is a completely different story. He considers it a badge of honor to keep them in the best of health at all times. Anyone causing problems with his companions must answer to him. He is well aware of his strength and knows how to use it when the opportunity presents itself.

Molly; Female Badger; Small Animal; HD 3d8+6; hp 24 [30]; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.; AC 19 [17] (+1 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural), touch 15 [13], flat-footed 15 [13]; BAB +3; Grp -2 [+0]; Atk +5 melee (claw, 1d2-1 [1d2+1]/x2), Full Atk +5 melee (2 claws, 1d2-1 [1d2+1]/x2) & +0 melee (bite, 1d3-1 [1d3+1]/x2); SA rage; SQ low-light vision, scent; AL TN; SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 9 [13], Dex 18, Con 15 [19], Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Escape Artist +8, Listen +4, Spot +4; Track, Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Armor.
Special: Link, share spells, evasion.
Tricks: Attack all creatures, Defend, Guard, Perform, Seek, Stay, Track.[/sblock]

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