
Greetings Friends!
Please use this thread for new character submissions, general game discussion, questions, ideas, general chat.
Game threads:
IC Thread - Chapter One: Endless White
OOC Discussion (Game-related banter, questions and chat)
Tome of Knowledge (Approved characters, and an evolving repository of world information from the DM)
Welcome to The Rhyot Break
This to be a long-term homebrew game set at first in frozen and remote highlands (before moving on to other locations). Themes covered will be survival, depression, slavery, war and comradeship.
Pace: Expecting players to post at least twice per week. Just let me know if you need some time off for real life.
Approved Characters:
@daindarkspring - Zemryn Neveryn - Female High Elf Paladin
@Steve Gorak - Gimlak - Male Human Barbarian
@Imladir - Faenala Onarieth - Female High Elf Wizard
@JustinCase - Welkin di Vicomte - Male Tiefling Warlock
@TallIan - Rorik Brigward - Male Human Fighter
@McD MIA- Rolin Nazfell - Male Half-Elf Rogue
@EarlyBird MIA - Gob Ironfoot - Male Halfling Monk
@tglassyMIA - Thorin - Male Dragonborn Sorcerer
Character Creation:
5E races, classes, spells and equipment from core rulebooks (PHB, DMG, MM) only. Starting at 1st level.
Stats: 27 point buy http://1-dot-encounter-planner.appspot.com/point-buy-calculator.html
Hit Points: Max 1st level, roll for future levels
Dice Rolls: Use https://www.coyotecode.net/roll/ or preferably
https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rhyot stating your character name and reason for roll, eg: #d20+3 #Bob Initiative
Equipment and Gold: You start with nothing other than a waterskin and the miner's clothes (furs) on your back, and a torch. Do not fear this lack of equipment (and spell books), that will be sorted quickly IC.
Backgrounds / Flaws / Personalities: These are important. Please consider how you ended up in slavery at The Rhyot Break, and how long you have been here. Your origins, known locations, contacts, history, family members etc are entirely up to you.
Next Steps:
Once any characters submitted here are approved, they can be moved to the Tome of Knowledge thread and maintained there.
A map will be created of the Isle of Solov and also The Rhyot Break itself, and placed in Tome of Knowledge for future reference.
The DM will post in Chapter One again and we can commence play

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