See DRAGON+ On Your Desktop PC

If you're unable to access the mobile version of DRAGON+ for whatever reason, there's good news at hand. It's possible to read each issue on your desktop PC. The three issues so far released are all available, and can be accessed via the links below. Of course, it's designed for mobile consumption, so it's best experienced via that medium. DRAGON+, for those who may have missed its launch this year, is a mobile news app for the D&D brand, including the tabletop RPG, video games, novels, and so on. Oh, and Issues 3 & 4 have free adventures in them. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)

If you're unable to access the mobile version of DRAGON+ for whatever reason, there's good news at hand. It's possible to read each issue on your desktop PC. The three issues so far released are all available, and can be accessed via the links below. Of course, it's designed for mobile consumption, so it's best experienced via that medium. DRAGON+, for those who may have missed its launch this year, is a mobile news app for the D&D brand, including the tabletop RPG, video games, novels, and so on. Oh, and Issues 3 & 4 have free adventures in them. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)


Dragon+ is your official mobile source for all-things Dungeons & Dragons. This free app for iPhone or iPad has everything you want to know about D&D in one easy place. In addition to ongoing up-to-the minute news updates, every second month you’ll enjoy a new issue of Dragon+ showcasing what’s new in Dungeons & Dragons – from backstory and world information to discussions about what’s coming next with the creators and developers of your favorite D&D products.

Issue #2 -- the one about video games. [reviews] Issue #2 highlights the legacy of Dungeons & Dragons in the world of video games, including new details from n-Space on the world and heroes in the upcoming RPG Sword Coast Legends and pre-generated character sheets based on the companions players will recruit in the single player campaign. Readers can also get a preview of Spellstorm, a new novel from Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms setting, as well as updates on the D&D Adventurers League, a short story set in Icewind Dale and Heroes of Hesiod, a tabletop adventure for kids.

Issue #3 -- the one about Rage of Demons. [reviews] The latest issue of Dragon+ is your guide to the Underdark, where demons are running amok. Learn the story of Rage of Demons from the creative staff at Wizards of the Coast. Discover how the tabletop roleplaying game, Sword Coast Legends, the Neverwinter MMORPG, novels, and more are coming together to tell one epic story. You'll get the inside scoop on Sword Coast Legends from design director Tim Schwalk and delve into the latest D&D novel, Archmage, featuring R.A. Salvatore's beloved cast of characters. Finally, catch up with what's happening in the Adventurers League community and get access to a FREE PDF adventure, Harried in Hillsfar, featuring the Rage of Demons storyline.

Issue #4 -- a miscellany and another free adventure. [reviews] The latest issue of Dragon+ delves deep into the new D&D video game, Sword Coast Legends. If you're a fan of the tabletop roleplaying game, though, there's plenty for you too: Find out the story and TRPG stats behind Belaphoss, a balor and the main villain of SCL, or learn about the duergar, which feature prominently in SCL and are a playable race option in the upcoming Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. We'll take you behind the scenes of Neverwinter's new Strongholds expansion. Or, if you want a bit of whimsy, check out The Thweem, a piece of short fiction by Adam Lee and Christopher Perkins, which features monster fan favorite flumphs. Finally, snag the FREE D&D Adventurer's League PDF adventure, Shackles of Blood, featuring the Rage of Demons storyline.

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First Post
So having Dragon+ available for viewing on a desktop is a net plus: at the very least, it does no harm; and it might prove to be of benefit to someone. (And, actually, that latter has already been achieved - I got a download of "Harried at Hillsfar" as a result of this change.)

Actually it can harm plenty. Sometimes it's better to do nothing than it is to have some very poor replacement for what was once great out there because it can do more harm than good. it would generate a sense of further loathing for Wizards and their lack of knowledge and execution when it comes to anything digital.

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First Post
In fact, I do disagree, on each point. But that's not what's important to me at this moment. What's important to me at this moment is this: I. Have. Had. Enough.

I've been annoyed for quite some time with that segment of fan communities - maybe small, but definitely loud - that seems to find pleasure only in its own irrational, knee-jerk anger. Frankly, whether your comment was directed at me or everyone, it was a straw man, and pointlessly hostile. I can't take it any more.

From here on, at least here, I'll restrict my participation to reading the news items and skip the comments. I find this attitude to be mental poison, and I'll ingest no more. I'm making this statement only in hope that it might give someone something to contemplate, but to be honest, I don't believe that the people who need to do that are really the contemplating sort.

Have a day. I'd say a good one, but that doesn't seem to be on the table.

And I'm annoyed at these types of opinionated comments that generate into dismissing someone and then trying to shove their opinion into the supposed "minority" when there is no actual data to suggest their opinion is in the minority.

From what we've seen and heard from a lot of people, it is suggested that most do not like Dragon+ and the way it is going, not the other way around.

I'm A Banana

In fact, I do disagree, on each point. But that's not what's important to me at this moment. What's important to me at this moment is this: I. Have. Had. Enough.

I've been annoyed for quite some time with that segment of fan communities - maybe small, but definitely loud - that seems to find pleasure only in its own irrational, knee-jerk anger. Frankly, whether your comment was directed at me or everyone, it was a straw man, and pointlessly hostile. I can't take it any more.

From here on, at least here, I'll restrict my participation to reading the news items and skip the comments. I find this attitude to be mental poison, and I'll ingest no more. I'm making this statement only in hope that it might give someone something to contemplate, but to be honest, I don't believe that the people who need to do that are really the contemplating sort.

FWIW, ENWorld has an "Ignore" function you might find useful - cut out the cruft, still see the awesomesauce that some of the less-vocal folks are bringing!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
And I'm annoyed at these types of opinionated comments that generate into dismissing someone

You're annoyed at everything, and you're making the forums unpleasant for too many people, now. I think we've hit peak Corpsetaker. Too much. We (the moderators) will discuss your future here, but you've probably been too obnoxious for too long. It's probably time to look for a new online home.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I find the argument "it's free so it can't be criticized" ludicrous and wrong.

Of course we can and should say if the app is worthless and horrible. That it is free is irrelevant.

No, what was said is, "it's free, and therefore not DISRESPECTING YOU because you couldn't highlight a sentence, but you're free to dislike or criticize it all you want." You can criticize it of course. But if you decide to take your criticism to the silly level of claiming you've been personally disrespected because you had trouble highlighting a sentence, you're going to get called on that. Is that distinction clear?


So how do we access the desktop version of the most recent issue? I like to download the nice pictures they include in articles.

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