D&D General Session Zero and Nobody Chose a Spellcaster


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
We're wrapping up my current D&D campaign, and so the next DM in line hosted her Session Zero last night. We were given the standard ground rules for our table (5E 2014 D&D, Tasha's, Volo's, and Xanathar's are allowed, roll your stats, start at 1st level, Forgotten Realms campaign setting, published adventure path with modifications.)

We all rolled up our stats, chatted a bit about Who is going to play What, and then we filled out our character sheets. In alphabetical order, we have:
  • Beedleby (halfling rogue, criminal background). Considering Thief subclass. Player wants to play an iconic "D&D thief."
  • Brash (tiefling barbarian, custom background). My character. Going to try to talk the DM into letting me use the Giant subclass in Bigby's, but prepared to go Storm Herald if she says no.
  • Gaelien (wood elf fighter, outlander background). Wants to be an Eldritch Knight, hopes the DM will let her use the Druid spell list.
  • Savrin (high elf fighter, noble background). Future Rune Knight.
  • Walks-The-Shore, aka "Walker" (green dragonborn monk, acolyte background). Very interested in Way of the Four Elements, wants to build a "Water Bender" type character.

How we all met: a few years ago, a popular roadside tavern and trading post was destroyed by a storm. The community came together to help them rebuild, and our characters were volunteers: Beedleby helped by, um, sourcing some of the more expensive materials...Savrin donated money from his father's inheritance...Brash and Walker were physical laborers, and Gaelin helped thatch the roof. We worked well together, and became fast friends.​

And it was right about this time, after introductions had been made and everyone was into their characters, the DM noticed that nobody was playing a spellcaster. We hadn't really planned it that way, but she was right: nobody is a full- or even half-caster, and nobody will learn any spells at all until at least a couple more levels. All we have in that department are a few elf cantrips, my tiefling's spell-like abilities, and a poisonous breath weapon. The DM asked us if anyone wanted to reconsider their character choices, but by this time, everyone was already stoked about their current character concepts. Nah, we said. We're good.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been in a no-caster adventuring party? We're told this campaign will take us well past 16th level, so we are in it for the long haul. Any advice for a group of martials?
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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Based on this session 0, I'm guessing the AP with modifications should probably get a heavy emphasis on the modifications. Most of them are written with the idea that there's an arcane caster and a healer on board and you're short on both at present.
Definitely talk to the DM about healing resources - increasing healing potions or the opportunities to buy them would be a help - as would other healing/restorative items that non-clerics might be able to use.


Have you ever been in a no-caster adventuring party?
Yes, I'm currently playing in a campaign about a world where magic has been only available to the Evil Empire and we're fighting against them. However, the DM has been making magic items available to us, and I would encourage your DM to be thinking about giving you more magic items (and earlier) as well.

Out of curiosity, which published AP is your DM modifying? I might have more specific suggestions if it's one that I've run or played.
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Get off my lawn!
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been in a no-caster adventuring party? We're told this campaign will take us all the way to 15th or 16th level, so we are in it for the long haul. Any advice for a group of martials?
Yep, it has happen often over the years. In 5E, we might have a half-caster like a Paladin or Ranger or the house-ruled Bard, but not having a full caster happens about 25% of the time.

Magic is so infused in 5E that you don't really need a caster.

What I have never seen is a group with ALL casters... ;)

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
This happened to my friend Frodo. The campaign started when he found out a ring he had inherited actually belong to a BBEG and he had to flee home. First few sessions it was just four level-0 halflings. They came pretty close to TPK several times, and the DM got tired of saving them deus ex machina style, so when a new player joined the DM let him start with a higher level Ranger with some pretty silly ability scores. (I'm convinced he fudged the rolls.). Only later did a Wizard finally join the party, but along with 3 more fighters.

A party of nine was too much, and Frodo really did not like one of the new warriors...total spotlight hog...so they broke up into smaller groups and played different sessions.


Looks fine to me.

No need for extra magic items. If the game is changed to accommodate the characters then does character choice even matter? You will have strengths other parties don't have and weaknesses and that is fun to me.

The only thing for me is that I have a soft rule of no duplicate classes because it is much easier for characters to stand out and have special moments when they are different classes.

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