SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bedroom Battle: Round 1

Stepping to the side, the shifter channels his heritage and lashes out with trained blows at the watchman. The first blow, a fast punch, is wide; however, the shifter's head-butt catches the man in the temple, causing him to stagger a moment! [AC 1 misses; Natural 20 and AC 15 confirms, 8 hp nonlethal]

Balnibar steps back, flinging the tanglefoot bag at the watchman. It catches the man dead on, and quickly hardens, sticking him to the spot. [Touch AC 15 hits; entangled; Failed save, stuck]

Cheep continues to hover about the gnome, out of harms way.

Stuck in place, the watchman struggles against his bonds. [Watchman attempts full-round strength check to escape]

Corran hears heavy footsteps from downstairs, and from below come to more wretched watchmen. One manages to get near the top step before taking swing at the cleric, but the attack is spoiled by the spiral configuration. [Watchman attacks and misses; other watchman below]

The two holding the yellow box drop it and sneer at the party. The first, a lanky fellow, rushes the unarmed gnome and grabs him, holding him tight! The second, a sallow man, reveals a blood-red design surrounded by welts on his left hand, steps forward, and thrusts it at helpless gnome! However, the sallow one trips on the small chest, and the glowing hand misses! [R grapples Balnibar, successed opposed grapple checks; Balnibar grappbled! R activates spell-like ability and attempts touch attack, misses]
[sblock=Mathew]You know that mark: Its an aberrant mark![/sblock]
Wary of the watchmen behind him, Corran steps forward and channels the healing power of his faith into the fallen elf. He is relieved to see warmth return to Genithar's features. [6hp healed]

The bruised watchman flattens himself against the wall, bringing his halberd to bear on the shifter. "You'll pay for assaulting the watch, filthy beast!" But he catches the shaft of the weapon on some of the discarded clothes and misses horribly. [Natural 1 misses]

Then things become even weirder as the small chest reaches into itself with two of its supporting legs and throws forth something fragile against the sallow man. It catches him in the back, and he screams in agony as there is a sizzling sound and the smell of flesh! [Store throws acid flash and hits; near death]

In a bad situation, Genithar unceremoniously crawls forward, and regains his footing. Meanwhile, Mathew awkwardly swings his borrowed weapon forward; the stuck man fails to dodge and is hit squarely in the chest, dropping unconscious. [AC 16 hits; 8hp nonlethal drops foe]

Bedroom Battle: Round 2

Upper floor

L: 24
B: 22 [grappled]
C: 17
W: 14 [one unconscious]
R: 12 [one grappling B, the other near death]
C: 11
T: 10 [-8 nonlethal]
S: 8
G: 5 [3/4hp]
M: 5

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, G: Genithar, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs, S: Moving Chest, T: Watch Tough, W: Watchman.

[Round 2 actions]


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what an awesome scene!

Trusting the Lorth to take out the Halberd wielder, Genithar instead focuses on the situation around him, starts calling out to his comrades, attempting to organize and motivate them, Mathew! Hold the doorway until Lorth relieves you! Corran! Vol's teats defend yourself, lad!

Screwing his courage to the sticking place, should the Tough not be down, he will step in close, longsword slashing to try and take the man down.

Should the Tough already be dealt with, the Wizard trusts in Balnibar's ability to slip away and rushes for the wounded Ruffian, attempting to down him by swinging the flat of his blade towards the human's head.

ooc; 5' step to the West and Real Damage Attack on the Tough, if he's up. If not, move to Threaten R and attack for non-leathal, using an action point.


First Post
Corran hunkers down behind his shield and withdraws into the room, stepping past Matthew and the unconscious watchman to stand next to Balnibar, on the opposite side from the wiry thug.More watchmen coming up the stairs out here.
OOC: Just withdrawing.
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First Post
Thankfull to see Genithar moving Mathew waits for Corran to enter the room and closes the door behind him and lock it if possible. If he can not close the door he will attack the approaching watchman.


First Post
Lorth steps next to the halberd wielder and attempts to knock him unconscious.
[sblock=Stats]Lorth, Beasthide Shifter Monk 1
HP: 11/11
AC: 20
AP: 5
Shifting: 6/7 rounds remaining. +2 Con, +4 Natural Armor (included in stats above)
5ft Step N
Flurry of Blows (non-lethal): Full-Round Action. -1/-1, 1d6+1[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bedroom Battle: Round 2

A controlled by feral look on his features, Lorth step forward with the intent of brining the watchman down. The watchman easily nocks aside the first clumsy blow, but is knocked punch-drunk by the second! [AC 4 misses; AC 17 hits, 8hp nonlethal, T staggered]

The nimble gnome squirms against his attacker and just manages to free himself. He steps back and draws his rapier so as not to be caught again! [Escape Artist 6 vs Grapple Check wins, Balnibar freed; 5 ft. step; Move action to withdraw weapon]

The darting Cheep flicks its tail stinger and hits the lanky rogue between the eyes! As the man blinks in shock, the homunculus darts behind Balnibar again. [AC 23 hits; 1 hp]

The lanky rogue spits at Balnibar, and seeing the hurt of his comrade, steps back and reaches a spot beneath his shirt. A red glow emanates from the spot, and with a burst, the glow shoots forth as red-black tendrils into Mathew's head! As they seep in, the artificer is filled with dread that these aberrant marked rogues will kill him for his mark; he must flee! [Will save 7 vs fear effect fails; frightened]

The sallow man, heavily wounded, waits for his comrade's ability to take effect before making his move. [Delays]

Before the cleric can withdraw, the watchman takes another swing at him. However, the spiral staircase spoils the swing once again. [Attack misses]

Corran uses his shield to ward off the watchmen and attempts to move into the room. He, however, was unaware of the halberd wielding man. Lucky for him, the blows from Lorth disorient him and his attack misses. [Withdraw doesn't protect you from other AoOs, but T missed]

Knowing he is in trouble, but not willing to surrender, the halberd-wielding tough waves his weapon in front of him in order to ward off the shifter's blow. "Steadman! Terrance! In here and neutralize this shifter, now!" [Total defense]

The small chest, apparently either vicious or out of flasks, wobbles forward on its stand and slams into the scarred thug with a powerful SNAP. The impact shatters the man's knees, and he gurgles as he hits the ground! [AC 14 hits; R dropped and dying]

Attempting to direct the chaos, the elf necromancer steps again into the fray. The man easily weaves out of the untrained wizard's swing, however. [AC 12 misses]

Frightening images flooding his mind, the Cannith heir steps away from the scene, making a beeline for the balcony rope. [Fearful withdrawl]

Bedroom Battle: Round 3

Upper floor

L: 24
B: 22 [grappled]
C: 17
W: 14 [one unconscious]
R: 12 [lightly damaged]
C: 11
T: 10 [-14 nonlethal, staggered]
S: 8
G: 5 [3/4hp]
M: 5 [Frightened]
R: 5 [Dying]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, G: Genithar, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs, S: Moving Chest, T: Watch Tough, W: Watchman.
Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Transparent: Unconcious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 3 actions]


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ooc; does corran threaten the squares around him? that is, does he have the dagger out? also, can i get a know nobility or arcana on the Lanky's magical action?

Continuing his directions, the Wizard calls, "Fell the caster! Lorth, take the final watchman!

Again trusting the Monk of Arrah finish off the tough, Genithar waits for the body to fall and then gingerly steps north of the watchman and pulls the tanglefoot bag, chucking it at the watchman harrying the young Corran.

Should Lorth fail to drop the Halberd weilder, the Wizard slashes left and right, attempting to aid the shifter's next attack.

ooc; if T falls, 5' step above lorth, draw t-bag as move, ranged touch on W

Should T not fall, aid another for Lorth


First Post
OOC: Corran does have his dagger out, as well as his shield.
Corran sees Matthew's flight, but has to trust that the artificer will be able to take care of himself. Instead, he tries to move out of an easily flanked position (between the wiry thug and the wall, if he hasn't moved) and stabs at the thug with his dagger.

If the thug is down, he'll try to aid someone else to hit a watchman, not wanting to do lethal damage.


First Post
Lorth keeps up the pressure on the halberd wielder. He does glance over at Genithar, "For a wizard, you do not cast many spells."
[sblock=Stats]Lorth, Beasthide Shifter Monk 1
HP: 11/11
AC: 20
AP: 5
Shifting: 5/7 rounds remaining. +2 Con, +4 Natural Armor (included in stats above)
Flurry of Blows (non-lethal): Full-Round Action. -1/-1, 1d6+1[/sblock]

Blood trickling down the side of his angular face, the elf's grin is mirthless as he battles along side the furry monk. Keeping the Halberd wielder on his toes with a multitude of jabs, Genithar spits back, 'I would not waste my power on such trash, friend Lorth!'

ooc; HP 3/4 AP3 AC13

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