SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)

The battle heating up as the sounds of violence fill the air, Genithar struggles to be heard as he organizes his comrades into effective action, 'Rally to me, friends! Surround them!'

ooc; i shall burn one more AP on the defensive strike, and remember everyone, taking Total Defense disallows one from making AoOps!

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bedroom Battle: Round 4

Focusing his strike, Lorth takes a heroic effort to try to beat past the watchman's defenses. But the tough is prepared, and fights doggedly to rebuke the blow. [AC 13 w/ AP misses]

Seeing the lanky one heavily bruised by the chest, Balnibar hopes to bring him down with a lucky blow. However, the man still bats away the blow ferociously. [AC 8 nonlethal misses]

Cheep continues to hover around Balnibar, trying to stay out of the fray.

Bleeding, a leg near broken, and surrounded, the lanky rogue's spirit breaks, and he attempts to dart to safety. His preservation instinct fuel his tumbling dodges, and he is able to bolt out the room and down the hall! [Withdraw, Tumble checks succeed]

Their apparent boss in trouble, the two Watchmen step up their assault. 'Scar' slides behind the shifter and brings down his club hard, though Lorth's skin reduces the impact. [W hits Lorth, 2hp] His companion attempts the same, but the slickness from Genithar's blood on the floor causes him to lose his balance briefly. [Misses]

From down the stairs, the sounds of more footsteps can be heard.

Ignoring the fleeing thug, Corran jabs at the Watchman's back to distract him, but to no avail. [AC 7 fails to aid]

Cursing his 'helpers', the halberd-wielding tough continues to dodge and weave. [Total Defense]

Balnibar and the rest had made an assumption, one that would soon turn false---that the small chest was on their side. But, as it rears up on its hind 'legs' and tried to slam into the gnome, the error is made clear---as far as it is concerned, everyone in the room was a trespasser. Luckily for the gnome, its movements are a bit cumbersome, and it misses. [S attacks Balnibar; misses]

Stepping over the guard that felled him, the wizard tries poorly to slash at the guard with no success. [AC 6 w/ AP misses]

Seeing the source of his fear, Mathew once again is driven to run way, but as he uncoils the rope, the feeling ebbs and he is once again clearheaded. [Fear effect ends]

Bedroom Battle: Round 5

Upper floor

L: 24 [9/11hp]
B: 22 [grappled]
C: 17
W: 14 [one unconscious]
R: 12 [-5 hp, near death]
C: 11
T: 10 [-14 nonlethal, staggered]
S: 8
G: 5 [3/4hp]
M: 5 [No longer frightened]
R: 5 [Dying]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, G: Genithar, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs, S: Moving Chest, T: Watch Tough, W: Watchman.
Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 5 actions]


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Lorth starts to get mad. He didn't like being surrounded, it made him feel caged. He strikes out twice at the tough behind him (W south of Lorth), not bothering to soften his blows.
[sblock=Stats]Lorth, Beasthide Shifter Monk 1
HP: 11/11
AC: 20
AP: 5
Shifting: 3/7 rounds remaining. +2 Con, +4 Natural Armor (included in stats above)
Unarmed Strike (lethal): Flurry of Blows. -1/-1, 1d6+1[/sblock]


"Gnoshallfrobit!" Balnibar curses. "Mr. Thunderbanner, could you please talk some sense into your belongings? We would be much appreciative!"

Taking a cursory glance around the room, looking for wherever the controlling stone might be, he settles on the chest. It's a beautiful thing, he thinks. What a terrific way to protect something. If Aldus helps, all will be easy. Otherwise...

Balnibar leaps at the chest. "Um... Open Sesame! Klattu Verata Nicto! Rosebud!" He names off whatever passwords and triggers come to mind.

OOC: Use Magic Device check +5; activating trigger.

Stepping back into the doorway, Genithar's face goes cold as a statue as the elf shakes his head, whispering in anger, 'Luckless ones have wakened the beast, may they find whatever hereafter they believe they will.'

Sheathing his heavy, though useless, sword, the Wizard lithely pulls his crossbow and loads it.

ooc; 5' into door way, sheathe, draw, load.


First Post
Corran sees that things are getting out of hand, and trusting to his ability to stop any bleeding once he's taken a watchman down, stabs at the closest one.

ooc; this is getting crazy!

Sparing a glance behind him to see the Artificer coming back into the fray, Genithar begins to speak lyrical words of elvish, [sblock=elvish]'Beware another watchman coming up the stairs! Ready to smash whoever it be!'[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[It sure is crazy! :)]

Bedroom Battle: Round 5 (Partial)

A look of feral anger crosses the usually placid shifter's face, and with a pair of savage punches to the neck, brings 'Scar' to his knees. [5ft step to flank; AC 13, 12 hit; 5hp lethal; disabled]

Cursing to Aldus, the trapmaker desperately attempts to grapple the chest in order to 'activate' it, hoping to find the stone. The homunculus swings high as the gnome ducks in, and he manages to wrap himself around it! [AoO on grapple misses; Opposed grapple check succeeds; UMD check next round]

Aldus' voice is sheepish. "I be warning you that they be unpredictable! I cannot be controlling them from here, find the stone!"

The lanky rogue throws open the door at the end of the hall and disappears from sight.

Blood trickling from his mouth, Scan yells at his companion to "get that spitt'n git!" and attempts to pull back. The shifter's reactive kick is wide [AoO AC 4 misses], but it distracts the watchman as Corran sticks him in the back, dropping him. [AoO AC 16 hits; 2hp] Blood flows freely from the wound. [W dying]

The other watchman, seeing Scar fall, rushes forward with his club clenched in both hands, and with a powerful upperhand swing, brings it down towards Lorth. However, the swing is wide, instead smashing into the wall, sending splinters flying! [Missed]

Crashing up the stairs heedlessly, the doorguard the party saw earlier makes his appearance. Stepping up to the wizard, he bellows "Down, scum!" before landing a hard blow to the wizard's guts! [Hits; 3hp; Disabled]

[Pause to allow Corran, Mathew, and Genithar restate their actions due to changing conditions]

Bedroom Battle: Round 5 (Partial)

Upper floor

L: 24 [9/11hp]
B: 22 [grappled]
C: 17
W: 14 [one unconscious, one dying, two unharmed]
R: 12 [-5 hp, near death, fled]
C: 11
T: 10 [-14 nonlethal, staggered]
S: 8
G: 5 [0/4hp, disabled]
M: 5
R: 5 [Dying]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, G: Genithar, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs, S: Moving Chest, T: Watch Tough, W: Watchman.
Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered


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Corran shouts to Genithar Pull back behind the gnome. Then, in a moment of brave stupidity, he steps up to flank the watchman next to Lorth and stabs with his dagger.

Voidrunner's Codex

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