Bedroom Battle: Round 6
A kick to the knees and a punch in the chest by
Lorth cause Scar's friend to hardly notice, but he strategically moves next to the apparent leader to avoid another halberd thrust.
[AC 7 misses, 18 hits; 2hp]
The bloodied elf steps into the corner, trapping the touch. His swordwork this time does seem to actually distract the man a little.
[Aid another to hit succeeds]
Balnibar struggles wildly to blindly activate the various secured pouches, hoping to gain access to the supposed stone inside. He has no success.
[UMD 17 fails; Balnibar will need a 25 to succeed, not 20 (Activate Blindly, not Trigger). Let me know if/when you want to use an AP]
"They be arcaned locked! Get me tools, boy! They might be helping!" Cheep darts over to the ruined desk, searching frantically for something.
Scar's friend stumbles in the chaos around him, and his ill timed swing is far off its mark.
[Natural 1] Meanwhile, the staggered door man pulls a smokestick from his belt; his belabored movements prevent him from using it.
Seeing his opening, the
Tharask scion steps forward and plunges his knife into the doorman's back. His eyes roll up as he clatters to the ground.
[AC 14 hits; 1hp; unconscious]
Frustrated, the halberd wielding touch bellows
KILL THEM! He adjusts to keep from being surrounded, waving his weapon around carefully.
[Total Defense]
The chest struggles in gnome's grip in vain.
[Fails opposed grapple check]
Chagrined and hoping to redeem himself,
Mathew elbows past Corran to take down the tough. But the man's defenses easily block the clumsy swing.
[AC 7 misses]
Bedroom Battle: Round 7
L: 24 [9/11hp]
G: 24 [0/4hp, disabled]
B: 22 [grappled]
C: 17
W: 14 [two unconscious, one dying, one lightly wounded]
R: 12 [-5 hp, near death, fled]
C: 11
T: 10 [-14 nonlethal, staggered]
S: 8
M: 5
R: 5 [Dying]
Map Key:
B: Balnibar,
C: Cheep,
C: Corran,
G: Genithar,
L: Lorth,
M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs,
S: Moving Chest, T: Watch Tough, W: Watchman.
Dark Red Border: Dying,
Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious,
Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered
[Round 7 actions]