Media [Shadow of the Demon Lord] Shadows Fall: Mask of God


Shadows Fall: Mask of God is a Shadow of the Demon Lord live play. We use the Fantasy Grounds VTT and Syrinscape for in game music and sound. The player characters, and most NPCs are Hero Forge models crafted by one of my players, and an excellent Forger: Ruby the Lazy Goblin. In later episodes SechzigRayner contributes stunning models as well. Also in later episodes another player, TwixeGobbo, provides maps using Dungeon Alchemist. NOT SPONSORED BY ANY OF THIS, XD, just giving due credit, and informing what we're using. And me, I'm just a goblin dude who loves TTRPGs and telling fun and wild stories!

I use the Demon Lord setting, with modifications. It takes place in Vanderbrun, the capital of the Grand Duchy, and uses inspiration from that supplement, as well as Kingdom of God and Exquisite Agony. We stream on Twitch, and I try to edit it down for YouTube. I attempt to run the sessions t.v. show episode style, and while it's far from perfectly executed, when it works, I believe it helps keep the story moving.

Let's meet the characters!

Ruby_TheLazyGoblin as Sticky Tinme - goblin lady of the night

FeyDruidia as Bastet - ferren devotee

RatQueenSimple as Gioconda "GiGi" Gioacchino - human scholar

TwixeGobbo as Eena Lockhart - goblin/vampire occultist
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Episode 02 The Masquerade - Our now dubbed Sisters of the Seven Flames train to their Novice Paths. And attend a party at the behest of Eena's father. We also learn a little more of Eena's world.

Novice Paths:
Sticky goes Rogue
Bastet - Magician
GiGi - Spellguard
Eena - Priest


Episode 03 Wine & Dine - Loved doing the intro for this one. The sisters are tasked with alliance forming and sabotage.


Episode 04 Day of Revelations - A fun one to prep, even threw a scene from a movie in here XD. Another sabotage mission for the sisters as the High Holy day is upon them.


Episode 05 Expert Paths - Yeah, could have named it better, but you get the jist. The sisters train into their Expert Paths...dun dun duuuuuuunn!!!

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