Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard '08


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Reveka continued to drink- it was difficult to say if she had even noticed the presence of the small dragon-brother. She looked in the half-orc's direction, but did not speak. There were, after all, no half-orcs among the Seren, and she had met few of that folk in her time on the mainland.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek continues to play with some scrap. Over time, he has built a tower similar to that of the great Cannith forgehold out of cups, utensils, and bits of tissue. It looks quite fragile, however.


The door opens, admitting a gust of wind, some drizzle, and a bearded man dressed in a sharply tailored gray frock coat.
He nods politely at the people in the bar before whispering to Brews for a moment.
Brews shrugs and responds in a normal voice. "Suit yourself. This place has been dead for two months."

Reassured, the man walks to the center of the bar and clears his throat.
"Good afternoon, all. My name is Mowbray d'Cannith. I represent Kerron d'Cannith in a search for free-lance recovery agents."

Brews coughs -- an affectation learned long ago.

Mowbray grits his teeth.
"Yes. As Master Brews implies, this would be for a mission of adventurous nature. I am authorized to pay in a manner fitting the abilities of the agent...if there are any here who are interested."


First Post
The door swings open again, admitting another gust of wet wind. A dark haired human woman pulls back her black hood and approaches the the bar. "Raven Thorn." she says simply by way of introduction. Flashes of mail can be seen under her cloak. A large round sheild sets on her back, and she wears a long sword at her belt.

She has managed to catch the last of Mowbray's words. "I am just back from the Shadow Marshes, on a job for House Lyrander. But we weren't paid." she adds darkly. "I could use some cash myself. But I don't work cheap. "


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There was the scrape of a chair being pushed back, and one of the few folk who had been in the tavern (who had, in fact appeared to be either asleep or drunk, with her head pillowed on one arm until a moment ago) stood up. She reached under her table and reclaimed a heavy leather satchel, slinging it over one shoulder. Then she grabbed the heavy greatsword which had been leaning against the wall- with the massive blade held casually in one hand she navigated through the mostly empty tables until she faced Mowbray. Whether by accident or design, she stopped just at the point where her blade would be able to reach the man, and placed herself so that the fellow could not watch both her and the other woman without moving his head...

"I might be able to be hired for work, if you need a blade- and if you are any more stable than my last employer." Her voice held just the trace of an exotic accent, and seemed just a bit deeper, more resonant, than one might expect. "I am Reveka, called Scrapescale, and I am a warrior by trade..."

OOC: Human Barbarian 1/Dragon shaman 1, available for work if we can pull a party together. There may be a couple of people coming out of Beer Run- not sure how many...

Drowned Hero

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Refreshing at the Tavern.

The door open with a big boom as a Dwarf wearing green boots, blue pants, yellow shirt and a old purple cloak enters the Tavern. 'Brew! God dammit! that L.I.T.E was gooooooood, worth all that traveling i mean it!' The dwarf is apparently drunk and sits at the bar watching a big axe, a dark haired woman, a half orc, a scaly lizardman and a man in a tailored gray frock coat.

You are not sure if he will remember any of them after this mug of ale that Brew places in front of him. His glassy eyes look down in the mug 'aye! Breeew' 'that ale was gooooood i say' 'drunk it all up celebrating with my teacher in sorcery today, yesterday, the day before and the before that... i think' he starts sobbing 'and its all gone!'

ooc: Khuhter is pending aproval to lvl 3. And will be available for a new adventure after that.


Mowbray looks at Raven for a moment, eyes narrowing as if he's trying to remember where he saw her before.
"Raven Thorn? Of the Orien Thorns?"

Then a massive greatsword distracts him as Reveka moves to flank him.
"Yes...a blade would be good. I imagine you'll do just fine."

Mowbray turns back to Raven.
"We certainly plan to offer compensation, but we have another call on our liquid funds just at present. How expensive were you planning to be?"

He looks as if he might say something else, but then the door booms open and Khuther comes in. Mowbray watches him, speechless, then edges towards Raven, his personal island of sanity.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek had been in and out of the Shard for some time. Since working with the caravan after the Majesty took off, he'd been scraping together work. Mostly smithing, but it was enough for him to gather metal scraps. In one of the rooms Brews let, he'd been heard clanging away and muttering to himself. What he was doing, it was unclear—until now.

Hearing the commotion downstairs, the half-orc opens the door from his room. In front of him is something new: A large iron dog, finely crafted with intricate gears and magic that are at odds with the random materials used in its formation. Tondrek, overburdened as always with his overabundance of scrolls, fine hand-crafted equipment, and other detritus, smiles his dumb smile at those gathered below.

Hello peoples! I Tondrek! You giving worky-worky?


First Post
"Yes. I am with House O'Rien. In good standing. My price will depend on the type of work, risk and length of service. But I believe you would find my rates reasonable." She scowls at the drunken dwarf, and woman with the large sword. She shifts her sheild slightly on her back. "I don't know these others. I can fight, work with locks, and negotiate."

Voidrunner's Codex

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