Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard '08

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Confronted with two willing adventurers and unwilling to leave the traditional dark corner table, Mowbray begins to unfold his tale.

"My name is Mowbray d'Cannith. I am the confidential secretary to Kerron d'Cannith, scion of House Cannith."
He pauses, expecting everyone to be suitably impressed.

"My master's house has been struck by a two-fold tragedy. Four days ago his son Reben was kidnapped as he came home from school. The kidnappers have requested a ransom of five thousand galifars and the signet ring of my master's great-grandfather, Tanther d'Cannith."

He pauses for a moment.
"Tanther d'Cannith's signet ring was buried with him, in one of the minor d'Cannith crypts. I went with my master to recover the ring..."
He hangs his head in shame.

"Something is nesting in the crypt...some foul perversion of life!"
He looks up for a moment, eyes wide.
"The dead bodies of the Canniths rose up against was horrible! The flaming eyes! The charnel grins! The funk of forty centuries!!"
He shudders for a moment and looks like he needs a drink of something potent.
"They were too much for us, and we fled."

He takes a deep breath and looks around for a double of something.

"So here is what we need. We need adventurers to enter the crypt, purify it, and recover the ring. We would also like them to accompany us when we go to pay the ransom, in case of treachery.
We are prepared to pay handsomely for these services."


Lurking in the shadows of the darkest booth, enjoying the momentary privacy and solace, the elf is jolted back to reality as a large man sits down across from him, followed quickly by a few more bodies.

"What the..." he barely is able to blurt out.

He quickly realizes the man did not even notice him.

As the tale of woe unfolds, replete with undead, ransom, and treachery, he cannot help but wonder why each time he steps into this tavern -- and only this tavern in Sharn, do strange quests present themselves.

"I gotta think 'bout finding a new place in this town," he thinks to himself.

He eyes the others at the table,"some sort of lizardish woman, a dwarf, and is that.... that warforged from the mark expedition with that foul human?

"Hmmm, kind of looks like it. Well, at least he can be trusted not to mouth off."

He watches the others while he says,"How handsomely are you talking?"

Weapon moves over the the table with the patron, his face expressionless... like all warforged. I have been fully crafted to deal with issues of warfare. I am, however, not constructed to negotiate. Is that acceptable?

Mowbray takes each question in turn.
House Cannith is prepared to be generous to those who aid it: Mowbray makes it sound like House Cannith prefers to be generous after the successful conclusion of the negotiations.
Exactly how generous he leaves open to your speculation, but "we're not fools, after'll be better business for you to take our payment than try to steal the ransom and run."
Unsaid, but implied, is that the party's payment depends on getting Reben d'Cannith back alive and not so damaged House Jorasco can't put him right easily.

Mowbray also seems unperturbed by Weapon's lack of negotiating skills. He expresses the hope that the ransom payment will be smooth, if expensive. If there's treachery, of course, Weapon will be expected to use his expertise with "issues of warfare".

Well, Mowbray is interested in Weapon and Reveka.

Following everything he read in some old copper dreadfuls, Mowbray led them to a dark shadowy corner table to talk business.
Silvanon was already there, but is apparently too busy being dark and mysterious to say hello.
If he's not, Mowbray would love to have him.
Kuther would be welcome too, but I thought you were having fun being drunk at the bar. If you sobered up and introduced yourself Mowbray would probably be glad to hear from you too.

He doesn't do this much: he's been implying he went on his first adventure yesterday and it went badly...which is why he's recruiting you guys.


He looks over the Cannith agent closely.

"Aye, I'm game for some tomb raiding and such, as long as there is some coin for us at the end of the tunnel.

"And no treachery -- either. We get paid for doing the job and no monkey business at the end, alright?"

He casts a glance towards the lizard-lady.

"I wonder if she is familiar with the Shadow Marches..."

He thinks long and hard to try and remember if he had ever heard her name or saw her likeness during his time there.

Somewhat satisfied to the contrary, he breathes a little easier.

"Last thing I need is to be watching over my shoulder even more so here."

He looks over the Cannith agent closely.

"Aye, I'm game for some tomb raiding and such, as long as there is some coin for us at the end of the tunnel.

"And no treachery -- either. We get paid for doing the job and no monkey business at the end, alright?"

"Of course not!" Mowbray protests.
"There will be neither monkey business nor chicken thieves involved."
He looks at Reveka, genially amused.
"Ghostly chicken thieves...that's crazy talk..."

He nods to himself.
"So, what skills do you three have? Master Kerron will want to know."

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