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Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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DrZombie said:
OOC : go for it. huzzaah, action.

ooc: I said I may be tempted. It's a long adventure even running only half of it, and it'd take at the very least a year (real time) to finish it even going at a very quick pace. I have to examine it closely and honestly decide if I can do it - and to be sincere I'm leaning towards "no"

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Of note--Erekose said he made some changes to Elaydren in the lead-in adventure that would have ramifications in the later adventures. Hmmm...if someone ran SotLW, I wonder if Siobhan would want to work for that woman again...at least, from what I hear, it would take her out of this city :heh: )


Craw Hammerfist said:
Craw looks up at the new entrance and waves him over to the table. "Hoy lad, come join us. I've been meaning to speak with a fabricator. I need to fabricate a story to get me arse outta trouble back home!"

"Not quite the fabricating I do, but an intriguing proposal none the less. What trouble sir Dwarf do you find yourself in back home as you put it." replies Aethelus. He nods to Arvan and is intrigued to hear his story about become Chosen and the Dragonspeakers. "Such a tale spinner. You may have found your fabricator right here." he says with a smile. "Truely though, dragons? Would that I could meet one, their knowledge is legendary and rumored to be beyond vast in its content."

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
Erekose13 said:
"What trouble sir Dwarf do you find yourself in back home as you put it."

Craw takes a long drink and gets a serious look as he ponders how to answer the question. "Wanderlust." he finally blurts out. "Me older brother have rights to the family forge. I'm too young to marry into a different one. I'm good at killin orcs, but me militia captain thinks I'm daft fer my preference o' warhammer. The priest o' Onatar says I'd make a good acolyte, but the standing around in the temple makes me itch. I can't seem to focus on anything fer more'n a year or two. Me Da finally threw a pack at me and said to 'Go and get it out of yer system.' So I hit the road. Here seemed as good as anywhere."


The man with the probe
Someone said:
ooc: How many people are active here? I may be tempted to DM Shadows of the last war (or at least the first part of it) if there are enough 2nd level characters available.
OOC:I have 2 2nd level characters, either could go. Stulgar is likely to come with Siobhan.

"I am from Argonessen," Arvan says. "While a dragon sighting is not uncommon, we rarely are blessed to interact with them."


First Post
((OOC - Mordin was involved in the previous installment, so he'd be keen to go. I'm torn, though...I wanna get my artificer involved, but there are so many here right now.))


The man with the probe
GwydapLlew said:
((OOC - Mordin was involved in the previous installment, so he'd be keen to go. I'm torn, though...I wanna get my artificer involved, but there are so many here right now.))
OOC: Someone needs to make an all artificacer adventure ;)


Craw Hammerfist said:
Craw takes a long drink and gets a serious look as he ponders how to answer the question. "Wanderlust." he finally blurts out. "Me older brother have rights to the family forge. I'm too young to marry into a different one. I'm good at killin orcs, but me militia captain thinks I'm daft fer my preference o' warhammer. The priest o' Onatar says I'd make a good acolyte, but the standing around in the temple makes me itch. I can't seem to focus on anything fer more'n a year or two. Me Da finally threw a pack at me and said to 'Go and get it out of yer system.' So I hit the road. Here seemed as good as anywhere."

"Wanderlust doesn't sound like an offence to me. Why would they want you out of Mror for that? I'd imagine that there is much use for someone mobile in the area, what with all the industry that must take place in those vast forges I can imagine someone wanting to help move goods would be valued." replies Aethelus.

Bront said:
"I am from Argonessen," Arvan says. "While a dragon sighting is not uncommon, we rarely are blessed to interact with them."

"Fascinating, if only to see a dragon that would be a wonder beyond reckoning. From what I've heard though, many of your kinsman do not appreciate outside interest in Argonessen." he says in reply.

(ooc: Aethelus is an approved 2nd level artificer :) and yes a largely artificer party would be interesting if somewhat useless at a lot of things.)

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