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Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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Someone said:
”Greetings, fellow travellers” says as he grabs a chair and sits down. ”Looks like I have to announce myself. My name is Orerreth, and I’m a wanderer by choice. I’ve just arrived at Sharn, and I must say it’s a magnificent place if you’re not afraid of heights and don’t mind stairs. Not being myself as young any more, I thought ‘that looks like a good place to rest for a while and wet your throat’. Though I confess I hesitated to enter when I found out that almost everyone is armed to the teeth. Are you a mercenary company?”

"Claiming I am as good as an entire company would be too bold a claim even for me, but I am a mercenary indeed" the Elf says smiling.

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First Post
Niccolo rises from his chair, dusting himself off. "Some action at last!" he says.

OOC: I see four players are already in, and several of them are fighter-types, but if there's space for one more, count me in.


The man with the probe
OOC: Let's see... Druid, Ranger/Barbarian, 2 Rogue/Fighters, and a swashbuckler. Needs more beef. ;)


inky said:
OOC: I see four players are already in, and several of them are fighter-types, but if there's space for one more, count me in.

The more the merrier. There are enough players already, but I'll wait a couple days to see if anyone else wants to jump in before creating the game's thread.


The door opens to admit a tall man dressed in a black coat, slouch hat, and red scarf.
A new looking rapier and buckler hang at his side on a baldric.

"Good evening, all.
Kenn Allyard *AHCHOO!*"

He blows his beaky nose and orders an absinthe.

"The good absinthe, please. Here's to the little green fairy of the hour!"


Orerreth empties his mug and stands up. "It's heartening that so many of you want to say goodbye to such a great soldier" says. "shall we leave then?"

ooc: Those going with Orerreth go to this thread.


After a little while, another man enterns the Tower's Shard. By his dress, he can be judged a warrior, decked out in new chain-link mail, with a large oaken shield on his arm, and a good long blade at his side.

He nods to Kenn and Brews, two familiar faces, and pulls back the hood of his fine deep green cloak, revealing his head of shockingly blue hair.

" Ah, I am glad to see you both again, " he says, his voice neutral. " Do you think we shall be waiting long for a new crisis to beset the city? "


Kenn raises his glass in greeting.

"Four or five swordsmen just went out the door to a funeral. They were nonspecific about whose."

He sips the absinthe for a moment.
"If there's a crisis at the funeral, I pity the poor thing. Heck, they could even be next crisis."


Veyk takes a seat next to Kenn and says, " Just as well that they have already left. Four is too big a group for my liking, five doubly so. Six would just be unbearable. "

Signalling Brews for a glass of water, he adds, " Hopefully the next job to come up will be suitably for just one or two. "
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