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Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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Patlin said:
"Do you find that you dislike me as a result of my being a constructed entity? Is this a widespread feeling among biologicals?"

"Me? No. You're not Q--" He coughs. "That is to say, that aren't many people or constructed entities or whatever that I dislike based on what they are rather than what they've done. But I don't think other races dislike your people because they're constructs. I suspect it's more about what you were used for."
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byronhicks said:
Of course, I won't be in Sharn long if I can't find a way to make some money. Perhaps Morgrave University can wait. Do you know of any jobs in this area?[/COLOR]

"That is an interesting question. Gainfull employment would indeed be usefull... there are various expenses involved in the courses of study I wish to undertake."

ooc: New! Improved! Now with character judge aproval, Anvuss is prepared to take on any task you crazy DMs decide to set up! :D


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Patlin said:
"Interesting. Do biologicals hold similar distaste towards swords?"

"No one ever said we 'biologicals' were completely rational." Tali says.

Patlin said:
"That is an interesting question. Gainfull employment would indeed be usefull... there are various expenses involved in the courses of study I wish to undertake."

"Then perhaps you're in the right place after all. From what I've heard about this place, the food and drinks are pretty much a sideline." Tali continued. "The real business of this place is connecting 'adventurers' with people who might need their services. With any luck something interesting should come along soon."


"How fortuitous. What sort of services are marketed here? Do you know what sort of pay one might expect? My only posessions are those I managed to scavenge from the creation forge at the time it was closed down. Having coin would be novel."


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Recruting - Into Khybers Gate

The door to the bar swings open, letting in some of the rain that falls so frequently here in Sharn. He wears simple clothes colored blue and with a black cloak upon his back. The man spurns the normal rite of introduction and proceeds to a table at the edge of the common area. He drinks alone and watches each person that enters with a calculating expression. He does little to draw attention to himself and is soon forgotten as conversation, and drinks, flow.

Some time later a waitress approaches a knot of adventurers deep in conversation with a fresh round of drinks. "Courtesy of that gentleman, oh, and he said these were for you." She hands out a folded slip of paper with two words on it. Job Offer. Looking up you can see the back of the man as he moves to one of the curtained off privacy tables at rear of the building.

New Adventure starting up! I'll take up to 6 players, so first-come first-serve. Head on over to this thread if you are ready to join.


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Well, let's see what this is all about. I can't afford to pass up a chance to work. I'm almost broke.

Johanel stands, grabs his backpack and heads to the back of the bar.


First Post
Patlin said:
"How fortuitous. What sort of services are marketed here? Do you know what sort of pay one might expect? My only posessions are those I managed to scavenge from the creation forge at the time it was closed down. Having coin would be novel."

"Can't say. People with quick hands, quick blades, a touch of arcane talent, some skill with the way of the mind, the favor of a god, or some combination of any of them have all come out of here with employment. But this is the first time I've actually been in here seriously; my understanding is the rewards are typically in line with the risks. I suppose we could ask that fellow that sent this note, but a little more information about the job he's offering would have been nice." Tali said.
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"What excellent timing! This does indeed seem to be an opportune spot to gain employment. I will investigate as well."


A dark cloaked figure enters the bar. The cloak stands little less than 5 feet tall and is drawn quite far over the figure's face. Stange clicking sounds can be heard as it walks. A male voice in clear common with a distinctly Sharnite accent says, "Bloodtalon, Malleon Gate's first certified investigator." It then moves towards the bar and orders an ale.

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