Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book I: Festival of the Dead(closed)


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I'm gonna have to bow out of this one. I made a character but time constraints are not good right now. Thanks for the opportunity, tho.

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wondering if you would like the services of a very interested player...
I'm most familiar with FR, and Planescape of DnD, but i would like to try this different type of campaign.

Welcome aboard Jeremo!

Let's try to get characters all put together by the weekend, if possible, so that we're able to get this thing going. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in action.

If you have any questions, ask them, and remember to post your finished characters in the world info thread in the rogue's gallery.


First Post
This should be interesting to see Never had a party in one of my games with a Psion as major blaster before.

So far: human druid, elan kineticist, human cleric(entropy), dwarven fighter, and two yet undecided.

BD, do you want us to repost our characters in the thread in the Rogue's gallery?

EvolutionKB said:
So far: human druid, elan kineticist, human cleric(entropy), dwarven fighter, and two yet undecided.

BD, do you want us to repost our characters in the thread in the Rogue's gallery?

Initially, I was just going to have you post them in the world info thread, but I think a dedicated Rogue's Gallery thread might work better.

So please post your characters here:


First Post
Some more world related questions for you:

1) How much to people(or PCs) know about the world in general, do we know a general layout of the world? Are there maps that show the world in pretty good detail?

2) Any specific houserules that you have? I figured you would have mentioned them now if you did.

3) What is the "power" of the world if you will. That is, is it like The Realms where mid to high level NPCs are common, or more like Eberron where level 10 NPCs are in positions of great power and are well known?

4) Are there any obvious "evil" nations/people?

EvolutionKB said:
Some more world related questions for you:

1) How much to people(or PCs) know about the world in general, do we know a general layout of the world? Are there maps that show the world in pretty good detail?

2) Any specific houserules that you have? I figured you would have mentioned them now if you did.

3) What is the "power" of the world if you will. That is, is it like The Realms where mid to high level NPCs are common, or more like Eberron where level 10 NPCs are in positions of great power and are well known?

4) Are there any obvious "evil" nations/people?

In order :) :

The average person knows about the various lands of the Shattered Sea, at least by reputation. In a very general sense, the layout of the known lands is also known. Maps do exist, but mapmaking isn't very exact, and details and scale are often very far from reality on the ground.

I don't have any specific houserules that I use. That said, I do tend to tinker with monsters and so forth, but that's more adventure design then rules changes.

This world has a power level I would say is moderate. Your average person is a 1st to 3rd level commoner, your average soldier about the same in warrior. Characters above 10th level tend to make it into stories told around campfires, at about 15th they get into the ranks of the famous, and beyond 20th they are indeed epic heroes. Epic characters are fairly thin on the ground, and many of those that do exist tend to operate out of the public eye as often as can be managed.

Helmanor is a known place o'evil, the Mage-Emperor is an epic wizard lich, and uses legions of hobgoblins to enforce his rule. There are evil groups, places, and individuals on all the islands. Just north of Avonleigh the kingdom across the Greystone mountains is a large area overrun by orcs, drow, and giants, known as the Runefields. It used to be a duchy of Avonleigh till the Darkrune drow decided to return to the surface and wreak havoc.

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