The man with the probe
Due to the ambiguous nature of Alignment in Eberron, I can see alignments shifting on characters a bit easier than normal. So, I propose this adjustment to the current system.
Every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, etc), a character may elect to shift their Alignment one step (Good to Neutral, Neutral to Chaotic, etc Lawful Good to Neutral is 2 steps). The alignment has any and all immediate consequences it might normally have. Paladins loose their special abilities, Bards and Monks can no longer gain levels in that class, etc.
Since there are a few reasons to want to change your alignment regularly, this does serve to allow such combos, but because it's every other level, and only one step, it is not an easy step from, say, a Paladin to a Blackguard.
I don't see a lot of abuse of this, the biggest benefactor is a Bard/Paladin with the Devoted Performer feat, which is hardly an optimal combo.
Every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, etc), a character may elect to shift their Alignment one step (Good to Neutral, Neutral to Chaotic, etc Lawful Good to Neutral is 2 steps). The alignment has any and all immediate consequences it might normally have. Paladins loose their special abilities, Bards and Monks can no longer gain levels in that class, etc.
Since there are a few reasons to want to change your alignment regularly, this does serve to allow such combos, but because it's every other level, and only one step, it is not an easy step from, say, a Paladin to a Blackguard.
I don't see a lot of abuse of this, the biggest benefactor is a Bard/Paladin with the Devoted Performer feat, which is hardly an optimal combo.