Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)

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How you guys all doing? Still playing?
I'm doing alright. Just saw this and had to post it.

We pretty much all went our separate ways after the Kingmaker campaign ended. I think that was the last time I played D&D. There was a Starfinder campaign that I did with some of the people from Wizardru's Story Hour, but even that was a few years ago.

How are things with you?


Good thanks, stopped teaching and started a normal job so - way less vacation but also a lot less stress.
We're still playing, though we're lucky if we get 3 hours in on the (fairly) regular Wednesday evening. We've finally started Kingmaker, actually and having fun so far. I'm DM and we're just starting Rivers Run Red next week.


I have Shil's notes for the campaign and it certainly had it's moments. The bit about Grabthar scoring the criticals and utterly vaporizing the main bad guy in the final battle was from the kingmaker campaign. I've just never been able to get myself motivated enough to write anything up. I was planning on starting with a parody of Arnold's Conan's movie beginning "And one day he would sit upon a throne won by his own hand, but that is a story for another time.... No! Wait, this is that story".

I still have the spreadsheet I was using to track our investments in the Kingdom, if that becomes useful. Not sure how much of those mechanics was Shil's or the adventure path. I suspect the later, so it might be helpful


I know how much work it is keeping a story hour. I'm doing ours in Dutch if you're interested :)
Anything you have to share, feel free! Not sure if you have my email. It's foolish dot child at the email from Google :)

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