Like current half-elves, +2/+1/+1 or alternatively +1/+1/+1/+1/+1/+0, as +2 to highest stat is worth more than +1 to two stats.
And maybe be default human choice or anyone that feels that way.
Also by not giving +1 to 6th ability, it gives option in point buy/array for having an 8 as a choice penatly. 9 is just begging to be raised to 10 with some half feat.
Why this suggestion?
It would give less room to "special" racial traits, be easier to balance, and lessen the forum chatter on how race is too influential to character design.
Also, culture can be a single addition in character creation outside biological traits:
Pick one skill, pick total of 4 languages, tools or weapons that you are proficient.
Then you can have:
1. Ability boost: +2/+1/+1 or +1 to 5 abilities
2. Biological traits:
speed(bonus speed or other speed movements as climb, swim, fly or burrow),
Innate spellcasting,
resistances and advantages vs various damage or conditions,
skills that could be biological: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, with maybe an Expertise if those if there is room for it: Possible Elves with proficiency+expertise in Perception.
Natural armor,
Natural attacks, includes possible poison or elemental added damage,
Bonus HPs,
one skill,
4 tools, languages or weapons of choice
2 skills tied to background
tool or language tied to it
Feat, whatever options are final for 1st level choice.
1st level class features
Or you can merge 3&4&5 to single entry of 1 feat, 3 skills and 5 tools, languages or weapons.
Then you get biological traits, class traits and customize your character traits.
And maybe be default human choice or anyone that feels that way.
Also by not giving +1 to 6th ability, it gives option in point buy/array for having an 8 as a choice penatly. 9 is just begging to be raised to 10 with some half feat.
Why this suggestion?
It would give less room to "special" racial traits, be easier to balance, and lessen the forum chatter on how race is too influential to character design.
Also, culture can be a single addition in character creation outside biological traits:
Pick one skill, pick total of 4 languages, tools or weapons that you are proficient.
Then you can have:
1. Ability boost: +2/+1/+1 or +1 to 5 abilities
2. Biological traits:
speed(bonus speed or other speed movements as climb, swim, fly or burrow),
Innate spellcasting,
resistances and advantages vs various damage or conditions,
skills that could be biological: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, with maybe an Expertise if those if there is room for it: Possible Elves with proficiency+expertise in Perception.
Natural armor,
Natural attacks, includes possible poison or elemental added damage,
Bonus HPs,
one skill,
4 tools, languages or weapons of choice
2 skills tied to background
tool or language tied to it
Feat, whatever options are final for 1st level choice.
1st level class features
Or you can merge 3&4&5 to single entry of 1 feat, 3 skills and 5 tools, languages or weapons.
Then you get biological traits, class traits and customize your character traits.