Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?


Should the NPCs follow the same rules as PCs?
Yes, they definitely should. Exceptions to continuity of the game world's rules accrue eventually leading to fall of inner game logic.

However, recognizing the need for the compromise between versatility and usability, I heartily recommend that everyone uses the solution they find most suitable to their needs. In my case, the solution is to use two systems, one handling only external traits, and the other for delivering both internal and external traits.

If you've read RangerWickett's excellent Pathfinder overhaul suggestions, pt. 2, you are familiar with the concept of both types of traits. For those, who haven't: external traits are used for determining results of interaction with game world, while internal traits are used for calculating the external ones (internal traits are also used for recording permanent character changes like character advancement).

So, NPCs have statblocks composed of their external traits, while players' character sheets provide information on both types. Whenever there is a need, I can quickly reverse engineer external traits of an NPC, to provide consistent information on needed aspect of character description.

The quick-n-dirty system allows to build statblocks.
The full system is for building characters.
And it's easy to transfer characters from one system to another.

Of course, 3.5E quick-n-dirty system is far from perfect since it's just my home solution, but it does its job (it's also rather simple - build a set of NPCs, assign 50% of skill points and feats, build a pool of viable choices - when you need a blacksmith, just grab a 3rd level expert/villager, buy Profession (Blacksmith) skill, choose 1 feat and presto, you have a ready NPC).


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So do you think the PCs should have to face encounters where in almost every case the odds of survival are less than 50%?

Because that's what the vast majority of NPCs in the gameworld have to deal with.

The players get more than their share of 'fairness' - they have a DM balancing encounters for them; NPCs have no such luxury.

You're misunderstanding. We're talking about the rules, not the setting. It has nothing to do with the encounters the PC's face, it has to do with whether or not the NPCs broadly follow the same rules as the PC -- do they have to roll to hit, make saves, etc.


First Post
You're misunderstanding. We're talking about the rules, not the setting. It has nothing to do with the encounters the PC's face, it has to do with whether or not the NPCs broadly follow the same rules as the PC -- do they have to roll to hit, make saves, etc.

My bad. I should have explicitly stated that I am talking about character creation rules.


The rules for PC's need to produce characters that are playable over the length of a campaign.

The rules for NPC's need to produce tools that the DM can use as short-to-medium term (usually) challenges for a group (usually) of PC's.

Their goals are different. Their functions are different. There is nothing wrong with the rules being different. Case closed.


First Post
NPC's should be based on a PC model. Does the NPC have to have all the best builds? No, but they are usually one shot characters. If you have reoccurring NPC's, I believe they can be of a PC build with all the trimmings. Some of the NPC's are former PC's and they are part of the storyline. I don't use the point buy system for starting characters, but I don't see that as a problem. Most of our players don't min max their PC's, but we have been playing from OD&D through 3.5. We have had a fair amount of notable NPC's, but they are important to some more than others.

I agree with those that want to make the most of their game regardless of the rules. Have fun and play the way you want.


Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?

Yes. Everything else just breaks the consistency of the game world by making the PCs some kind of mutants.


Everyone should have the same potential -- at least NPCs and PCs, in general. It's okay to use different rules to build them, though.


First Post
I totally disagree.

Rules symmetry, between PCs, NPCs and 'monsters' ftw. For the kind of things I prefer to do, anyway. Each to their own, and so on.

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