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Sidewinder - Back In The Saddle


After a night of drinking, gambling, and celebration you all have somehow found your way into the Colorado Grande. The hotel is decorated from wall to wall with an exaggerated style of the times. From the huge mirror behind the bar, to the various pictures lining the walls, to the velvet wallpaper, and the chandeliers hanging above, it is safe to say that this is the grandest of the hotels in town. More importantly it is known as the best place for a breakfast in town, which is what has brought each of you here. After a night like last night, most of the patrons are eating in silence, ushering in the new year a bit more quietly now. Considering all of the shooting and hollering last night, you would’ve guessed that there would’ve been a couple pine boxes filled this morning. However, New Years Eve had proved to be a good one with no deaths and only a few minor scuffles. The scene outside is pretty typical as the first day of 1877 is much like the last of 1876, snow covered and cold.

As each of you huddle around your breakfast the doors to the hotel open and a red-faced boy of about 12 stumbles in breathless. He turns and closes the door before surveying the lightly crowded establishment. His eyes widen when he sees a burly man eating his breakfast. He quickly shuffles over to him (Luke Smith) and in an excited breathless voice, he speaks. “Scuse me mister. I’s sposed to come down here and find the biggest and meanest lookin’ guy I could. Judge Wilcox wanted me to find you and have you go to his house. I can’t say much ‘bout what he’s wantin’, just that I know it’s kinda important.” He pauses and looks around the room. In a louder voice, he continues. “I’s sposed to be lookin’ fer ‘bout 4 er 5 others too. So, if’n ya’ll whose interested will follow me, I’ll take you to him.” With that, the boy backs away from the table and waits for the man to follow him.

As there’s not much for the barkeep to do yet, he watches and listens to the display and shakes his head after the boy leaves with his quarry. As he exhales, an audible comment can be heard escaping his lips in a distinct Irish accent. “Tis a shame, that’s for sure.” With that he goes back to cleaning his already spotless bar.

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Sitting at breakfast, Luke is feeling pretty good. He has put Kansas far behind him and that means the Mowat's shouldn't be bothering him anymore. Last night there was a nice, friendly brawl with drinks all around afterwards that got all the agression out of his system for a while. And, he has just finished off a huge pile of flapjacks, plus a couple eggs and a slab of bacon. Sipping his coffee, he's feeling content.

maddmic said:
As each of you huddle around your breakfast the doors to the hotel open and a red-faced boy of about 12 stumbles in breathless. He turns and closes the door before surveying the lightly crowded establishment. His eyes widen when he sees a burly man eating his breakfast. He quickly shuffles over to him (Luke Smith) and in an excited breathless voice, he speaks. “Scuse me mister. I’s sposed to come down here and find the biggest and meanest lookin’ guy I could. Judge Wilcox wanted me to find you and have you go to his house. I can’t say much ‘bout what he’s wantin’, just that I know it’s kinda important.” He pauses and looks around the room. In a louder voice, he continues. “I’s sposed to be lookin’ fer ‘bout 4 er 5 others too. So, if’n ya’ll whose interested will follow me, I’ll take you to him.” With that, the boy backs away from the table and waits for the man to follow him.

Luke turn and looks at the kid for a moment, and ponders what he said. "A judge wants ta see me?" he asks slowly. "What in tarnation does a judge want to see me for? Heck, all them boys in the fight last night got up again. At least I think they did." He thinks for a moment more, then sighs. "Well, I guess I better go see what he wants." Luke takes a last sip of coffee and leaves a dollar on the table. Grabbing his coat, hat and rifle (his pistol is belted on already), he follows the kid out of the door.

Once outside he realizes something. "Hey kid, if the Judge needs someone mean lookin, that sounds like there's trouble. Shouldn't you be gettin the sheriff if there's trouble?" he asks.


First Post
Sam sits at his table picking at what is left of his breakfast, disappointed at his losing streak of late he considers what to do next. At least he broke even last night, it's better to break even then to lose your shirt, or so he always been told. At this rate if his luck doesn't change he will have to find a job if he wants to keep eating.

Originally posted by Maddmic

“I’s sposed to be lookin’ fer ‘bout 4 er 5 others too. So, if’n ya’ll whose interested will follow me, I’ll take you to him.” With that, the boy backs away from the table and waits for the man to follow him.

Well speaking of jobs Sam thinks to himself, this might lead to something. "I've got nothin' better to do at the moment so I'll tag along. I'm sort of curious as to why a judge would send a kid to fetch 4 or 5 'big and mean' men." Sam says to the kid as he gets up from his table. Gathering his belongings Sam follows the kid out.


First Post
Ben listens to the boys message as he chases the last of his eggs on the plate, considering his job prospects this sounds like it might pay so he gets up and heads to the door. Since he never could stand being behind anyone he catches and passes the other two and takes the lead, I'll go with y'all to the judges to see what the ole man wants hombre's for, hey boy anybody else besides the Judge waintin' on us ?
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First Post
Howdy, gents. Name's Luke," says the powerful looking young man that the kid first approached. "I'm not sure if I'm the right guy for this job, since I'm not really all that mean," he says with a smile. He holds out his oversized hand to shake. Luckily, he seems to know his own strength and doesn't try and crush anyone's hand.

(OOC: we'd better keep up the posting -- I had to go to the third page to find the thread!)

He quickly shuffles over to him (Luke Smith) and in an excited breathless voice, he speaks. “Scuse me mister. I’s sposed to come down here and find the biggest and meanest lookin’ guy I could. Judge Wilcox wanted me to find you and have you go to his house. I can’t say much ‘bout what he’s wantin’, just that I know it’s kinda important.” He pauses and looks around the room. In a louder voice, he continues. “I’s sposed to be lookin’ fer ‘bout 4 er 5 others too. So, if’n ya’ll whose interested will follow me, I’ll take you to him.” With that, the boy backs away from the table and waits for the man to follow him.

Joe looked up from his breakfast plate when the boy started sqawking about following him somewhere. The fact was that he was getting low on funds. The last herd he had brought in had been nearly three months ago. That trip from El Paso, Texas to Dodge City, Kansas seemed so long ago. He hoped to work for Carson again sometime, seeing as how he paid well. But no more herds would need moving until the winter turned over to spring and summer. He was certain that his meager funds wouldn't last until then.

His mind made up, he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve, pushed his plate away and stood up to follow the boy to wherever he was taking them.

Howdy, gents. Name's Luke," says the powerful looking young man that the kid first approached. "I'm not sure if I'm the right guy for this job, since I'm not really all that mean," he says with a smile. He holds out his oversized hand to shake. Luckily, he seems to know his own strength and doesn't try and crush anyone's hand.

Joe reaches out and shakes the big man's hand. "Joe Roberts," he says with a smile. "Pleased to meet you Luke."
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First Post
Already finished with his breakfast by the time the boy bursts in due to the virtues of being an early riser and a fast eater, Joshua gulps down the last of his coffee.

The kid's plea brings a grim smile onto his face, but the lure of making a few extra bucks is not inconsiderable. Perhaps it would be even worth it to do a job for a federal judge.

Leaning onto the counter, he nods to the barkeep. "So, what's the shame 'bout tis?"

His distinctive Georgian drawl still remains recognizable, even after all these years.


Once outside he realizes something. "Hey kid, if the Judge needs someone mean lookin, that sounds like there's trouble. Shouldn't you be gettin the sheriff if there's trouble?" he asks.

The kid looks back and answers. "Naw. Not sure why, but the judge, he sed to find some boys who ain't tied up with tha law. He sed that all that jurstiction and stuff gits in the way too often."

"I've got nothin' better to do at the moment so I'll tag along. I'm sort of curious as to why a judge would send a kid to fetch 4 or 5 'big and mean' men."

The boy nods to Sam and then shurgs his shoulders. "Yeah, I don know either. He didn't tell me too much. So's I guess if he let's me stay 'round, it'll be jest as much a surprise fer me too."

"I'll go with y'all to the judges to see what the ole man wants hombre's for, hey boy anybody else besides the Judge waintin' on us ?"

The boy shakes his head. "Waitin'? Naw, nobody there cept Miss Claire. She's his daughter. She ain't never married on account she been taken care of the judge fer a few years now. He's kinda old."

As the introductions are being made, the boy turns and says, "Misters, fer what it's worth, mah names Johny Ginter."

Leaning onto the counter, he nods to the barkeep. "So, what's the shame 'bout tis?"

The barkeep leans a bit closer and looks around at the rest of the patrons. In a hushed Irish laiden voice, he whispers. "Well ye see boyo, the judge, he's been havin' some problems with his kin up in Wyoming. I really can't say too much more as I swore on me mother's grave that I wouldn't pass this on to anybody. Although, if yer plannin on seeing the good judge, ye best be prepared for an older gentleman who is not always right in the head." He taps his head in order to emphasize his last statement.

If Joshua wishes to join the others, he can catch up to them at this point. They're not moving too quickly. Otherwise, the barkeep will give him directions. I'll wait for a day so that Douane can respond. I kinda want the group to be there all at once so everything can be laid out. I also know that Max is out until Wednesday, so I'll post once or twice more this week so we don't leave him too far behind.
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First Post
maddmic said:
The barkeep leans a bit closer and looks around at the rest of the patrons. In a hushed Irish laiden voice, he whispers. "Well ye see boyo, the judge, he's been havin' some problems with his kin up in Wyoming. I really can't say too much more as I swore on me mother's grave that I wouldn't pass this on to anybody. Although, if yer plannin on seeing the good judge, ye best be prepared for an older gentleman who is not always right in the head." He taps his head in order to emphasize his last statement.

Though bristling inwardly a bit at being called "boyo", Joshua remains calm on the outside as he expected nothing better here, knowing all too well that southern chivalry is a thing of the past.

"So? Sure hope he can pay good money, at least."

He nods his thanks to the barkeep, flicks over a dollar and then leaves, following the other men and the boy to the judge.

A brain-addled Federal judge? Go figure!
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