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Sidewinder - Back In The Saddle

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Luke scratches his head and thinks as he walks. A judge who doesn't want the law to deal with a problem? What kind of judge is this guy? And what kind of problem does he have? Luke grimaces and regrets agreeing to come along. However, he had agreed and so figures he should keep his bargain.


The group reaches a moderately sized Victorian home. The boy bounds up the stairs, knocks on the door and promptly enters the house. He turns to you all and makes a sweeping motion with his hand. “C’mon in sirs. If ya’ll go down the hall and take your second left, the judge should be in that room.” With that he closes the door behind you all and follows.

Once the door closes, you all can hear a voice coming from the room. It’s an older voice, but you can tell that there’s some dignity in it. Johnny passes the group down the hall and stops at the entrance. He holds his hand up for the group to wait. In the room you can hear, “Yes sir, we will take care of them. I will have my commanders rout them and we shall prevail.” Just then Johnny smiles and steps into the opening. You all hear, “Captain, did you summon my commanders?” Johnny salutes and replies, “Yes sir. They are here with me.” He then motions you to come around the corner, all the while snickering.

As you all turn the corner, you see an older gentleman in his mid to late 60’s. He’s dressed in a clean and pressed blue uniform. It is authentic and complete down to the sword and sash around his waist. As the group scans this man they can see that the right arm of his coat is pinned up betraying the fact that there is nothing in there but maybe a stump. You can each make out two stars on each of his epilates. The group then realizes that he is the only one in the room. He has a look in his eye that seems distant from where he’s at right now. He motions you all inside and sweeps his hand towards various seats in the room.

“Gentleman, I have received orders from General Meade. We are to rally our troops and attack the rebel force that has routed our flank. I’ve been told that General Stonewall Jackson himself is leading the rebels this way and we need to provide time for our forces to reposition.” There is a fire in his eyes and a smile crosses his face. As he continues, his voice gets louder. “Men, I want you each to return to you regiments and put a fire in them that we’ve never seen before. I want you boys to turn and press these rebellious vermin back to the hell from whence they came! C’mon boys! Gather your men and let’s win this fight today!” With that, he unsheathes his sword and lets out a weak war cry.

Seconds later, a very beautiful woman comes running into the room. She looks at each of you with a bit of shock in her eyes, and then she sees Johnny giggling in the corner of the room. She looks at the boy with a scolding glare and ushers him out while looking at each of you apologetically. While she is pushing the boy out of the house, the man slumps into a deep chair and his sword crashes to the floor. He then begins to sob quietly. The woman returns and addresses you all. “Gentlemen, I must apologize for this. My father is not well and some people seem to think it’s a bit of a joke. Some children think it’s a game and they just don’t understand. Nobody understands.” She then curtsies and continues, “My name is Claire Wilcox. This is my father George Wilcox. Today it would seem that it’s General George Wilcox. I guess it depends on the day as to which George Wilcox you’d get.” She then turns to the man and kneels down.

He puts his left hand on her shoulder speaks to her in an almost whisper. “It’s ok Claire. I sent for them. I’m ok now.” She nods and replies. “Ok father. Let me get your medicine and I’ll let you be.” She returns moments later and hands him a small brown bottle. He takes a small sip and hands it back to her. “Thank you dear.” He then looks to you all and shakes his head. “Sorry gentlemen, I apologize for the outburst. I was a bit overdue for my laudanum this morning.” He clears his throat and nods to Claire as she exits the room. For those of you not sitting, he motions for you all to take a seat.

“Despite my current condition, which has not been diagnosed completely yet, I assure you gentlemen that the reason I have called you here is genuine. I have a predicament that I need for you to remedy. My son who lived just north of Cheyenne Wyoming has passed away. His wife was killed ’accidentally’ 6 months prior.” His lower lip quivers a bit as he continues. “My boy was hanged because he was accused of killing a man and stealing his horse. Now, I’m not going to speak on that as it’s pointless since he’s gone. What I have brought you all here for is a little job. I want my 6 year old grandson brought back to me. He was left in the care of some of my son's trusted friends. They have now mysteriously turned up deceased too. The bottom line is, I want my grandson brought to me safe and secure. Before I continue on with more detail, what do you all say?”


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RedWolf looks at the old man and his daughter and makes up his mind Sir, every man needs to go crazy sometimes to relieve whatever pain he has in his soul, and if a child is where he ain't supposed to be I for one will go get him.


First Post
Luke takes a moment to consider what the old man has said, and realizes he has a couple questions. "Well Sir, that is a right sad tale. Before I agree to anything I'd like to clear some things up. I'm wondering about a few things and the only way I know to get answers is to ask questions. So, who has your grandson now? Will they want to give him up?"

"Why do you think all these deaths are mysterious? I agree that all of them dying so close together is strange at best, but do you have a reason to say there is a mystery about it? How did they die?"

"What about the law up there -- have you tried to get the local law to bring your grandson down here? Do you think the local law will try and keep him there?"

"Do you have any papers to prove he is your grandson? It would help if we could prove that, so people might not think we were kidnapping the kid."

"Finally, why do you think everyone up there is dying? Is there someone you think is behind it all?"
Luke apparantly is waiting to hear some more information before agreeing to the request.


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Since Luke beat him to the punch with the questions Sam sits back and waits for the old man to answer.
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"That was weird. What are we getting ourselves into?" Joe thinks to himself.

"I gotta go with Luke here, sir. I need a bit more information before I can agree to this," Joe says to the judge. "It sounds like Luke covered all the questions I have."

Joe then settles back and waits for the judge to provide a bit more information.


First Post
Joshua can't suppress a grim smile at the sorry sight this wreck of a former Federal general presents.

At the mention of "rebellious vermin" , however, Joshua's hand immediately jerks up towards the butt of his rifle before he manages to stop it with a bit of effort as conscious reasoning catches up with the instinctive reaction.

Stay calm, Lieutenant! After all, if he's faced the "Stonewall" there's not much he contributed to the Federal victory.

He reflects upon the irony of the situation and the sight of the blue uniform on the one side and his own grey suit, a colour he still favours after all these years, on the other side soon turns Joshua's thoughts back to the "glorious" past, if only for a short moment.

He denies Wilson’s request to take a seat with a firm "Ah'ld rather take a stand.", his georgian drawl thicker than ever.


The man nods at you all. He seems to have already known that asking for help without adequate explaination was a mistake.

Max said:
Luke takes a moment to consider what the old man has said, and realizes he has a couple questions. "Well Sir, that is a right sad tale. Before I agree to anything I'd like to clear some things up. I'm wondering about a few things and the only way I know to get answers is to ask questions. So, who has your grandson now? Will they want to give him up?"

“My grandson is being watched over by some good folks by the name of Kimball. They were reluctant to watch him from the beginning due to all the happenings. They run the general store and are the ones who have sent the letters to me explaining what has happened. Therefore, I am sure that it is safe to say that they would indeed be more than willing to allow you to bring him back to me and my daughter here.”

Max said:
"Why do you think all these deaths are mysterious? I agree that all of them dying so close together is strange at best, but do you have a reason to say there is a mystery about it? How did they die?"

“The town of Breeze is not that large. For accidents to happen in this magnitude is almost never heard of. Call it a gut feeling if you will. Call it just a simple work of nature. Call it some conspiracy. Hell, call it whatever you want! The one thing that I can say is that I believe my grandson to be in danger. I also believe that my grandson Billy, has been through enough and deserves to be in a stable environment. Nobody should have to be subjected to these sorts of travesties, much less a 6 year old boy.” Mr. Wilcox seems to be a bit agitated and begins to cough. Upon calming down, he continues to answer your questions.

Max said:
"What about the law up there -- have you tried to get the local law to bring your grandson down here? Do you think the local law will try and keep him there?"

The old man chuckles. In fact he almost flat breaks out in an uncontrollable laughter, so much so that some of you think he’s going to slip back into his dementia. “The one person who I do know in this town is the sheriff. His name is J. T. Burris and he is hardly what you would call a ’Law Man’. He is just some puppet that the local cattle giant has put into place, somebody who he can manipulate into doing his bidding. Reason I know this is because he was some young arrogant Sergeant under my command who could send boys out to die, but hid behind them when the guns started blazing. He’s a spineless, gutless, sorry excuse of a man. That being said, I don’t believe that the law CAN keep him there, but cannot say that he won’t try for his boss. What I can speculate on though is that Burris’ boss had a hand in my son’s death. It was after all one of his ranch hands that my boy Emmitt killed."

Max said:
"Do you have any papers to prove he is your grandson? It would help if we could prove that, so people might not think we were kidnapping the kid."

“Papers? No, I can’t say that I have any papers. All I can do is basically plead you all to help us in this matter. The town folk will most likely support you; at least that’s what I am led to believe from my son’s old letters.”

Max said:
"Finally, why do you think everyone up there is dying? Is there someone you think is behind it all?" Luke apparantly is waiting to hear some more information before agreeing to the request.

“I really can’t speculate on that. If I were to take a wild guess, then my boy really fired somebody up enough to hate his family enough to kill them. If that’s the case, then anything is possible. I just want to reiterate gentlemen, that my primary concern is for the safety of my grandson.”


First Post
maddmic said:
The old man chuckles. In fact he almost flat breaks out in an uncontrollable laughter, so much so that some of you think he’s going to slip back into his dementia. “The one person who I do know in this town is the sheriff. His name is J. T. Burris and he is hardly what you would call a ’Law Man’. He is just some puppet that the local cattle giant has put into place, somebody who he can manipulate into doing his bidding. Reason I know this is because he was some young arrogant Sergeant under my command who could send boys out to die, but hid behind them when the guns started blazing. He’s a spineless, gutless, sorry excuse of a man. That being said, I don’t believe that the law CAN keep him there, but cannot say that he won’t try for his boss. What I can speculate on though is that Burris’ boss had a hand in my son’s death. It was after all one of his ranch hands that my boy Emmitt killed."

Oh great, thinks Luke. Another big cattleman I can get mad at me...... Still, the old man's story sounds good. Of course, he's probably nuts.

"Well Sir, what can you tell us about this big cattle man? Even if he doesn't have anything to do with your family's problems, it sounds like he's the real power up there," says Luke.

Voidrunner's Codex

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