Silent Hill: Dante's Quest


Hello everyone. First time posting, long time lurking!

So, here's the deal: I'm planning a Silent Hill based adventure to a couple of friends (who are indeed a married irl). The premise is this: Their characters had a son while in their teens (around 14-15), then they broke up. The kid (who's name is Dante), stayed with relatives 'till he was 13.

Then the couple got back together and start raising Dante as a real family. Then... Dante died in his 15 year birthday. That broke them. The couple tried everything to save him but to no avail. After his death, they've tried to contact the son by occult means (ouija, seances, etc) but again, no dice. Then... a letter arrived at their RV.

A letter written in bold red letters in a DnD character sheet, telling them that if they complete a quest, they'll see him again...

Now, here is where you guys come in. I need ideas, hooks, monsters, puzzles (and there will be puzzles to solve) and everything you guys can give to me.

The system i'm using is Tormenta Rpg (Brazil's 3.X/Pathfinder) with some modifications. No spell casting classes, and the more "supernatural" classes (ranger, monk, etc) are off limits. The couple will have to choose between Barbarian, fighter, rogue, brawler and noble (again, all with some tweaks and changes because is a modern day game) an idea i've got fom that old New Argonauts suplement

This friend of mine likes D20 better then Gurps (my favorite system), so i'm throwing the guy a bone.

Why Dante's Quest? the son favorite hobby was playing DnD. So the town will have DnDesque oddities. A bar (Neely's?) will have a cardboard cut out over the outside wall with crude bricks drawn to it and Neely's Tavern wrote over it. They will find crossbows instead of guns.

The first enemies i was planning them to find were goblins, but not our green crazy "normal" ones, but instead, some fleshy, faceless humanoids with goblin-face paper masks, wielding kitchen knives. Health drinks will have "health potion" wrote over them, and so on.

The Famous Otherworld, instead of rust and fire would look like a long forgotten dungeon, with stone walls, candles and torches instead of modern lights. etcs.

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