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Simple Etiquette


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Adrie said:
Sienna the person in question to starting trouble was asked politely in a PM also. this is a person who has something against some of those involved in the storyline OOC. We don't want any crossing of OOC to IC knowledge in our storyline so what is known OOC is kept to a very few people.
Heh, I can sympathize there, as I think I can safely say most of the other players behind Sril've Cress can. We had the same sort of quasi-stalker thing going on with a certain few individuals who refused to leave the organization's characters alone in spite of repeated in-character and out-of-character statements of such. Unfortunately, to quote an elephant themed episode of The Simpsons, "Some people are just jerks." Can't get bogged down by it, just ignore it and hope they get tired of running into the same wall time and time again and go away on their own. Rather like with spoiled children, take away their toys and they'll run out of things to do in due time thanks to the atrophe of imagination that fixation on things rather than ideas can cause. ;)

That said, Trelian hit the nail on the head. Nothing can be done about someone watching a fight in the clearing, or following to watch in the 'free setting' areas. If those people can't keep the difference between in-character and out-of-character knowledge straight, take pity, not anger, if nothing else, it gives you something to have a bit of a laugh about with your friends afterward. If it's that vital that something remain private and secretive, there are numerous IM programs, free java chat rooms on Freewebs accounts you can create yourself (not nearly as high quality as FlashChat or other alternatives, however), IRC, and numerous other approaches that can be taken to secure your information.

Complaints of interference are valid, but complaining about someone lurking in a public chat room is like saying someone watching you walk around in a shopping mall is peering through your living room window. :p

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I do realize this is a public chat as I made mention to it in my first post on this thread. :) I guess I just needed to vent it out about what someone did is all. As the person I was working on the storyline with, we did take it to a much private setting via IMs. That is actually where all the sensitive/vital secret info is being discussed. I think it was more the fact of how rude the player was towards us and the fact that he has many OOC issues with a few of the players involved that hit a nerve with me.
I do not mind if people follow just to watch or offer clerical aid after the fight, but its when say this for example, a character, who was not in the tavern at the time the issue arose that lead to the fight in the clearing, just pops in, right into the middle of the clearing, while the two people or however many are involved are fighting, demanding to know what is going on. Then they complain cause they got hit by a sword or a spell or something that was intended for one who is fighting.


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>>Technically the Clearing isn't next to the tavern. According to Siani it's a short walk away.<<

Actually, the Clearing is located outside of town and upriver...about a mile or so. This is why charaters can assume their natural appearance there though granted, it is still risky. It's quite a large area along the Selintan River and screened from the River Road by a thin band of trees. Where the path from town enters the Clearing is where the formal circle of honor and Valkyrie are found. The rest is just a very large meadow.

Most local folk avoid the area and passing vessels on the river tend to ignore it....it is known to be a place of strange goings on and is even rumored to be haunted.

Remember, however, that it is a Combat Only room...not for RP in general. I may decide to open it to general RP....I haven't decided yet and currently it remains Combat Only.


Wow, I just learned something new about the Clearing...interesting.

I do agree with Immy and the others that advocate interfering with a storyline that goes on between a select number of characters. However, I also agree with Trelian on the notion of the place being public in and of itself, regardless of storyline or not.

But, there is also the fact of characters that may not be involved in a certain portion of the storyline, but are well acquainted with the characters involved and may wish to protect the integrity of a character involved. That's getting situational, and slightly diluted from the main focus of this thread, but should nonetheless be considered.

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