Since the Kronusverse is an interstellar setting, and as 3PP I cannot use the Drift, nor drift drives as those are Paizo IP. However, the alternate I've been using is called Hyperspace and essentially works the same, mechanically. However the Pact Worlds is single solar system (more or less) with dozens of inhabitable worlds, and while more space exists beyond the setting, you must use generational colony ships to get there - this kind of physics cannot work in the Kronusverse, because as an interstellar setting, distances between colonies are so much greater. So Hyperspace drives in the Kronusverse travel at 1 day in hyperspace = 1 light year distance traveled. Meaning you cannot make a hyperspace jump inside a star system to another destination within the same star system. Hyperspace travel is for interstellar flight. 30 days in hyperspace = 30 light years distance making interstellar travel more reasonable.
Maneuver drives for the purposes of starship combat, nearing planets you intend to enter the atmosphere or orbit, and any other normal starship flight activity is done at standard Maneuver Speed. However, in the Kronusverse, maneuver drives also feature a Cruising Speed, which is much faster, theoretically as fast as Drift drive speeds as it applies to the Pact Worlds setting. 30 days travel will take you from Neptune to Pluto with Pluto on it's orbit on the other side of sun on the opposite side of the star system from Neptune. However, at cruising speed, you cannot turn the ship (beyond the predetermined flight path set in your astrogation system), and you cannot engage in combat. You can detect if you're being fired upon, but must drop out of cruising speed to engage or do any other starship activity. However in all other respects the Kronusverse manuever drives work mechanically the same - no need to create new rules, only a slightly different interpretation of the rules so they better apply to interstellar distances... kapiche?
Maneuver drives for the purposes of starship combat, nearing planets you intend to enter the atmosphere or orbit, and any other normal starship flight activity is done at standard Maneuver Speed. However, in the Kronusverse, maneuver drives also feature a Cruising Speed, which is much faster, theoretically as fast as Drift drive speeds as it applies to the Pact Worlds setting. 30 days travel will take you from Neptune to Pluto with Pluto on it's orbit on the other side of sun on the opposite side of the star system from Neptune. However, at cruising speed, you cannot turn the ship (beyond the predetermined flight path set in your astrogation system), and you cannot engage in combat. You can detect if you're being fired upon, but must drop out of cruising speed to engage or do any other starship activity. However in all other respects the Kronusverse manuever drives work mechanically the same - no need to create new rules, only a slightly different interpretation of the rules so they better apply to interstellar distances... kapiche?