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Six question character background?


A while ago, maybe August, someone posted a quick character questionnaire they give to players at the start of a campaign. It had only five or six questions as I recall, but I remember thinking that it was very good.

Now I can't find it anywhere! :erm:

Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and can they repost or point me in the right direction?


- Ron ^*^

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Steeliest of the dragons
I didn't see the thread you are referring to, but generally speaking, I would think this covers most of the bases:

1- Hometown. Where are they from?
2- Family. Parents? Siblings? Extended family? Deceased members and causes.
3- Why did they leave home?
4- Why are they adventuring?
5- Is there any significant event/events that have contributed to their current personality, outlook (alignment?), skills?
6- How did they learn/who trained them in their current skills?

But I would be interested, if anyone does have it, in seeing the list Werebat is referring to.

--Steel Dragons


First Post
Don't know if I've seen the one you're after, unfortunately, but I did try to come up with a "six prompts" thingy, just this minute.

List the following:

* Childhood environment, including family relationships, and any enduring friendships and/or bad blood
* Best thing that's ever happened... so far!
* Worst thing that's ever happened... so far!
* Most important person (e.g., a friend, family member, mentor, lover, personal hero...)
* Where, from whom and/or how currently possessed adventuring skills have been learned
* Initial reason for adventuring, and whether that's changed at all (and if so, in what way; also, why)

Hm. I'm sure there's something (possibly rather a lot) missing. :hmm: But, like I said, just jotted it down, so yeah. Room for improvement, no doubt. :)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
1. Who are you?
2. What you wish from your future?
3. Why you are adventuring?
4. Who are your friends?
5. Who are your enemies?
6. What is vilest thing you would perform in a name of love?


My friend a long time ago lifted this from some wizards thread, though it's 31 questions. Probably not what you were looking for. :)

[sblock]1: You are on a dark street in a city late at night, and find a sackful of silver. There is nobody at all in sight. (If you're truely paranoid, magical or physical scoping of the area also reveals no-one.)
What do you do?

2: You have returned to your hometown/base of operations/city from a long and ardous trek. Your feet hurt, you're probably beaten up some, and you have a purse full of recovered loot.
What is the first thing you do?

3: Your mentor is ill and has bade you come to her/his side before she/he dies. You are far away, and in the middle of a very importent trip, but you can make it to her/his side if you drop everything and go immideately.
What do you do?

4: The party bard is whistling a tune you hate.
What do you do?

5: Another adventurer in your party has lain claim to an object you covet.
What do you do?

6: Your Familar/Animal Companion/Trusty steed/faithful old dog has been killed by one of your party members who, while under the influence of a blind spell, accidently filled it full of arrows thinking it was a monster.
What do you do? (Once you get up off the ground, if it was a familar.)

7: While in a city, a comely bar wench/waiter has caught your eye.
What do you do?

8: The princess of a kingdom that owes you favor looks up to you as a mentor, and wishes to run away from home to follow in your footsteps. She makes this known to you.
What do you do?

9: While in a tavern, a drunken dwarf insults your mother's honor.
What do you do?

10: The party wizard wants to take downtime in a city so he can hit the stacks at the library. The other two in the party disagree, and want to hit the trail again.
What do you do?

11: A noble wants you to marry his son/daughter. Said son/daughter is ugly as a bulldog mated with a troll, who's offspring mated with an ogre.
What do you do?

12: You stand over a vampress who's castle your party snuck into and ambushed. She is begging for mercy, as the Cleric raises the stake.
What do you do?

13: War has broken out between your kingdom and the kingdom of another party member. He intends to answer the rallying call from his Liege, and you know full well the danger this person, who is a skilled warrior, could pose to your kingdom.
What do you do?

14: A lonely red dragoness has you cornered, with the rest of your companions fled. She offers you your life, if you will indulge her in the bed.
What do you do?

15: You are unable to read a book, but have been told it's contents contain a listing of your family's ancient burial sites, possibly which hold great treasure. The party wizard tells you it contains no such information.
What do you do?

16: The party barbarian drank all of his ale, and then drank yours without asking.
What do you do?

17: Your magic/warrior/monk academy/monestary/place of learning has heard of your exploits and requested you return there for a year to teach.
What do you do?

18: You've been framed for a murder you had reason, opportunity and ability to commit. But you didn't do it.
What did you do?

19: Your God/dess has been destroyed, and you know of this fact.
What do you do?

20: You have the potential for wealth beyond measure at your fingertips. the catch is you have to kill the rest of your party in their sleep.
What do you do?

21:Your skill at fencing/magic has become legend. Then someone challenges you to a duel to the death.
What do you do?

22: Years ago, your King allowed your hometown to be overrun by an invading horde of orcs, because he needed soldiers to secure his family's trade routes, leading to the serial rape and murder of your mother, which you were forced to watch from a hiding spot. Now, you have learned of an attempt on his life.
What do you do?

23: An orcish horde has gathered under the leader of one powerful chieftan, and your party has been captured and taken before him. He expresses a desire to have your party take her to the King of your nation, with whom he wishes to negotiate safe passage through his lands for the purposes of leaving this continent by sea to wage war on an orc kingdom across said sea. Orcs have no history of making peaceful contacts with other races.
What do you do?

24. You're tired and weary, on the last leg of a long trip to get to a city. The food ran out about two days ago, and you're hungry. Then you come across a farmer on the road, shaking his head and working to try an put his crop of hay back on his cart, which it fell off of.
What do you do?

25. When you go to hunt down an adult red dragon that attacked a town, for reasons unknown, she flees her horde room. When you corner her, she's standing protectively over a clutch of quivering eggs, about to hatch any second. She and you both know that your group is outfitted with magic that will make her breath ineffective, the and you're well-armed to defeat her, especially in this room that's too small for flight.
What do you do?

26. Along the road, you encounter a kobold that looks injured - he's unconcious, bleeding slowly from an arrow wound.
What do you do?

27. When you divide the treasure, you correctly identify what everyone else thinks are silver coins as platinum.
What do you do?

28. When you divide the treasure, you correctly identify what everyone else thinks are platinum coins as silver.
What do you do?

29. Inside a dungeon, you come across what appears to be an adolescent Erinyes devil, chained to a dungeon wall and apparently having been used as a sex toy. She glares at you with hatred as you enter.
What do you do?

30. When you're in a position to off a demon king who's been responsible for countless death and suffering, he swears he'll make you all princes and princesses, Lords and Ladies among mere mortals, with an immortal lifespan and wealthy beyond the dreams of kings, if you spare his life.
What do you do?

31.A king who owes you a favor for recovering his lienage's crown asks you another small favor. His princess daughter becomes hostile whenever anyone mentions her bethrothal to a prince. After a few minutes of talking to her as simply a friend, it's obvious to you (though not to her) that she is a lesbian.
What do you do?[/sblock]

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