D&D (2024) Skeleton Entry and Stat Blocks from New Monster Manual

Posted by Christian Hoffer on Twitter, here's a third stat block from 2025's Monster Manual!

Also don't forget check out the ancient green dragon and the kuo-toa.


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I just don't get the need for all those boxes by the stats.....what percent of monsters won't just be the modifier? Anyway, nothing surprising here good or bad.

Other than I have NO IDEA how an undead skeleton has an alignment......I had hoped alignment was mostly dead (ducks, and is not going to engage in this conversation in this thread).

The basic Skeleton has a "Gear" entry, interestingly, listing its weapons. That's not on the Kuo-toa statblock. At a guess, creatures with standard weapons a PC might reasonably make use of will have them in their stats. The Kuo-toa's equipment is, by contrast, unique to them and their fighting style (and given special names accordingly).

The basic Skeleton has a "Gear" entry, interestingly, listing its weapons. That's not on the Kuo-toa statblock. At a guess, creatures with standard weapons a PC might reasonably make use of will have them in their stats. The Kuo-toa's equipment is, by contrast, unique to them and their fighting style (and given special names accordingly).
And the flaming skeleton doesn't......a bit baffling.

And the flaming skeleton doesn't......a bit baffling.
Nor does the minotaur skeleton, despite the description talking about a "mighty greataxe".

the minotaur skeleton can do 20 damage on average with its gore attack. I mean that's enough to flat out drop most 2nd level characters with ease. Hoss!
Time to pull out Ray of Frost, a longbow, and some caltrops to slow it below 20' of movement. Then it's "only" 11 damage.

And the flaming skeleton doesn't......a bit baffling.
Because it doesn’t have any normal adventuring gear, just a flaming scepter, much like the kuo-toa has a strange spear and a sticky shield.

I’m assuming the idea is you can loot stuff in the “gear” section off of a dead monster, whereas stuff that’s not in the “gear” section is assumed to be too damaged to be recovered, or is otherwise unable to be used effectively by the PCs. Perhaps the flaming skeleton’s flaming scepter is magical and requires attunement by a flaming skeleton.

Because it doesn’t have any normal adventuring gear, just a flaming scepter, much like the kuo-toa has a strange spear and a sticky shield.

I’m assuming the idea is you can loot stuff in the “gear” section off of a dead monster, whereas stuff that’s not in the “gear” section is assumed to be too damaged to be recovered, or is otherwise unable to be used effectively by the PCs. Perhaps the flaming skeleton’s flaming scepter is magical and requires attunement by a flaming skeleton.
And the minotaur skellie? It just seems inconsistent to me.....also, I'm sure you are correct. Doesn't mean I have to like it :)

Nice to see the return of the flaming skeleton!

It's too bad the regular skeleton's gear section doesn't also list how many arrows it has. I wonder if the MM intro will still have an entry talking about ammunition and to assume each monster has a randomly generated amount like the 2014 one does.

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