D&D 5E Slow Natural Healing: is it the best official rule for both Wilderness and Dungeon campaigns?


Did other players actually enjoy playing disapproving parent at the cost of the giant liability that is slow healing or were they forced into being awful to each other by the giant liability?

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Did other players actually enjoy playing disapproving parent at the cost of the giant liability that is slow healing or were they forced into being awful to each other by the giant liability?
Is it more fun being treated unreasonably by someone's rude play style or if it's more fun to be ignored while making efforts to call them out for out their rudeness in refusing to work cooperatively I'm a cooperative game? Am I interpreting that right?

Teamwork and cooperation is not hard unless a player decides such things are beneath them, the resulting jump in power from teamwork is quite enjoyable too.


My original post was about the fact that the meleeist is going to take HP damage no matter what, so punishing them for taking damage isn't a matter of poor play, it's a matter of making the poor choice of not being a ranged caster.

If the other players are going to go all Count Smugula on you for taking damage, they're the rude ones.


My original post was about the fact that the meleeist is going to take HP damage no matter what, so punishing them for taking damage isn't a matter of poor play, it's a matter of making the poor choice of not being a ranged caster.

If the other players are going to go all Count Smugula on you for taking damage, they're the rude ones.
You are badly overlooking some key details and talking about something entirely different.

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