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So, are we still going to be doing this when we're 70?


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Drawmack said:
I'll finally have the time to build my ultimate gaming table (which I'm not going to describe because I do want to build and market it). I will invite all my other geriatric role-playing friends over for marathon sessions.

C'mon...I'm sure everyone on this board has thought about the UGT (tm) at some point, and I'm sure they all look remarkably similar. :)

I definately plan on being a big ol' geeky roleplayer for the rest of my life. When I die, it'll be because I rolled a natural 20 and critted the BBEG and dropped him. The excitement will be too much for me. :grin:

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Tyler Do'Urden said:
Let's see... I'm 21 now, so I'll be 70 in 2052... All of my grandparents except for one who died of smoking related cancers lived into their 80's, so I probably will as well, even without the progress in medicine and life-extending technologies that I'm expecting...

I'll be playing, but I won't be rolling dice. I'll just download my consciousness into a young Paladin on the Faerun server for awhile... or maybe a Jedi on the Star Wars server... that is, if I'm not too busy terraforming Mars or on board a generation ship bound for Epsilon Eridinae...

We've got a really weird century ahead of us, to say the least. By the time I'm 70, the line between fantasy and reality will probably be far thinner than it is now.


You will probably live into your 110s if you take care of yourself, and you will probably still be able to go for a jog because of the many promises of Somatic Genetic engineering and many of the cheap effective body part replacement technologies that are showing up. That is as good as it gets as long as germline genetic engineering is kept (please god) illegal. That is about as long as our DNA will let us live. Right now. If your genes are really good you might be able to pull off dying in the 120s.

beyond that, if we do cross the germline line, and you live past 2025 and are in or above the upper middle class income bracket you will be virtually immortal.

About 15 years is what we have until the begining of a period where humanity will split. Some of us will choose to remain human, while others will decide to become transhuman.

Needless to say if they do cross that line, I plan on inventing the disintegrator. Thats the only way to keep death legal.

D&D will become a favorite past time. Somthing like high tea crossed with bingo.
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The following I posted on ENWorld last year, when this very thing came up. It followed a post of Buttercup's at that time.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it... :D


Buttercup said:
Say it ain't so! I hope to be still playing in the assisted living center, if I can find a bunch of other old coots to play with. I mean, what else will I have to do? It sure beats watching soap operas.

I just got the weirdest image in my head... :D

Scene: Sunny Pines Assisted living center
Time: 50 years hence

Eric: All right, you old pirate, roll to hit the beholder!
Piratecat: An 18! Hot crap on a stick!
Eric: You lucky old coot! *wheeze*
Darkness: He's pretty hot with those dice tonight, isn't he? Look at the wild spin he gives 'em before they land! Old boy must be cheating or something!
Gargoyle: Oh, he's been that way ever since the palsy set in. We just let him spin.
Piratecat: All right, that's a hit with my my fal- my fal- whatever you call the thing, my Big curved sword-thing! For (rolls) 11 points of damage! All right! *wheeze*
Eric: All right, you wounded him pretty badly - let's see - confound it, I can't read the hit-point totals - left muh bi-focals on the canasta table...
Gargoyle: That's 43 damage total, Eric.
Darkness: Right it is - (checks init) my action, and I want to - use a domain spell!
Eric: you Forgetful Nelly, they REMOVED Domain spells in 36th edition!
Darkness: Oh. Yeah.
Eric: Gargoyle?
Gargoyle: I'm gonna call it a night, Eric. My Siatica is acting up again, and I've got that date with Ashtal again! We're going to go cruising the game stores and feed the pigeons!
Eric: Oh, fine then. Piratecat, you old galoot, it's your turn again.
Piratecat: I rear up, *wheeze* I raise my Falchion, *wheeze*and I say... *wheeze* *thump!!*
Gargoyle: Kevin, you all right?
Darkness: (checks for breathing) He's dead, Jim. That last dice roll must have done him in.
Eric: Oh, well.... Oh, Crap! Where am I going to find a new player now to take over his character?
Darkness: I hear Henry is available - as long as he changes his oxygen tank every couple of hours, he's a spunky puppy!
Eric: Great! I'll call him tomorrow! Now we got to call an orderly about Piratecat. One thing - could somebody help me pry the dice from his fingers? Those are some perfectly good dice...


First Post
Bumper Sticker:

[Image]the set of 6 standard gaming dice[/Image]

You can have my dice when you pry them from my cold dead hand!

Substitute dice with PHB, DMG, or whatever...



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Senility will soon be a thing of the past.
I think the age of the nursing home is coming to an end, and more and more people will live in retirement communities.

And as buttercup points out, gaming keeps you sharp.



I won't have room in my tiny senior center dorm for all those books, plus my xbox, my golf clubs, and a gaming table.

This worries me. Maybe one of the nieces or nephews will get me a Blackberry 9000 for my 75th birthday.

I'm almost halfway there... Agh!

Jürgen Hubert

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Not only do I plan to game at the age of 70, I hope to be able to afford to write RPG books full time. I guess I need to work on rocket burn chambers until I earm enough money to retire on before that... ;)

And if things go really well, I will live in a future envisioned in an RPG book - the future of Transhuman Space.

To me, that SF universe is as close to retirement paradise as it is imaginable. For others, it's hell...


First Post
Jürgen Hubert said:
And if things go really well, I will live in a future envisioned in an RPG book - the future of Transhuman Space.

To me, that SF universe is as close to retirement paradise as it is imaginable. For others, it's hell...

Yeah, I'll say. You can put me in the handbasket!


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