D&D General so, basically, Resurrection = Raise the Dead + Heal

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
also, Resurrection gives a Restoration, Regenerate, Cure Disease ( hm must be included in the Heal spell ( so you see where I'm going ? ) ...

so it's a shortcut ( castable in 1 rnd instead of using a round to Raise Dead, then another round to cast the Heal )

Resurrect ( as a 7th Level spell ) = Raise the Dead ( 5th Level ) + Heal ( a 6th Level Spell ) , so I wonder if you could use something like

Level cost
7 --- 64
6 --- 32
5 --- 16
4 ---- 8
3 ---- 4
2 ---- 2
1 ---- 1

so Resurrect's cost would be 64 pts, while Heal ( 32 pts ) + Raise the Dead ( 16pts ) cost a 48pts; minor Restoration ( from Baldur's Gate 2 ) is a 4th Level ( cost = 8 ) etc

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Not quite. Ressurection is more raise dead + regenerate (another 7th level spell), as one of the key benefits is you can use it on a body that has been cut up. A severed head stops raise dead + heal, but doesn’t stop resurrection.

There’s also the time limit difference, 10 day for raise day versus a century for resurrection.

Voidrunner's Codex

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