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so here's my problem.....


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I'm an older player, since 1987. i even still have the original purple boxed set with the grey crayon with the bad artwork on the front from the seventies and the lame attempt to turn D&D into a board game, lol. In fact i didnt even know a third edition had been made until six months ago. Now before this erupts into some stupid debate about which system is superior, understand that im not interesting in debating opinion (even if yours is wrong:D). i was wondering if anybody had any good ideas for world creation. i have tapped out every video game, book, premade setting (which have become countries in my current world) and god knows what else. ive bought books out the ass from the comic shop, watched every bad horror/fantasy movie from here to japan, and i am DRY. my characters are eager for more, but i have a hard time unless i start winging it (which is a trait of BAD dm's). if anyone has an idea that they think is cool please post it here. maybe we can turn it into an idea pool. i would appreciate the help. NO STUPID OLDSCHOOL VERSUS NEWSCHOOL DEBATES. you cant debate mattters of opinion....




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There are plenty of good ideas for world creation. But why have you burned through everything so fast? Most worlds are good for years of gaming I know I've been using my current homebrew for a decade. Homebrews don't have tyo be totally unique, just enough to get the players interested and to run the campaign that every one wants.


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im just trying my damndest to keep it exciting.

while im replying, has there ever been a roleplaying game based on the redwall series? if so, id like to order it.

witty phrase


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When you say you have tapped out every book do you mean every RPG book or novels that have given you ideas?

Have you tried Eberron? Thieves World? Blackmoor? Erde?

There are a ton of settings out there.



BroccoliRage said:
im just trying my damndest to keep it exciting.

while im replying, has there ever been a roleplaying game based on the redwall series? if so, id like to order it.

witty phrase

I don't think that I've seen one. I remember seing something on another forum where people were trying to build a redwall campaign using the FUDGE rules.

You may be able to find something via Google. Good luck.


First Post
in answer to your question, ive tapped out every novel and first edition and second edition book ive been able to find (most of my originals were lost in a fire). and those settings you named are 3e correct? ive tried using hackmaster stuff but some of it is just too ridiculous. are there rules for converting 3e to 1e? ive looked but havent been able to find any. ive done it myself but not very successfuly. sometimes i just have to wing it which can be taxing. i know what someone is going to say, "switch to third edition" but i really dont have time to learn a whole new system of play. especially seeing as ive been playing 1e forclose to fifteen years. im burnt out on forgotten realms, but is Eberron worth while? my favorite campaign settings were DarkSun and Al Kadim, to give you an idea of my tastes.


What? Me Worry?
Given what you like, then I'd say Eberron might be worth a look. However, converting elements of it to 1e might not be the best fit, seeing as it was the first "official" setting explicity designed for 3e.

I'm not gonna try to get you to convert, but I will say this - I've played since 1979 (with a long break at the end of the 2e era), and 3e wasn't that tough to learn, especially if one does it gradually and ports some of the easier 3e conventions into 1e (ascending AC, for a great example). The only reason I'm saying this is because there is a lot of great material out there that might not be fully utilized if the d20 system stuff was not being used.

That said, the Wilderlands might be right up your alley. It's the classic Judges Guild setting, updated into a massive boxed set. There is a lifetime's worth of adventure hooks in it. It's pricey - $70 - but I think it's worth it. Then again, bear in mind that I was one of many who voluntarily helped bring this late 70s/early 80s setting into the 21st century. But also bear in mind that I helped out with it simply because it was such a cool setting to begin with.


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ColonelHardisson said:
Given what you like, then I'd say Eberron might be worth a look. However, converting elements of it to 1e might not be the best fit, seeing as it was the first "official" setting explicity designed for 3e.

I'm not gonna try to get you to convert, but I will say this - I've played since 1979 (with a long break at the end of the 2e era), and 3e wasn't that tough to learn, especially if one does it gradually and ports some of the easier 3e conventions into 1e (ascending AC, for a great example). The only reason I'm saying this is because there is a lot of great material out there that might not be fully utilized if the d20 system stuff was not being used.

That said, the Wilderlands might be right up your alley. It's the classic Judges Guild setting, updated into a massive boxed set. There is a lifetime's worth of adventure hooks in it. It's pricey - $70 - but I think it's worth it. Then again, bear in mind that I was one of many who voluntarily helped bring this late 70s/early 80s setting into the 21st century. But also bear in mind that I helped out with it simply because it was such a cool setting to begin with.
thanks for the info. im mostly looking for new things to lump into my campaign setting, which has already grown into a behemoth which my players have explored most of. i will look for wilderlands and if eberron is worth a look thats going to be a big help. maybe i too resistant to change, but i like to think of it as "sticking with what works".

colonel, huh? army? navy here.


If all you are looking for is Setting/Flavor then you might want to pick up the Eberron Campaign Setting book and Sharn:City of Towers. Yes there are things that woudl work better in 3e, but there is no need for you to use that. I know one memeber of these boards is using Eberron with GURPS so I don't see why you couldn't use it with 1e.

Having said that, might I suggest that rather than trying to incoporate New material all the time, that you perhaps look at simply recasting some of your older material? Perhaps add a more horrific element if you haven't before, or add politics and conspiracy to give plots more depth? Honestly though, its kind of hard to make suggestions when you basically say you have done everytthing. However, look around these boards, particularly in the Story Hour section, and ask more specific questions and I bet you can find some answers.

(I do, however, respectfully disagree with your assertion that "winging it" is what "bad DMs do." I do think its typically less than ideal, and can quickly show the difference between a mediocre DM and a good DM, but it is a viable solution at times, and can produce some very good material. See Monte Cook's articles in recent issues of Dungeon for a better explination as to how Winging It can work.)


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Stormborn said:
(I do, however, respectfully disagree with your assertion that "winging it" is what "bad DMs do." I do think its typically less than ideal, and can quickly show the difference between a mediocre DM and a good DM, but it is a viable solution at times, and can produce some very good material. See Monte Cook's articles in recent issues of Dungeon for a better explination as to how Winging It can work.)
i apologize for the offense.

ive tried putting more of the horror element in (particularly cthulhu mythos material) and i took the sanity monitoring system from call of cthulhu and incorporated it. my world is huge now and since its a ringed planet like saturn i even turned the outermost ring into a world like HALO. im just wondering about new ideas for spatial constructs or extra terrestrial races (i already used the Fraal from alternity) and perhaps a broader scope without incorprating tooo much sci fi. id like to hold to fantasy structure of the game.

i didnt mean to be so vague. thanks for pointing that out to me.

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