D&D 5E So, I kind of want to stay with 2014 rules. What are my longterm options?


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Ok, let me explain myself. I've seen enough of the rule changes, and while I like some of the changes, I don't like the rest of the changes and don't like the changes I don't like more than I like the changes I like. I'm not exactly boycotting the new not-edition, for example I plan on buying the DMG, and I may shift to DM games with the new rules if I find enough demand for them, at which time I will likely buy a Monster Manual. However, personally and as a player, I prefer the original 5e rules, and will only look and will mainly DM with them. (And well, I don't see myself ever buying the new PHB)

Now, I know that my books aren't going anywhere (At least for as long as I lay low enough to dodge wandering Pinkertons n_n), but I worry about the long term. Obviously no new books will be printed which will be a problem when trying to introduce new players in the future. And at some point my books will need replacing due to aging/use (or if I run into the aforementioned wandering Pinkertons) So what are my options longterm?

To clarify, I'm not married to the 2014 rules; I just don't like the 2024 ones. I'm open to experiment with sideclones as long as they preserve what I like or don't follow the changes from the new rules. In short, things I like from OG 5e/don't like in v24:

  • Some classes getting their subclass at first level. Character suddenly changing at later levels just don't do it for me. Moving the choice to higher levels ruins the customizability of classes and screws with party formation dynamics. If anything I'd like more classes to choose subclass at first.
  • I like feats as optional.
  • I don't like the way backgrounds are turned from an almost purely thematic construct to a very mechanical and optimizable element.
  • I prefer backgrounds being customizable by default.
  • I'm salty at the removal of half-elf and half-orc.
  • I prefer attribute bonuses as a free choice. (Tasha's rules)
  • I feel as if 2024 rules are more codified and jargonified for the sake of being more jargonified.
So far, I don't think the SRD has enough content, and Levelup is a bit more rules-heavy than I'd like. I've looked at Black Flag, but it makes some of the same changes I don't like in the 2024 rules. So any ideas?

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So find like minded players or, even easier, those who don't really care, and play the rules you want.

What is your actual concern here?

Edit to add: I have a 1st Ed AD&D PHB, DMG and MM that are in good condition, plus a huge pile of 1st and 2nd edition boxed sets, as well as other non D&D games from the 80s and 90s.

In a worst case, if your books start falling apart, and there are no replacements in the second hand market (unlikely), scan them and make PDFs.
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As a player, all you need is to find a DM who allows original 2014 classes - which all of them are supposed to.

As a DM, that will be tougher. I don't expect that 2014 games will be common in the same way that Pathfinder 1e games remained frequent even after PF2e came out. I just don't think there will be a demand for that. But of course, I could be wrong.

So find like minded players or, even easier, those who don't really care, and play the rules you want.

What is your actual concern here?
Having a reliable long-term source for rules, a way to induct new people and replace books that wear down. Plus, why not? a way to have support?

For example, if I want to recruit people for a 2e game, I can direct them to for gold and glory and splats can be bought in pdf for relatively cheap. I don't see 5e books being sold this way (like it happened with 3.0) Basically, all the books that currently exist will be the only books to ever exist in any format going forward. And well, I'm not closed to an alternative system, as long as it doesn't break all of the same things that 2024 did.
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Obviously no new books will be printed which will be a problem when trying to introduce new players in the future. And at some point my books will need replacing due to aging/use (or if I run into the aforementioned wandering Pinkertons) So what are my options longterm?
For this particular problem, I'd rely on having the Basic Rules and the 5.1 SRD PDFs available, as something to pass to future players (either as a file or as a printout). It won't cover every option in the 5e core rules, but it does cover a lot.

As for the material not covered by the above, you could buy them on D&D Beyond, before they're moved to Legacy Content status and unavailable for purchase. Not ideal if you want an irrevocable copy, but it is the only official option. Better would be if they released PDFs of the 2014 core rules on DM Guild for purchase, but I suspect that won't be happening.

As a player, all you need is to find a DM who allows original 2014 classes - which all of them are supposed to.
Why would you expect all DMs to allow the same particular set of classes? Why would you claim they are supposed to? Supposed to according to who? Lots of DMs are going to curate the options available in their game, and this has always been the case.

Having a reliable long-term source for rules, a way to induct new people and replace books that wear down. Plus, why not? a way to have support?

For example, if I want to recruit people for a 2e game, I can direct them to for gold and glory and splats can be bought in pdf for relatively cheap. I don't see 5e books being sold this way (like it happened with 3.0) Basically, all the books that currently exist will be the only books to ever exist in any format going forward. And well, I'm not closed to an alternative system, as long as it doesn't break all of the same things that 2024 did.
Fair enough. As someone else mentioned the SRD should have you mostly covered. Save an offline copy if you worry about it disappearing (although I expect it will be somewhere online indefinitely; other people who care will keep it alive). If there's anything important missing, you can always write up a summary.

Now, I know that my books aren't going anywhere (At least for as long as I lay low enough to dodge wandering Pinkertons n_n), but I worry about the long term. Obviously no new books will be printed which will be a problem when trying to introduce new players in the future. And at some point my books will need replacing due to aging/use (or if I run into the aforementioned wandering Pinkertons) So what are my options longterm?

I don't think you'll have an issue using the 5E14 rules and just picking what you want as houserules from the 5E24 revision.
In terms of access to 5E14 books down the track, I'd say a lot of people will move on and there'll be no shortage of second hand copies of the previous books flooding the market from next month.

It was…is…the most popular edition of all time. There should be others like you and ways to find books, etc. Also 2024 will have some backwards compatibility to it, for example for adventures. You should be ok.

Why would you expect all DMs to allow the same particular set of classes? Why would you claim they are supposed to? Supposed to according to who? Lots of DMs are going to curate the options available in their game, and this has always been the case.

WotC says that 2014 characters are still legal in 5.5e, although as you say, individual DMs may differ. Hence "supposed to".

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