There is something that is most visible in sports that happens in every hobby. Some fans enjoy speculating. Many will speculate without basis. If you know a big sports fan, they can probably tell you about the mountains of articles that predict an entire season based on spring training or some changes in the coaching staff. Every week throughout the season, the fans will speculate about what the next week will bring. Some will be for a team. Some will be against it. The point is that a big part of their enjoyment of their hobby comes from that speculation. It's part of how they engage with their hobby.
I believe you can probably see similar behavior in any hobby among its enthusiasts. RPGs and D&D are no different. There are folks who enjoy to speculate on the business side of things like someone would with a sports team. They see financial success as a win and financial failure as a loss. Different groups will root for different teams (companies/products). All that's fine. It's part of how they engage with their hobby. They are free to enjoy their hobby as they like.
However, it's extremely helpful for people to look for fellow enthusiasts who enjoy the same type of speculation to engage in that aspect of their hobby. Just like there is no one in the world, outside of your league, that wants to hear about your fantasy football league, people who don't engage in the winner/loser speculation of a hobby are not interested in talking or hearing about it. That's the blowback you're getting here. You want to take a victory lap for your fantasy league win, which is absolutely fine, but I don't think you'll find your audience for that here.
If it's something that really interests you, maybe try and come up with a fantasy football type league for it and recruit for it. Maybe use the quarterly ORR statistics or Amazon rankings somehow. You just need some way to find your tribe of people that are engaging with the hobby in the same way you are. I just don't think you'll find many on ENworld.