1. Everyone who can read this has, at least once in their life, gone online to find out things about games.
(A major reason to even have a forum is to find out things about games.)
2. This activity in (1) is much less productive when the things they find out aren't true or when the true things are buried in with not-true things.
3. If someone is wrong and is unable to admit it, then their capacity to interfere with all of us finding out true things about games is much greater.
So: if you are here on a game forum for 99% of the reasons people come to forums, then you should care a lot about who is a reliable vs an unreliable source of information and analysis.
If you like games, if you like having online resources to use the games, if you like having a community you can discuss the games with, or if you like the products of these discussions, I can't imagine any reason not to care.
To the degree games and useful game stuff are part of your quality-of-life, the quality of the discussion affects your life.