D&D 5E So, People Who Said 5e Would Crash & Burn Were Wrong...

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Zak S

You want to take a victory lap for your fantasy league win, which is absolutely fine, but I don't think you'll find your audience for that here.

Not at all my goal or intention.

I made no prediction about the commercial success of 5e.

My previous post covers what my interest here is in detail.
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I don't care about anyone who predicted it was gonna fail. As mentioned people are wrong all the time about those sorts of things. Seems a bit of a sore winner to say "See! YOU WERE WRONG AND YOU SHOULD ADMIT IT TO THE WORLD! The only things that bug me are:

* people who say they will do everything they can to actively hurt the game (putting aside how a person could even do that, what kind of person would do that? It's just a game)
* people who still insist (often repeatedly), to this day, that 5e is a failure and it sucks and it's a horrible game and the designers are lazy and incompetent, etc etc etc. At this point, you know what the game is. If is sucks so bad, why do you keep hanging around the discussion groups? Play the game you like. Talk about the game you like. Have fun.

Tony Vargas

1. Everyone who can read this has, at least once in their life, gone online to find out things about games.

(A major reason to even have a forum is to find out things about games.)

2. This activity in (1) is much less productive when the things they find out aren't true or when the true things are buried in with not-true things.
So, like, throughout the edition war, for instance.
Sure. Mis-information is bad.


Not at all my goal or intention.

I made no prediction about the commercial success of 5e.

Allow me to apologize for assuming a motivation. I meant it more as an illustration. Your initial post had a victorious tone to it with 5e's success (which I'm thrilled about, by the way. It's my favorite edition and the only thing I play). I hope you won't let my failure to properly guess your motivation to be a reason to disregard the rest of the post. I think what you're after is a fine way to engage with the hobby. Comic fans do it (Marvel vs. DC vs. Indies). Sports fans obviously do it. Computer folks have their favorite manufacturers. Phone lovers do it (Apple vs. Android).

My point is that ENworld isn't a great place for that. I think all the vitriol that surrounded the hobby during 4e really soured this community on that kind of engagement. That's purely speculation, but my recommendation is still to look at other places for fans who really like to engage on that level.

Zak S

Comic fans do it (Marvel vs. DC vs. Indies). Sports fans obviously do it. Computer folks have their favorite manufacturers. Phone lovers do it (Apple vs. Android).

I'm not talking about "liking things"

I don't think it's good at all when it causes people to make mistakes and then not admit it.

I think when people confuse what they like with broad commercial imperatives, we have a worse conversation. I think talking about doing better helps the broader conversation about games.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
1. Everyone who can read this has, at least once in their life, gone online to find out things about games.

(A major reason to even have a forum is to find out things about games.)

2. This activity in (1) is much less productive when the things they find out aren't true or when the true things are buried in with not-true things.

3. If someone is wrong and is unable to admit it, then their capacity to interfere with all of us finding out true things about games is much greater.

So: if you are here on a game forum for 99% of the reasons people come to forums, then you should care a lot about who is a reliable vs an unreliable source of information and analysis.

If you like games, if you like having online resources to use the games, if you like having a community you can discuss the games with, or if you like the products of these discussions, I can't imagine any reason not to care.

To the degree games and useful game stuff are part of your quality-of-life, the quality of the discussion affects your life.

I’m not sold on the argument that shaming people who wrongly predicted 5E’s level of success is useful or necessary.

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