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So, that GTA V, huh?

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Lots of activities don't unlock until you get further into the game. I can't remember how the bikes worked. I'd imagine you could find some out in the park/wilderness areas.

Morrus - Computervidoegames.com has video walkthroughs of lots of the missions. I'd look at one for the first heist to see whats going on.

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First Post
Morrus - Computervidoegames.com has video walkthroughs of lots of the missions. I'd look at one for the first heist to see whats going on.

It also occurred to me that it may be necessary to switch to Franklin and complete some of his missions before the heist will unlock.

Argyle King

I'm currently unsure how I feel about the game. On one hand, the graphics are great, I like the characters, and the sheer amount of stuff I can do is awesome. On the other hand, I wish the driving felt more like GTA IV, and I seriously hate the aiming system for weapons in GTA 5. With assisted aim or classic GTA style, the game makes really weird choices about who it locks onto. (There's a guy right beside me, but for some reason I'm now aiming at a pedestrian running down the street?) With Free Aim, I avoid that issue, but then I have the problem of not being able to see the aiming reticule very well in a lot of situations. I've been playing around with some of the options, but I still haven't found a combination I like; thus far, the aiming system is the one part of the game I can truthfully say I hate. Being that a rather large portion of the game requires gun usage to be effective, that has thrown a serious wrench in my enjoyment of the game. Something that would help a great deal would be an option to change the color of the aiming reticule to something other than white.

On a side note, is there anywhere I can go (online or otherwise) to find explanations of what the different options actually do? As I said, I've been playing around with some of the options in hopes of finding a solution to my hatred of the default aiming. I have learned that "complex" gives me a circle rather than a dot, so that helps. What do options like "safezone size" do under the "settings" tab?


First Post
What do options like "safezone size" do under the "settings" tab?
I think that is how far to the side of the screen the 'help messages and control reminders' show up. Helps keep them in your peripheral vision if you have a really big screen and sit really close to the screen.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
I'm currently unsure how I feel about the game. On one hand, the graphics are great, I like the characters, and the sheer amount of stuff I can do is awesome. On the other hand, I wish the driving felt more like GTA IV, and I seriously hate the aiming system for weapons in GTA 5. With assisted aim or classic GTA style, the game makes really weird choices about who it locks onto. (There's a guy right beside me, but for some reason I'm now aiming at a pedestrian running down the street?) With Free Aim, I avoid that issue, but then I have the problem of not being able to see the aiming reticule very well in a lot of situations. I've been playing around with some of the options, but I still haven't found a combination I like; thus far, the aiming system is the one part of the game I can truthfully say I hate. Being that a rather large portion of the game requires gun usage to be effective, that has thrown a serious wrench in my enjoyment of the game. Something that would help a great deal would be an option to change the color of the aiming reticule to something other than white.

On a side note, is there anywhere I can go (online or otherwise) to find explanations of what the different options actually do? As I said, I've been playing around with some of the options in hopes of finding a solution to my hatred of the default aiming. I have learned that "complex" gives me a circle rather than a dot, so that helps. What do options like "safezone size" do under the "settings" tab?

Rockstar has a 100 page guide available as an iphone/ipad app, but I haven't downloaded that to see how much info it contains.


First Post
Enjoying the game, plenty of nits to pick, but definitley fun.

Uhg, HORRIBLE walk speed and WTF must they make it mash the button to run? Are they getting kickbacks from controller manufacturers?

Where the hell are the bicyclists? Have not seen one to bike-jack yet and even when CJ.. err Franklin's garage was empty, the on-line bike shop would not sell me one.
Bicyclists started appearing when I got to Trevor's neck of the woods. Ran over a few.

If you hate how running works, you might well loathe flying and (worse) landing.

Argyle King

I want to clarify something else I said. I don't necessarily think the driving in GTA 5 is bad, but I think some aspects of it took a step backward from GTA 4. In particular, it seemed to me that the various cars in 4 had more individual personalities. That is to say the different cars actually felt different. While that's true to an extent in GTA 5, not so much. Also, as weird as this may sound, the driving (of cars) in GTA 5 is almost too smooth. In 4, I could do things like skid and countersteer and other such things; techniques to use during a chase for evasive driving... or just to do something cool. In 5, it's almost like the handling is too good for the cars, and while I can do some skids and slides with the handbrake, the tires feel too sticky for a lack of better words. Taking things a few notches back toward 4 (but certainly not the whole way back because 5 did fix some annoying car issues that 4 had,) would make driving feel like it has more personality.

I've finally got to the point where I'm ok enough with how aiming works in the game to not want to rage quit. I had to play around with the options for a while, but I've discovered that I do much better on free aim, and I had to play around with the sensitivity settings for a while to get something that works for me. I still feel it's (the aiming and gunplay) my least favorite aspect of the game, but I'm at least ok with it enough at this point to continue playing the game. Mostly, I'm just baffled by how things can feel so smooth in Maxx Payne, but then be so clunky in GTA when both games are made by the same company.

Overall, I highly enjoy the game. As I said previously, the sheer amount of stuff I can do is pretty amazing. Things like golf and tennis are complete enough to be relatively full games inside of the game that is GTA. A lot of small touches and small details make the city feel more alive than many of the previous games. Though, in spite of all of the many things I love, the things that bother me really really bother me. As such, while I highly enjoy the game, and I do feel it stands head and shoulders above many games, I don't believe I'd be able to place GTA 5 on my list of favorites if I were making a personal top 10 list.

If I could figure out how to change my approach choice to quiet and smart, I would. Seems I'm stuck with the loud and fast approach. Returning to Lester's lets me look at the board with the plans, but not change them; and Lester is not there.
I was thinking I may have had the same problem, I was running around around doing all kindsa crazy stuff ,but the stupid heist wasnt starting ,I finally gave up and went back to Micheal's safe house to save, only to get sucked into a mission, I thought that big M there was just to tell me that it was Mike's safe house, I didnt realize that it was a mission lol. Did that mission; "Daddy's Little Girl", right after that mission I got a text from Lester than I needed to steal a van for the heist. So it should start right after you do that mission. If youve already done that mission and it still aint started you may have to start over or something, you could just reload a save, assuming you didnt already save it after you made the choice on the heist.

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