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D&D 5E So What Books Does Your Group Own?


Yesterday in our session one of the players had a package from bookdepository.com and sure enough it was another PHB and Volos Guide to Monsters. A quick glance around the room revealed the haul (1 DM 5 players)

3 MM
3 Starter Sets
2 Volos Guide to Monsters
2 EN5ider accounts
1 of every AP except SKT
1 Tome of Beasts
1 Dungeonology

That excludes PDFs from RPGnow/DMGuild/EN5ider. I may have missed some books as well as this is IIRC. I'm normally the one who provides PHB for example with maybe 1 player having a copy.

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Elder Thing
I have PHB, DMG, MM, Starter Set, all Primeval Thule stuff, Volo's Guide, EN5ider subscription, miscellaneous stuff of DMs Guild.

In my new group that's forming now, I don't think anybody else even has a PHB unless they bought one since last week.
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I own all the things.

Most of my players just own the PHB, if that. One of them also owns the MM and is thinking about getting the SCAG as well.

A few of them also DM. They own more of the things. I think I may still be the only one out of all three of my groups that owns all the things, though.
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I have the core 3 and three adventures (Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Princes of the Apocalypse and Out of the Abyss). No one else in my group has anything that I have seen.


The DM has one of each of the core books and a few of the adventures. The five players share one PHB. I dont think we are helping Hasbro shareholders!


My group has at least 4 PHB between them. I'm not sure about the others, however, I have a copy of each of the DMG, MM, Volo's guide, SCAG, all of the adventure paths and TotYP.


In my group of 7 (6 players plus me the GM) there is:

5 PHBs
4 DMGs (maybe 5)
4 MM (maybe 50
2 Volos
1 of everything else.

I've got the 3 core books, and Volo's. We've got one player who has everything, and more. He does GM from time to time as well.


In our group of 6 I think 3 of us each have a copy of everything (plus other non-WOTC 5e products) and the others have at least the PHB.


For the group I DM, I have PHB, MM, DMG, VGtM, SCAG, Starter Set, and whatever campaign setting material for the session. The players also have another PHB and we sometimes access Spellbook through "Alexa" on Amazon Echo.

The Monday group in which I am a PC, the DM typically only has the PHB, DMG, MM, and campaign book. Everyone else typically only brings their PHB but I also bring SCAG just in case.

Saturday Adventurer's League one shots vary but every PC that comes pretty much has a PHB at a minimum and DM has PHB, DMG, MM, and the campaign material.

Except for my Sunday group, most player's and DM's in groups I play have been playing for years to decades with an occasional new player mixed in.
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