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D&D 5E So what happens when a non Drow attempts to become a dryder?


Odd question i know but i have a party of 3(cleric sorcerer and fighter) one dwarf one dragonborn and one eladrin they have gotten them selves into the position where they may end up being dryders. Im fluffing the event as a small spider that will attempt burrow under their skin and start the agonizing transformation, I have a strong sense they are going to let it happen as earlier on spiders helped them out originally they where supposed to catch someone transforming to get the hint but due to events that person is no longer there. Im totally stumped as to what would happen to a non drow as i find it would be a bit of a dud moment if nothing happened.

I was thinking agonizing crippling pain but seems a bit cliche or even a way to dissuade them from being spider bait. They are currently in a temple with several trials the roof of the temple is connected to the demon webs in situation where the roof of one is the floor of the other. The cleric did attempt to pray and his attempt was meant with tiny dryders pouring out of every orifice in an attempt to point out something isnt right.

Edit:forgot to mention in my world dryders are lolths chosen agents to do her will and is considered an honor,not that the players know this.
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Devil of Chance


Driders are Drow cursed by Lolth. Therefore, non-Drow cannot become Driders. If in your world this is not the case, I would just not include the event or, if you really wanted to make them driders, and they don't mind a race change, http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?470951-Example-races-built-using-the-race-design-system has a Drider made by me (note it has a LA, so your group will need to either loose class levels, or wait while longer to level up again)
I mixed it up a bit and as opposed to being cursed it's the opposite they are lolths chosen I should of included that in the op lol kids are distracting it would appear better edit that in.

As for nothing happening it is an option but it would be a bit anticlimactic as they have traversed through several rooms littered with traps and puzzles.


Devil of Chance
Yeah. It confuses me as to why they are cursed. If they look like her, shouldn't they be revered by the Drow as embodiments of the evil of Lolth.


I reckon they should get some cool abilities from it, but the agonizing process should do some mental damage. I would either get them to design or choose an appropriate flaw for their character, or pick (or roll) a madness from the table in the DMG.

Of course if they make some very high constitution and wisdom saves they may be able to avoid the drawbacks.


It may come as a shock to some, but the name drider is a portmanteau of drow and spider. If you introduce another race it ceases to be appropriate. Not to mention that driders have drow-based magical abilities.

Driders are a punishment rather than a blessing because 1) that is the way drow backstory has existed from the beginning and 2) because the transformation messes with organs of reproduction, conflicting with the theme of drow matron mothers being both high priestesses and actual biological parents to their respective clans.


Devil of Chance
It may come as a shock to some, but the name drider is a portmanteau of drow and spider. If you introduce another race it ceases to be appropriate. Not to mention that driders have drow-based magical abilities.

This. I only provided a means for if the OP was dead set on this path, as players can get pretty upset if their characters can't do something (I have learned this very quickly in my short time DMing).

Driders are a punishment rather than a blessing because 1) that is the way drow backstory has existed from the beginning and 2) because the transformation messes with organs of reproduction, conflicting with the theme of drow matron mothers being both high priestesses and actual biological parents to their respective clans.

1) Why was it set that way though. I understand that that is how it has existed, but that original choice seems like a poor one to me.
2) Again, the designers could have chosen for this not to be the case, so why did they go down this path.

No matter which way I look at it, I just can't see a reason the designers chose to make becoming the image of your god a punishment.


41st lv DM
Agonizing pain followed by death.

Because if being a drider is a reward, why would lolth choose non-drow? Especially non-allied non drow??

So no, no "cool" powers and the pcs learn that allowing this to happen was a foolish, fatal, idea.

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