So who else….

Thundercats.... HO!

…. accidentally bought a sword at UK Games Expo this weekend? A story in 4 images...




The stand was Sword Kings. I also saw all the Lord of the Rings swords, and a bunch of swords which are apparently from video games. I was working on our stand a row down, and spent all day Saturday saying I didn't need a sword while humming the Thundercats theme--until my co-workers just told me to go buy the damn sword and get it over with. And so now I own a sword.

I worry that this might form the start of an expensive hobby.

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They're not real swords.
I have a real sword:

I got it when my mom cleaned out her house. It was my dad's, and he got it from a childhood neighbor and thought it was a Civil War sword. I researched it and it might have been a Civil War sword, but I would have to go to the Library of Congress to confirm it.


I have a real sword:
View attachment 365971
I got it when my mom cleaned out her house. It was my dad's, and he got it from a childhood neighbor and thought it was a Civil War sword. I researched it and it might have been a Civil War sword, but I would have to go to the Library of Congress to confirm it.
Very cool. I’ve got several fantasy swords and axes, but i only own one gun (I know, I barely qualify as American)… a Civil War revolver that belonged to a great great uncle. It’s definitely real, the only thing we don’t know is which side issued it! Apparently he went south and joined up, and a year later switched sides.


Nice! I’ve always liked that sword and didn’t even think to look for it. I have a couple of the LoTR from the Noble collection from back in the day, Thor’s hammer, and need to add this one as some point.

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