Some Stories Are True

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 497. Season: Rebirth. Day: 13
Astrid: 51(alchemy) + 41(analysis) + 89(d100) = 181
Maka: 31 + 35 + 89 = 155
Star: 34 + 30 + 89 = 153
Wrenn: 50 + 30 + 89 = 169
The small wooden carvings are all very similar but not identical. It appears as if each man had carved his own, explaining the differences but the intention was to make the same figure, which is a male savanna lion. The male of this feline can be almost as large as a cow with a huge mane of longer darker hair around the head. Maka is of the opinion that these are some sort of religious symbol for these people, which seems reasonable.

The adorning items all have mystical potential. The various teeth can benefit anyone in the party, but the skulls can only be used by Astrid, Oorvid, and Star Wolfess. Of the six necklaces, two contain boar tusks, two canine teeth, one wolverine teeth, and one feline teeth. The six skulls belong to various birds. The boar tusks, if carried by anyone in the party, will augment overall wellness (Health +3) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +3). The canine teeth will augment physical strength (Strength +3) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +3). The wolverine teeth will augment mental fortitude (Will +3) and the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +3), and the feline teeth will augment mobility (Motility +3) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +3).

The turkey skull fetish, if carried by Astrid, Oorvid, or Star Wolfess, will augment overall wellness (Health +3) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +3). The macaw skull fetish will augment personal interactions (Persona +3) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +3). The leghorn skull will augment physical strength (Strength +3) and the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +3). The magpie skull will augment mental fortitude (Will +3) and the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +3). The crane skull will augment mobility (Motility +3) and the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +3).

Once Astrid is ready to move, the party sees that the exit across the room is another hall, running left and right from the room. The left hall terminates in a set of stairs leading up. All stairs are suspected of leading to structures on the surface. The right hallway slopes upward, indicating that this subterranean tunnel is leading farther up into the mountains. It is completely dark and the lamp stick is again needed. A short distance brings another hall branching off to the left and the current one continues on. Both slant upward. Dampening the illumination carried by the party, it appears the passage to the left goes so some light source. The straight hall is completely pitch black.
Astrid: Body: 10 - 5 - 5 = 0, incapacitated.
Mantle: 19 - 1 = 18 - 1 = 17 - 1 = 16 - 1 = 15
Stones: 20
Maka: full wellness
Tunic: 58
Ularin Arrows: 40, damage 8
Oorvid: Body: 10 - 4 - 4 - 3 = -1, incapacitated.
Tunic: 50 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 45
Star Wolfess: full health
Jerkin: 36 - 2 = 34 - 2 = 32 - 2 = 30
Wrenn: Body: 10 - 3 = 7, hurt.
Tunic: 51
Ularin Arrows: 40, damage 8
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid)
Aluminum: 2, {shock x3}

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 5 measures, {heat x2}
Spider Claws: 3 sets, {toxicity x2}

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}

(helps Star & Oorvid)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 6 stones, {heat x3}
Magnesium: 3: {Mend x 2}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps tunnel system
Amiradtha: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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