• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Some Words Of Wisdom From Players


First Post

Thanks for that and yes ive bee in fanboys before so i may stop by for a game or two
im glad you think the starter set is a good choice and also that free campaign you guys sent me you can buy it in book form i think...
cheers anyway
love to hear anyone else's opinion on what im buying

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Welcome to the Board! :cool:

If you are unsure if you will buy the Core Books then I would recommend the Basic Set (in addition to the free downloads). The player rules are the same (actually the download is an updated one), but you get dice, Tokens, Dungeontiles, small Adventures and a surprisingly big DM Section with tons of advice and Monsters. Add in the free Characterbuilder Demo and more then enough material for level 1-3 Adventures (which can be enough for small Campaigns).

If you are certain that you will buy the Core Books sooner or later then it's better to get the PHB and DMG first and the Basic Set only if you want a good starter Set of Tokens and Dungeontiles.

The biggest costefficiency would be a DDI Membership in addition to the PHB&DMG, since you would get tons of adventures, Player Material, the full Character Builder and all the Crunch from the Books up to date (all Monsters, Classes, Races, Items,...). :cool:


First Post
Cheers for that and yeah i want the set mainly for the tokens dungeon tiles etc
ill probably also download the trial thing which you alll speak about just so we can add even more too it
cheers guys
the help has been appreciated


First Post
This is my plan
as the starter set is quite cheap on amazon im going to buy that for tiles tokens and dice etc.
But ill also download the Test Drive for the longer adventure.
As always views and opinions are appreciated.
Love to hear from you guys


First Post

Good times :cool:
the set that ive been after has just been ordered
ill start a new thread on how the first game goes when it arrives
thanks for your help guys you've been great

Welcome to the boards,

As a recent poll in this site shows, we need more young people in this hobby... So grab the starter set, get some friends and have fun... Spread the word that this is cooler than World of Warcraft ;)


Once you've gotten the hang of the Starter set and the Keep On the Shadowfell adventure and quickstart rules, definitely spring for the core books (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual 1).

Those three books alone could get you years and years of fun.


I started back with the Red Box and with 1e PHB, MM1, and MM2. No DMG, even. And I ran that stuff for like 6 or 7 years before upgrading to 2e. Even then, I had the PHB, DMG, MM and maybe a couple of the "Complete" books. That stuff lasted almost another 10 years.


Pen and paper RPGs are a form of entertainment that just can't be beat by MMORPGs, books or movies. There's no script (but there's helpful guidelines provided by adventures), there are no rules set in stones (but the rulebooks provide some structure and guidelines), there are no limits (and if you're creativity is drained, just come to boards like ENWorld and ask for some ideas), and there's no end to the fun you can have (unless you don't believe in an afterlife...I do, and I suspect there is much good gaming there with the likes of Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and the rest!).

Let us know how the first session goes!


First Post
I don't really understand the whole comparison of WoW vs D&D, say what you like about 4E, it's still not (quite) a computer game :)

I played both for a few years (thankfully i've quit WoW these days) so they're not mutually exclusive. It seems a shame to me that we're even in a position where the two hobbies are comparable at all, it might encourage further 'MMOrphism' of D&D.
(Yes, I just made that word up)

Having said that, i'll go right ahead an compare them anyway: one encourages you to sit at a computer by yourself for hours, the other encourages regular contact with 'real people'. One is limited by the confines of a graphics card, the other has no limits but what you can imagine.

No contest!

Voidrunner's Codex

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