D&D 5E Somehow Vecna returned....

Does the new MotU make Skeletor competent or something, because as an 80s kid I find the idea of a dangerous Skeletor HILARIOUS.
Yes and no. He's certainly more competent and dangerous, but it touches on just how myopic and petty he is, with the best he can dream of if he gets the power of Grayskull being "to beat He-Man". Evil-Lynn has a great arc realizing just what a clown he is and moving on from him.

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M.L. Martin

Does the new MotU make Skeletor competent or something, because as an 80s kid I find the idea of a dangerous Skeletor HILARIOUS.

There have been multiple interpretations of Skeletor across the years, some (the original minicomics, the live-action movie, the 2002 relaunch) considerably more competent and imposing than the Filmation version. (And at least one--the 1990 New Adventures cartoon--who is arguably less so.) I just find it amusing that Skeletor took Orcus' iconography and swapped it--skull for a head, ram's head on the staff.

(I refuse to watch the Netflix/Smith production on general principle, so I can't speak to that one.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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