Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

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All right, I've got these dogs all pinned down and distracted for you guys.

Somebody remind me its not a good idea to wear bacon strips on your armor when you run amongst hungry dogs.

It will take them at least another round to tear apart my corpse so take advantage of the distraction. I'll see if I can take down the first wounded wolf with my one strike before going unconscious.

Branding, is this a subtle way to say you want me to play a different character concept? ;)


First Post
It's probably more a not so subtle way of realizing, that 1st level chars are not *that* tough yet. :p


Actually, it's more of an indicator of how powerful a weapon everyone ganging up on one opponent is :) If wolves are good at something, it's working as a pack. Well, as good as creatures with a 2 Intelligence can be, that is.

On a completely different note, be aware than I tend to NPC characters that haven't posted within 2 business days (not counting weekends) of my last major post during combat. Be also aware that I may slightly alter your actions during combat if things happen in the meantime that make your original post less feasible or more difficult. If it's something major I'll ask on this thread first, don't worry. I'm just talking about stuff like moving you an extra 10 feet, or something like that.

Anyone have a problem with this? I do this because otherwise combat can become so slooooooooooooow in these PbP games.


Branding Opportunity said:
Actually, it's more of an indicator of how powerful a weapon everyone ganging up on one opponent is :)

Wait till Gregor gets size large reach and combat reflexes. Then I will invite the swarms in.

Voadam said:
Wait till Gregor gets size large reach and combat reflexes. Then I will invite the swarms in.
In one of my last tabletop games I had a player who played a large-sized character who had a 16 Dex and Combat Reflexes and used a spiked chain. He basically stopped all melee combat, because nothing had a chance against him. On top of that, he had improved trip, so everything that approached within 20 ft. of him was basically dead.


First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
be aware than I tend to NPC characters that haven't posted within 2 business days (not counting weekends) of my last major post during combat. Be also aware that I may slightly alter your actions during combat if things happen in the meantime that make your original post less feasible or more difficult. If it's something major I'll ask on this thread first, don't worry. I'm just talking about stuff like moving you an extra 10 feet, or something like that.
No problem here. Especially if you post here first and give one a chance to restate the orders for that round.



Branding Opportunity said:
In one of my last tabletop games I had a player who played a large-sized character who had a 16 Dex and Combat Reflexes and used a spiked chain. He basically stopped all melee combat, because nothing had a chance against him. On top of that, he had improved trip, so everything that approached within 20 ft. of him was basically dead.

As things are I will get size large at level 3 and then combat reflexes at level 5 as a monk 2. Gregor will not have any real class abilities until then though and that will be his big thing. The bonus monk feat improved trip is part of the eventual path but won't be until much later as a monk.


First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
I have to say, it took me a little bit to figure out the whole Azten/Epistaxis thing. Hmm, I may not be the brightest thing. :confused:
Well, I have not exactly made it as obvious as I had intended - I wanted to only post to these threads using Azten once we got past the character creation stage, but I've forgotten to see who I was logged in as before posting a few times.

I'll try to be more consistent... :heh:


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