Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

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Azten said:
No problem here. Especially if you post here first and give one a chance to restate the orders for that round.
Even though that's a good idea, it would seem to me that it would drag combat out even farther (by inserting a "proofing" stage). Just let me know on this board if something doesn't make sense and then we can backtrack and fix it.

FYI, I'm posting the next round this evening, as soon as jeremy posts :)

Jeremy, you can't move to the indicated square (diagonal from wolf#2) without provoking an AoO from wolf#3. Would you like to move the diagonal square from wolf#3 instead?Post deleted ... you'll see why
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Thanee, I had to move Alexi around a little bit for her to get a clear shot at one of the wolves. Otherwise she would have had a -8 penalty to hit, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have wanted that.


First Post
But shouldn't she have the -4 penalty still? All wolves are in melee, right?

And Alexi couldn't reload, since she has moved then. You probably had that in there from my action declaration still.

Also, on the map it looks like Kenneth is now right between the wolves and Alexi, maybe the position isn't the best then, if that was going to be avoided? Alexi could also move (have moved) to the top left of the map, line of fire seems pretty open from there. :)


Thanee said:
But shouldn't she have the -4 penalty still? All wolves are in melee, right?

And Alexi couldn't reload, since she has moved then. You probably had that in there from my action declaration still.

Also, on the map it looks like Kenneth is now right between the wolves and Alexi, maybe the position isn't the best then, if that was going to be avoided? Alexi could also move (have moved) to the top left of the map, line of fire seems pretty open from there. :)

I made the changes. You were right, I did not add in the -4 penalty. Position changes also made.

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