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Song of the Gods

James McMurray

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In my Return to the Tomb of Horrors campaign, my wife may be finally able to rejoin the group after a 9month hiatus followed by 4 months of babysitting duty. :) She'll be bringing back a bard that was with the party quite some time ago, but went into hiding after being hunted down by the Dragon the party had so much trouble with lately. The dragon's dead now, so she could come back out of hiding and rejoin the group.

My question is this, should I allow this spell (from Relics and Rituals):

Song of the Gods

Lvl: Bard 4
Components: V, S
Castng Time: 5 minutes
Range: Close
Target: 1 or more living creatures
Duration: Instantaneous


The song can only affect divine casters of a single deity per casting (the party's cleric and paladin both worship Heironious, so this isn't a real limitation in this instance).

Casters who hear the song may begin preparing spells regardless of what time of day it is, and even if they've cast spells in the past 8 hours. No divine caster may benefit from this spell more than once per week.

So, what do you think? I can definitely see where it could be abused, but it also adds some punch to bards, who generally aren't very useful characters, especially when the party already has a paladin with massive diplomacy, and three spellcasters for buffing spells (sorceror, cleric, and wizard who will be joining next week).

Also, if I allow it, that means that enemies will also be able to use it. There currently aren't any bards in the opposition, but there certainly could be.

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I didn't think that the spell was good enough to pick for my Bard. However, it does depend on how many diving spellcasters you have and how long adventures go. The once a week limit is a severe hindrance if you adventure for multiple days in a row. Why pick a spell you can only use once a week? Bards get so few spells as it is.

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