• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sons of Krauss Age of Worms Adventure Path (IC)

Thanks to everyone's quick reactions, it seems that no one has been affected by whatever malady the green cloud had to offer. Although it does not sound as if the vents are still operating, a thick, green haze hangs in the air of that chamber. It does not seem to be dispersing.

Kenneth the bare-footed bard strolls over to the nearest statue, inspecting it closely (OOC: "Taking 20" on Search check). He quickly discovers that a strong stream of air seems to be coming from the upturned palms of the statue, blowing directly up. This seems to be the source of the breeze everyone has been feeling. The style of the statue itself seems similar to the bas-relief carvings in the now inaccessible room, and of the figure on the sarcophagus in the cavernous chamber upstairs.

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“I wonder who they were once,” Alexi says, while taking a closer look at the statues depicting those strange people again. “At least they don't seem to have been too fond of visitors.”

Gregor and Azten move further down the corridor towards the large room, while Kenneth, Alexi, Majakilar and Owen stay behind to look at the statuary.

Looking at the two middle statues in the hallway, Alexi and Kenneth realize that the stream of air coming out of each of the upturned hands of the statues is quite strong and steady. Kenneth guesses that this must be a magical effect of some kind (OOC: Knowledge (arcana) check), but can't guess how it would be fabricated. Each of the statues seem to depict different adrogynous people, all displaying attitudes of deference. Their eyes are all focused on a point approximately four inches (10 cm) directly over their upward-facing palms.

As Gregor and Azten approach the next chamber, they gradually feel the air temperature begin to drop. As they step into the room, they can already see their breath as they exhale and the air smells particularly musty in here.

A large gray central pillar (about 20 feet to a side) dominates this square room. About 40 feet (~12m) to a side, the wall and floor to your right seems to be covered in some kind of dark-brown fungal growth, and it is this mold that seems to be the source of the intense cold. This mold begins about 15 feet from where Gregor is standing. Gregor and Azten would guess that getting much closer to it might prove dangerous.

From their vantage point they can see that there are two visible exists to this chamber. Two arched doorways lead from here to other chambers beyond. The far side of the current room is blocked from sight by the central pillar.

Before they have a chance to do any more exploring or even talk about what to do next, the giant and the dwarf catch a flash out of the corner of their eyes, as a bright purple ray shoots from beyond one of the statues behind them and strikes Gregor firmly in the back. He blinks a few times lazily, then collapses where he is standing. Before Azten has a chance to do anything a second beam, this one bright yellow strikes out from behind the same statue and strikes him in the leg, briefly illuminating the dwarf for a second before disappating.

Azten:[sblock]As you look down at the place where the beam of light struck, you suddenly see your skin begin to crackle and blister and turn a bright red. It's the Red Death from your youth that scarred you so horribly! The beam must have someone reinfected you, although you did not think that was possible! Panic starts to rise in you and you are overcome with a desire to escape from this wretched place, to get as far away from here as possible!

Suddenly a thought strikes you; this can't be the Red Death. You know from your treatments and your research on the matter that once you have been infected by it, you can never contract it again. So this can't be real, even though it certainly feels and looks very real. You tell yourself over and over again that this must be something else, that logically it doesn't make any sense, closing your eyes in concentration. When next you look down, your leg appears normal, as if nothing has happened. Any trace of the Red Death has vanished into thin air (OOC: Azten Will save 8 + 5 = 13, success!).[/sblock]

Voadam:[sblock](OOC: Gregor Will save 6 + 1 = 7, failure) OOC: You are alseep, but the others don't know that yet. They might assume anything. Let them until one of them figures it out.[/sblock]

Owen 11 + 3 = 14
Azten 8 + 1 = 9
Majakilar 6 + 2 = 8
Alexi 2 + 2 = 4
Kenneth 1 + 2 = 3

Azten, you are standing directly next to Gregor's prone body in the entrance to the large chamber. Owen, Majakilar and Alexi are approximately 30 feet from you. The ray came from behind a pillar (currently obscured by shadow) which is located about 15 feet from Azten and about 20 feet from everyone else.


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“Ho-lee... GREGOR!”

Alexi spins around, knowing well enough, that she can do pathetically little to save Gregor right now, and tries to see what is attacking them, moving closer to the point from where the light beams originated.

OOC: Total Defense, Move.


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"What the... more traps?" Majakilar advances to the central column and peers around it, hoping to see the attacking creature or object, moving as close to Gregor as he can without giving up cover.

Mista Collins

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Hearing Gregor drop Owen is quick to react as he carries the lantern and draws his rapier and charges to where Gregor fell. "Anyone see where that came from?"

OOC - Move action to draw rapier, move action to run toward Gregors body


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What the...!?! NOOOOO! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Moradin save me, this cannot be!

I beat you once! You cannot have me again. YOU CAN NOT!

With a Herculean effort to resist the clinging tendrils of terror writhing around the periphery of his mind, Azten finally pushes aside concern for himself when he sees the prone figure of Gregor lying next to him.

Azten goes to Gregor to assess his condition and apply Healing or make a heal/stabilize check if needed.(Heal +9, Heal +11 when stabilizing )
If Gregor shows no signs of injury or ill effect of the ray, then Azten points to where the beam came from so that the other members of the party can investigate while he attempts to rouse the downed giant.

It came from there! Get it!

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